*~* Completely relaxed Body*Cooling Down is just as Important as the Warm UP* - 40

Posted : Saturday, January 04, 2025 04:11 PM | 12 views

Dear Gentlemen : Frustration an emotion that raises your stress levels. The body is in constant Motion EVEN at REST the Body is never STILL there is RHYTHM. It's a must to have Balance of AROUSAL and RELAXATION TECHNIQUES Different parts of your body have sensual rhythm You need balance. Don't carry that stress any longer all by yourself let it go pass it off reduce it, Take a moment for R&R;, re group gain focus and JUST SMILE there's always tomorrow. You need to ask yourself when making a pleasure investment, why wouldn't you invest with the best possible Self Care Time for all of your pleasure necessities? Especially with the stress that comes with being a success in today's world. I am often sadden then we take care of others we love so much we forget about the UNO number one person YOU!!!!! As such I too forget about me , taking the time to invest in all Self Care MOMENTS, that's the pleasures we all truly deserve. For instance, you will learn to practice delaying intimate moment, a technique where you learn to **enjoy the journey and** not the final destination. Where the focus is on raising your energy to the point of and keep it raised so that you can experience the euphoria of peak after peak after peak of heightened sensual pleasure. By giving yourself this experience you will naturally become a better lover but more importantly you will be a much better person. If you relate to what you have just read and you feel it is "right", then you are ready. It is normal to not fully understand why you feel this and to have doubts, however, trust yourself. It wasn't an accident that you found me. I was sent at this precise moment on your time line to guide you, this is my calling, my destiny and it would be an honor and a privilege for me to help you. You are at a crossroads and I want to be with you as you choose your path. I can show you what it means to surrender to honesty and love,an experience that will help to unlock your full potential. ~S a c r e d Male Energy Sensual Relaxation!!!!!!!!!!! Deeply~R e l a x i n g ~Intimate * *Intimacy Coaching Loving Girlfriend * E x p e r i e n c e ~V a r i o u s/ * * * Breathing T e c h n i q u e s T o u c h / ~C r e a t i v e * * *O p t i o n s Using Self Awareness *** *** - 60 minutes - 90 minutes _ 2hr - 4 Hours ME: Single by choice Simple loving person to share an intimate experience with. My persona is WARM .I bet you'll have a new friend and have better look on LIFE from one CARE GIVER to Another Dark Brun 34A 5'41/2n 125 CONSULTATIONS Daily Hours Vary MON ===== FRI 7:AM 11:00 PM SAT ===== SUN 10:00 AM --- 10:00 PM Personal PVT Location This my home I have phased out of my Florida medical office, Due to a my friend's illness. Thank You for your prayers Viviana the best way to reach me is to call 954-319-5352 Love to you and those who love you Viviana Not a fan of TEXTS nor Email I'm sorry asian massage parma,skip the game ohio,columbia sc bodyrub,skipthegames dayton ohio,list crawler cleveland ohio,escort spa,cleveland sensual massage,upscalebodyrub,rubranking seattle,athens ohio escorts
  • Post ID : 854901
  • Poster's age : 28
  • City : Cleveland
  • Address : SW Sub of W.Cleveland