Mon 27 Jan
❇💋 Spend💙 Your 💋 Evening 💋 With 💙 A 💋 Pretty 💋 Little 💙 Young 💋 Thing.!!! ♥❇ - 21
(Cincinnati, 8592062680 ky)
👠QUALITY💋 SENSUAL💋 ENCOUNTERS👠For Mature💋 Gentlemen👠 330-357-6578 ☎️👍👠💋 - 49
(Akron/Canton, Akron/ I accept Visa Gift Cards)
```` Jessica ....HOttie with a body!! ~~~ 80$ specials... :::::xoxo - 26
(Cleveland, IN/OUT CALLS .)
GENEROUS SPLIT* Independents & Newbies Wanted*SEE WHO YOU WANT* Be UR Own Boss*Better than an Agency - 35
(Cleveland, In your area)
💕😻👑SuPeR SlipPerY💦 SuPeR HØT🔥ThiCk SeNSaTiØn🍓 I WiLL BL💨W YØu AWaY👅 ExPL💥SiVe SkiLLs‼️💋💋 - 31
(Bedford/ Maple /Garfield, Cleveland)
There's MORE 2 Do on a Sunday Than Watch SPORTS **COME & PARTICIPATE ** HAVANNA** Well REVIEWED ** - 25
(Cleveland, Cleveland /East)
**Leah** Lets Meet I Am A Call Away!!(216)465-0385 - 22
(Cleveland, I Come To You Cleveland Surrounding)
***Your wildest dreams & ready ***incall specials - 22
YES!!! * I am AVAILABLE* ROSE is Ready to Please, Relax & SATISFY You - 22
(Cleveland, west side airport / In Calls)
Y Fantasize ? * C*U*M EXXXperieNcE Havanna 💦 *OUTcall Specials ✨ Ebony Playmate ** Well REVIEWED!! - 24
(Cleveland, cleveland/east)
take some time out of your day to come out and play! specials! - 22
(Cleveland, Cleveland Downtown, downtown cleveland)
SPECIAL SUNDAY! incall @ classy home classy neighborhood CALL KATY 440-342-8659 - 23
(Cleveland, East of Cleveland)
Summer Breeze! Sunshine Barbie! Hot black And must see! Unbelievably HOT! BODY is a PERFECT 10! - 21
Specials% Real BOMBSHELL QUEEN 💣New pics* Watch video! Don't miss out💦 Top Quality ✨ Call Now!! - 20
(Cleveland, Cleveland /24hr Incalls only)
*+*+*+*+ SEXY SECRETS ALL NITE LONG *+*+*+*+ONly OUTCAll AVAlIAbLE *+*+* - 20
**SeXxXY* [ WeLL rEvIeWeD ] * * [ LATE NIGHT 2 GirL SPecIAlS ] ExXxOTiC!!!** - 21
Satisfaction *is* ONLY *a*call * away I Got It
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville/Cambridg)
*SATISFACTION* Is a Phone Call Away , C*U*M indulge 💦 Your WELL Reviewed Ebony Erotic Playmate - 23
(Cleveland, Cleveland/ East)
(((NeW))) (((NeW))) ((NeW) )MaIN AtTrAcTiOn BlUe EyEd BlOnDiE BaRbIe DoLl - 18
(Bagley Rd,Cleveland,Ohio)
◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢ 💋▶ NEW HOT Blonde ☞SPECIALS You CAN'T Resist☜ ◀💋 ◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢ - 24
(Cleveland, 💖 ▶WEST airport◀ 💖☞ IN/OUT 24//7 ☜)
New Quarterback, Same Result.....Mz. Tiffany's Consolation Plan (And Maybe Good News For Newbies)
(Cleveland and eastern suburbs)
- NeW PiC's!!!**[[ *DaNgErOuSLy HoT ReD ]]*** 24-Hrs!!! - - - ♥ ____ Call Me !! - 20
(**** MeNtOr ****)
New New // Nyc Playmate Here For Your Pleasure !!! Call Now Come See Tha Best !!! - 23
(Cleveland, Airport Area //SPECIALS)
NeW 《《OPEN MINDED 》》♥《《 CuTE __ ExOtiC》》♥《《 SeXY __ BoDY == 100% ReaL PHoToS - - 19
(Cleveland, W.117th Incall)
~*~NEW GIRL in Town to Rock Your World~*~ - 19
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville/Cambridg)
█▓█ ★ NEW ▓█▓ ★HoT █▓█ ★IncaLL ★▓█▓ ★SPECIALS ★█▓█ - 23
(Cleveland, ▶NEW EAST LOC.◀☞ 90,2,271 ☜ INCALL SPEC.)
【NEW】 ◆♥❤❤❤♥◆ 【GORGEOUS】 ◆♥❤❤❤♥◆ 【BLONDE】 ◆♥❤❤❤♥◆ 【NEW】 - 23
** NEW** A dark and lovely chocolate ebony 46 DD treat for the new year - 24
(Cleveland, South east suburbs -- in call)
New in town, I'm gettin lonely and looking for a good time!* - 34
(Columbus, Columbus ~in and out calls**)
{{{ NEW HOTTTIE }}} *** {{{ FLEXABLE }}} *** {{{ EXPERIENCED }}} *** {{{ very FREAKY }}} - 25
~*~NEW GIRL in Town to Rock Your World~*~ - 19
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville/Cambridg)
NEW** A dark and lovely chocolate ebony 46 DD treat for the new year - 24
(Cleveland, Solon, Bedford)
►► NEW IN TOWN :8O$pecials: Ms. Alana 774 849 4028 ◄◄ - 23
(Cleveland, westside. incall)
◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢ 💋▶ NEW HOT Blonde ☞SPECIALS You CAN'T Resist☜ ◀💋 ◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢ - 23
(Cleveland, 💖 ▶WEST airport◀ 💖☞ INCALL 24//7 ☜)
~*~NEW GIRL in Town to Rock Your World~*~ - 19
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, In town, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville)
Mz. sEdUcTiOn iS ===*=== aDDicTiVe ===*=== & ===*=== EnTiCiNG ===*==== 100% {*G*F*E*} ===== - 21
(::::::MENTOR 24HRS:::::::)
💋👍💦Mz. $undae here 4 u D@ddy💦👍💋 5⭐ chick A1 †®ick$ @ 216💖💜 - 21
(Cleveland, eastside n/ out w/ n reason)
** NEW** 46 DD treat as dark and lovely as chocolate ebony me for the new year - 24
(Cleveland, south east suburbs)
MUSt SEE»DANiEllE +UPSCAlE* _ =*= INDEPENDENT_ (( HoTTiE )) __ #212029,#220942= GREAt Reviews - 20
Naughty~~ .Nicolette~~. **hot Italian! ** * Holiday specials!!!! xoxo - 26
NEW ~~~ Flawless Bombshell ~~~ All U need + MORE!!!! 100%% Real PHOTos - 20
(canton/akron/cleveland incall)