Tue 21 Jan
Let Me Restore Your Faith In Using backpage ? [HOLLY] WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET 330-564-7406 - 28
(Youngstown, 1608 EAST AVE AKRON OHIO 44314)
Beautiful Sexy Brunette Mature*** INcall Outcall Meetings In Cleveland!!! - 40
(Cleveland, Cleveland & surrounding)
⚠💦💦💲60hh,100hr special in©alls 🅾NLY💲....💲exy,¥🅾ung & F®e🅰ky.... ©um 👀 me N🅾W ❗❕❗💦💦 - 23
(Toledo, central jackman area 💦💦💦💦)
... Brunette... AND Busty.... Let Amaya Do Your Body Good!!! SPECIALS - 30
(Cleveland, I 77 & Harvard ~ Shaker Heights)
Greetings Gentlemen💎 Allow me to get your heart pumping💙 and your temperature rising💙60💎100💎150 - 25
(Cleveland, Warrensville hts incall)
LAST NITE IN TOWN** Y o u r__ *ღ* __ D_r_e_a_m __ *ღ* __ G_i_r_l ** *ღ* 60qq!!! - 24
(west cleveland/ mentor 24HR)
Why Don't You Come And Sample Something You Never Had Before ? [HOLLY] $100 INCALL 330-564-7406 - 29
(Cleveland, GPS= 1608 EAST AVE AKRON OHIO 44314)
========== Your Journey To Sensual Bliss Begins Here With One Call ========== - 28
(Cleveland, Lake County)
YOU WON'T BE DISAPPOINTED! ¸¸.•♥•.¸ CANDI incalls /outcalls 330-983-8254 - 23
(Cleveland, Akron, Canton & surrounding areas)
Who Wat To Come And Get Some Of This Mile High Goodness... Call Now... - 22
(Cleveland, Brooke park Airport)
What Sets Me Apart From The Rest !!! I AM THE GIRL IN THE PICTURES..[HOLLY] $100 INCALL 330-564-7406 - 29
(Akron/Canton, Cleveland, GPS- 1608 EAST AVE AKRON OHIO 44314, Mansfield, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown)
Valentines DaY CoMe GeT thEsE SpecIaLs Now....call asap - 25
(Cleveland, cleveland area outcalls & in call avail.)
Want to Spend Some Real Quality Time With A Real Lady? Well Im the One You will NOT Be Disappointed! - 49
💋Visiting Vixen🔥 Dali🍭🍭Monday Specials 💦SeXy Italian 🔥Hot reviews🍭💋💦 💦 - 27
(Cleveland, 🚙Incall or outcall)
Upscale Beauty... Ready & Waiting for YOU! ;) - 23
(Cleveland, Strongsville and North Royalton Areas)
~WARNING Hot Blonde BARBIE freak ready for ur lovin Specials~ - 20
(Cleveland, cleveland airport area/w 150 th)
Up EaRLy & aT It aGaiN (( 1oO SpEcIaL )) AiRpOrT InCaLL - 19
——×°×°×—— •• UPSCALE •• SEXY •• SWEET •• DISCREET •• PETITE •• TREAT •• ——×°×°×——°×X× - 24
(Cleveland, Cleveland and surrounding areas)
U CaNt GeT eNoUgH Of ThIs (( SkY )) cLeVeLaNdS ToP ChOiCe! DiScReEt PaRkInG In ReAr. - 19
Trinity IS HANDSDOWN #1 @WAT I DO! »»»Main Attraction««« petite flexible Bombshell! NO REFLEX! 80hh! - 21
(Cleveland, EASTSIDE willoughby INCALL ONLY)
Upscαℓε ♥ ßεαuty▬♥ αvαiℓabℓε!♥#1 Pℓαγmαtε 100% REAL PICS..$$ 70 special $$(GONNA) (LOVE Me ) ● ★ - 19
ThIs EbOnY BeAuTy Is A plEaSE NoT A TeAsE! ° °• HoT, CuRvY, FrEaKy!!! *60 Spc!* - 27
(Cleveland, Cleveland-((INCALL ONLY)))
❤️❤️❤️➖🔝TOP ASIAN girl➖💝💝💖⬛️⬛️⬛️🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴💝💝VERY SWEET👄👄LAST THREE DAY👅👅👅INCALL646-577-8986 - 23
(Cleveland, cleveland OH)
♡♥♡ The AbSoLUtE BEST... ALwAYS WaRM, JuICY, & INvITING!!!! ♡♥♡ 50 spc Leaving Soon - 26
ThE P@CK@GE "__ BR@iNS + BE@UTY + BoOT¥ = CUTIE~ ON~ DUTY *~In/OutCaLls NoW!! - 25
(♔MeNtoR AREA♔24hrIn/Outcalls)
💋👅Sweet💋Hot👅 Bunny 🔫 ✋💦With Greatttt Tasty Honeyy So Call What R U Waiting 4 U HanDsome - 32
(Cleveland, 🌹🌹West 10 min from DownTown🌹🌹)
**ThE *BEST* iS HeRe*[[* ExOtiC PuErTo RiCaN MaMii *]] [uP aLL DaY & NiGhT!!] *[[* Sooo B(O)(O)Ti }{ - 26
(=+=+ AiRpOrT ArEa+=+=)
TAKE a WALK on the WILDSIDE! ...Im LANE XOXO lets meet!! ready & willing $100 SPECIALS!! - 23
Summer Time is Finally Here!!! Come and Relax and Spend Some Quality Time and Be Treated Right!!!!! - 50
(Akron/Canton, CLEVELAND)
🍫 💋🍦 Super Busty BOOBIE and CHOCOLATE lovers 100% real 100% satisfaction $100 - 27
(Bedford hts/Rockside 271/480, Cleveland)
☆ SuMmeR ♥ SpeCialS ☆ ☆ I Want To Be Your Hot And SeXy PlayDate ☆ - 19
(♥ My Bed Or Yours Up Late ♥)
•^~•♥•~^~ $ special today ONLY ╠*★* *★* by Christina FIRM OUTCALLs
(Cleveland, ALL DAY INCALL outcalls Independence)
SPECIALS Avail 24hrs Fri & Sat ONLY!!!!:*: Get w/a ReAL BAD B##CH w/5 StAr SeRvIcE...CALL NoW!!! - 29
(Cleveland, Garfield hts)
S(P)Eci(A)L(S) ** FeTish FrieNdLy *** ** S(P)Eci(A)L(S) ** FeTish FrieNdLy ****** S(P)Eci(A)L(S) - 25
(westside AreA)
SEXY -:¦:- Sylvia IS HERE === -:¦:- BRUNETTE KNOCKOUT === **-:¦: **-:¦:- VIXEN - - 21
(Cleveland, middelburgh hts)
____»-Ѽ SEXY SLIM° .. CUTE FACE ღ° ..CHOCOLATE FREAK* »- -70sp - 20
(Cleveland, ✰==( BeAcHwOoD )==✰)
(¯`'.¸ ★ SEXY (¯`'.¸ ★ ¸.'´¯) BLONDE (¯`'.¸ ★ ¸.'´¯)BOMBSHELL ★ ¸.'´¯) - 35
(Cleveland Heights)
***$*** sExY iTaLiAn PrInCeSs ---$80 hH sPeCiAls ToDaY oNlY---gReAt ReViEwS ***$*** - 21
(Cleveland, independence)
SEXY __o★o° _ EBONY_ °o★o° _BOMBSHELL_ °o★o° MiNDBLoWiNG SKiLLs! REAL PiCS!! - 19
(Cleveland Area Incalls)
Sexy Blonde 🔥 Model-Type 👌🏻In Town for a Limited Time - 25
(Cleveland, Strongsville/Middleburg Hgts Cleveland)
*•* S E X Y G A B R I E L *•* Lorain County incall Cleveland Outcall everywhere.! - 21
(Cleveland, Lakewood Avon westlake North olMsteaD)