Sun 05 Jan
HonestYoung lady needing REAL help! SERIOUS&kind; only Pls! Needs Home to live/rent TONIGHT!Temporary - 22
(Cleveland, west cle)
%#%# THE *~* MIDWEST'S *~* FAVORITE *~* NAUGHTY *~* GIRL *~* VISITING *~* Happy Hour SPECIALS!!!!! - 27
The MEGA STACKED NYC Brooklynzer That Changed The Standard All The Others GIANT TITS Are Measured By - 39
:::*:::: SexXxY PeTiTe aLwAyS FuN bLoNdE :::**:::: LiMiTeD TiMe CaLL NoW! :::*:::: - 23
(Cleveland Airport Area)
Sensuality...💜 I wanna 💋.kiss 💋you all over!!! You'll 💖me!! Jada .. Well reviewed ⛅🍀🍄🇺🇸 - 38
(Cleveland, Lake Co!!!! I'm here!)
Are Ya Ready to FullFill Your Fantasies with an Energizer Bunnny ********Toys for girls & boys - 42
(Columbus, NW (willing to travel))
Miss Candy Cane offers WORLD CLASS companionship WORLD WIDE!!! - 40
(Cleveland, Cleveland and world wide.)
LET me COME to YOU!!!!!! outcall 80$SPECIALS all over ♡♡♡♡ - 23
(Cleveland, outcalls all over)
IF can APPRICAITE @ HARD working girl , why not CALL me BP FAVORITE SERVICE with A SMILE - 25
{ENTER} :* ☆ ¨*: {MY} :*★¨*: { EROTIC } :*★¨*: { ZONE } :*★¨*: - 21
*".e "*¨¨*"~SWEET as HEAVEN ~* *~ HOT as HELL * * Reviewed * * ~ *".e "*¨¨*" - 29
(Cleveland, cleveland/ min frm DT 77/480E in & out)
Very Flexible Ex Ballet Dancer ........ Now A Stunning Cougar Grrrrrrr ........$125 Quick Special
(Brunswick area)
======> {80qk} SUPER ☆ SKILLED ☆ WT && ((( X-R=A=T=E=D ))) ☆ FUN!!{120hh}
(Cleveland {Incall && Outcall})
(80/125)* ♔ * BiG G G G G G GeSt BuBBle bOOtY iTaLiaN S3X KiTTeN* ♔ *EXTRA SloPPY H3aD!! - 25
((70)) UP ALL NIGHT ((70)) S E X Y ((70)) REVIEWED ((70)) ThuRSDaY SpeCiALs ((70)) - - 27
(Cleveland, loraine county / lakewood)
((70)) ((70 )) (( 38 dds all natural )) (( 70 wed special))70 (( ReViEwEd)) ((70 up all night)) - 25
(Cleveland, lorain county (elyria/lorain))
_70_ Spend NEW YEaR's EvE with a BEauTY _70_ (( 38 dds all natural )) _70_ - 25
(Cleveland, loraine county ( I n c a l l ))
:::*:::: SexXxY PeTiTe aLwAyS FuN bLoNdE :::**:::: LiMiTeD TiMe CaLL NoW! :::*::::LAST DAY! - 23
(Cleveland Airport Area)
SEXI LEXI SPECIALS! $60 2DAY ONLY & $100 half T.E.R. ID# 132764 or 117401 (216)355-6829 - 29
(W.150th & I. 71 Private Home)
🌺 Seductive Sensual 💃 PeTiTe 🌸 S€X KITTEN 🌸 Play 🔹POUNCE🔸Please MAKE Me 💃 PURR 🌺 AvaiLaBLe NoW 🌺 - 26
(Cleveland, 👉👉🌹🌹Mayfield 271🌹🌹👈👈)
s i m p l y...S E X Y....erotic...v e r y..A d d i c t i n g...B o m b s h e l l... - 22
(Cleveland, incall available now)
█ ►★ ★ Pornstar $100 Specials All night!! SuperstarX*X*X Last Night! - 32
(Cleveland Airport 810-882-7345)
Planning a trip to Cleveland? Call Chrissy Kisses! ~ 440-836-3801(no texting) - 40
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Zanesville/Cambridge)
N@ugthy KinKy $exy G!rls=EroTic Encounter$ - 28
(Cleveland, EUCLID / EASTLAKE -/WILLOUGHBY/Bishop rd)
I wanna 💋 kiss 💋you all over!!! You'll 💖me!! Jada .. Well reviewed ⛅🍀🍄🇺🇸 - 38
(Cleveland, E.152 and I90)
👔GenTLeMeN'$ 💕FaVoRiTe LaDy💕Eva SweeTs💋™WeLL RounDeD 💯 ReDBoNe 💣BomBsHeLLP - 25
(Cleveland, Incall/Outcalls)
~ DUO Day Wednesday! ~ Chrissy Kisses ~ 440-836-3801(no texting) ~ - 40
(Cleveland, Cleveland Area (IN/OUT))
BRAND NEW! Big Busty Nessa FAMOUS HBO Super Hooker & Living Legend Is Here 80RR-28-48!!!
(Airport Area)
❌⭕️ $100 Incall Available ❌⭕️ Chrissy Kisses! ~ 440-836-3801(no texting) - 40
(Cleveland, Cleveland - Near West OVER 35 ONLY)
((( 100% Independent ))) 100% Real Pics ))) 100 % Satisfaction ))) Last Day here - 23
(♥ Mentor Area ♥)
Hiring 1-2 ladies. submissive. Open minded & ready for a Life changing situation. - 100
(Cleveland, Cleveland + surrounding)
Come Pick ME UP! Thats right ;P Matured* REAL Men, Text me! All Sexy'd Up- Nothin to DO! Yet:) - 23
(Cleveland, Pick me up in lovelyBrookpark/Parma area)
*.°*°.*SEXY, PETITE, 100%REAL ND FREAK°*° beauti, bodi, ;)°*° 60 special ° *° - 21
(Cleveland, Westside/ 71s)
♛*¨¨*• δε∂υ©c†¡√e • HOT Ⓢ ⒺS e ⓧ ⓨ • ♥ ♡•❣NeW pIcS!!!♥ ♡•❣ ✌AwEsOme Booty ➓ ✌* Amaz!ng GIRL! - 20
(Lima/Findlay, lima & surrounding areas)
★ ★ ★▬▬▬ TWO ▬▬▬▶▶ ╠╣o t ◀◀▬TWO▬▶▶ ╠╣andle ◀◀ ▬▬▬ {☆▬▬▬ ★ ★ ★▬▬▬ TWO ▬▬▬▶▶ ╠╣o t ◀◀▬TWO▬▶▶ ╠╣andle - 20
(Cleveland, West/Airport)
~ Petite and Mature ~ $100 Incall Snowbaby Special ~ Chrissy Kisses ~ 440-836-3801(no texting) ~ - 40
(Cleveland, Cleveland Area (IN/OUT))
💥🌟 uℓtiℳαtε ρℓαγDαtε 🌟💃 E❌ΘTiC 💕PeTiTe❤️ TrEaT💃αvαiℓabℓε ➜2⃣4⃣ 7⃣ Y O U R #⃣ 1 C H O I C E 🌟 UpsCaLe MeN🌟 - 26
(Cleveland, 👉👉🌹🌹Mayfield 271🌹🌹👈👈)
Sat 04 Jan
How About A HOT TIME with JENNA ? ?? ~ * ~ * ~ BuBBLy Brunette ~ Ready FoR *RELAXATION ~ * ~ * - 30
(Cleveland, westside IN/OUT xoxoxoxo)
Make $5000 per week with the fastest growing Webcam Community on the Net! ◄ ◄ ◄ - 18
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville/Cambridg)
TiReD of ALL the FAKE ads? [[ 1oO%~ ReAL]] ★ [[ ]] & [[ ßÂUi FUL ]] ★ - 23
%#%# THE *~* MIDWEST'S *~* FAVORITE *~* NAUGHTY *~* GIRL *~* IS *~* HERE!! %#%# Visiting For 3 Days! - 27
SULTRY blonde ViXEN PETiTE & SEXY PHYSiQUE GUARANTEED 2 leave you UTTERLY Breathless - 26
AdDiCtIvE tOuCh ___°..°___ eNtIcInG sKiLLs __°..°__ SuPeR fReAkY__°__ jUsT 4 YoU - 20
💄👠💄👠Petite Blonde! 💦 Highly Skilled 💦UnForgettable! 💯 REAL!! 💄👠💄👠 - 25
(Cleveland, Outcalls !! Outcalls !! Outcalls !!)
Planning a trip to Cleveland? Call Chrissy Kisses! ~ 440-836-3801(no texting) - 40
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Zanesville/Cambridge)
IF can APPRICAITE @ HARD working girl , why not CALL me BP FAVORITE SERVICE with A SMILE - 25
Hey There Wrestling Fans!! Take Mz. Tiffany's Trivia Challenge (Phone Working Again!!!)
(Cleveland and eastern suburbs)
Hey I'm amber and I'm running a special until 10 so come enjoy some bliss with me. 60qs 100hh - 28
(Cleveland, Elyria)
EnTiCiNg ~*~*~ (( sExY nEw PiCs )) ~*~*~ sAmE mInD BlOwInG aCtiOn =*= oNe Of a KiNd sKILLs - 20
Early Specials 👇👇Fully-Equipped ☆🌟 highly reviewed skilled ebony catering to upscale clientele 🌌 - 27
(Cleveland, 🌟 ► ► IN and OUT west (Lakewood) 🌟)