Mon 06 Jan
**HaPPy SweeTeSt Day!!if u want done the right way tonight,call someone like me to do it just right* - 23
(Cleveland, in call-71&bagley;, out anywhere :))
Curvy...Busty Native American Beauty! New PICS!!! special. - 20
(Cleveland, Beachwood in/ out anywhere)
✰ BlonDE HAiR ... ✰ ..... BLuE EyEs .... ✰ ..... BoMBSHeLL ✰ - 23
(Cleveland, ✰ westside parma ✰)
A*S*A*P specials ...starting @ 70... in/outcalls ... 24/7 - 21
(Cleveland, In/outcalls...24/7...anywhere)
New... New... New... .....Sexy Curvy Brunette Playmate ...Single White Female - 33
(Cleveland, cleveland akron Outcall only!!!)
♥* Let Me Make Your Week Better *♥ *♥ { Comin.soon} - 21
(Cleveland, In/outcalls...24/7...anywhere)
A*S*A*P specials ...starting @ 65... in/outcalls ... 24/7 {new .pics. Will be up thurs. After 6} ;-) - 21
(Cleveland, In/outcalls...24/7...anywhere)
*•-: ☆ :-•*¨¨*•. BARBIE DOLL *•-: ☆ :-•*¨¨*•. (440) 567-8176 - 30
(Cleveland, westside incall avail. and outcalls too!)
Sun 05 Jan
♛•-:¦:-• [MAK€ †HI§ CHRi§†MA§ C0UN†] •-:¦:-• • ♛•Hoilda speciials!!! - 21
(Cleveland, In/outcalls...24/7...anywhere)
►► Summer Bliss ◄◄ Best Rates ► Your Sexy Lil' Secret ◄ - 21
(Cleveland, in 9-9 only // Out whenever Anywhere)
R U Stressed Out? Do U Need Some Excitment In Ur Life? Ill Please U Anyway U Like;-) - 26
(Cleveland, 71/bagley in, out anywhere)
NEW FaCe of B.P.!!YoUnG FrIsKy N FriEnDlY LaTiNa GPS / OUTCALLS OnLy!! - 19
(Cleveland, Outcalls ANYWHERE surrounding Cleveland)
Curvy...Busty Native American Beauty! New PICS!!! special. - 20
(Cleveland, Beachwood in/ out anywhere)
💄 CLASSY, Sexy BLONDE Bombshell Available Now...! (440)494-4067👠 - 27
🍻🍹🍻🍷~Cheers to making the BEST decision by picking THE hottest BLONDES on here! Call us!!! - 27
C@me Unwrap Me For Xmas.I'll Be Ur Best Gift,Doing Everything U Wish,Making U Feel Jus How U Like! - 25
(Cleveland, 71 n bagley-in call, anywhere for out)
#❶ CHOICE = ✖ BLONDE ✖ HOTTIE ✖ SKILLED PROVIDER 216 319 5401 - 23
A*S*A*P specials ...starting @ 65... in/outcalls ... 24/7 - 21
(Cleveland, In/outcalls...24/7...anywhere)
☠ W : A : R : N : I : N : G ☠ ExTrEmElY AdDiCtIvE+ (BeAuTiFuL bOMbShEll) - - 19
(Cleveland, Outcalls to Anywhere in Cleveland!!!!!)
I CaN MaKe YoUr Toes CuRl.... ♥ ♥ ♥ 65 Ki$$ $pecIaLs !!!! - 21
(Cleveland, In/outcalls...24/7...anywhere)
Experienced in the Art of Seduction in/east out anywhere - 40
(Cleveland, OutCALL ONLY anywhere in lake co)
Do you have The 🎄HoliDay blues? Let me cheer you up 🎄I got the right TooLs - 29
(Airport Area, Cleveland)
R U Stressed Out? Do U Need Some Excitment In Ur Life? Ill Please U Anyway U Like;-)NEW PICS - 26
(Cleveland, 71/bagley in, out anywhere)
New... New... New... .....Sexy Curvy Brunette Playmate ...Single White Female - 33
(Cleveland, cleveland akron Outcall only!!!)
╚»; DaNgrOuS ~ CuRvs ( 5 (☆) SRv!C ; ) FLaWLsS~ CuT¡ ♥ ╚» - 19
(Cleveland, Outcalls to Anywhere in Cleveland!!!!!)
Do U Need 2 Have Some Fun!!! $160/In or $200/Out!!! Taking Appts. All Day& Night!! - 25
(Cleveland, Independence In/Outcalls Anywhere U R)
Curvy...Busty Native American Beauty! New PICS!!! 1oo special. - 21
(Cleveland, Beachwood in/ OUTCALLS ANYWHERE!!!!)
*** CRIME ALERT *** *** crime alert *** *** CRIME ALERT *** - 41
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville/Cambridg)
(Cleveland, ►INCALL::EAST SUBURBS / OUT ▸)
U Havent Had Any Real Fun Till U Seen Me,I Can Do It Anyway U Like,& Ill Do It Just Right (new pics - 23
(Cleveland, in-71 n bagley, out anywhere)
NEW FaCe of B.P.!!YoUnG FrIsKy N FriEnDlY LaTiNa New Location / GPS ReAdY 3304101025 - 19
(Cleveland, Westside-Incalls / Outcalls ANYWHERE)
Good Morning Gentlemen! Come Get Your S3xy On! incall available44 0453 1214 - 36
(Cleveland, ALL Lake/Cuy//Medina/Lorain/Starcounties)
* B A B Y * I'M * T H E *B O M B * LIKE T I C K ...TICK - 20
(Cleveland, in/outcalls...24/7..anywhere:))
Avail. Late Nights And All Night!!!160/hr Incalls 200/hr Outcalls!! %100 Real Pics!!! - 25
(Cleveland, Independence In/Outcalls Anywhere U R)
* B A B Y * I'M * T H E *B O M B * LIKE T I C K ...TICK - 20
(Cleveland, in/outcalls...24/7..anywhere:))
♥ I CaN MaKe YoUr Toes CuRl.... ♥ ♥ ♥65 Ki$$ $pecIaLs !!!! ♥ - 21
(Cleveland, In/outcalls...24/7...anywhere)
Sat 04 Jan
Upscale LATINA in town for a few days only. Have a once in a life time experience (in/out) - 23
☆ ThE WoMaN N Me & #9734; NeEdS ThE MaN In U ☆ RiDiCuLuS $PeC!AL$ ☆... - 21
(Cleveland, In/outcalls...24/7...anywhere)
Specials...Sexy Little Hottie Wants 2 B Your Naughty Mistress Attention!!! Good Girl Gon Badd - 34
(Cleveland, Outcalls to Anywhere in Cleveland!!!!!)
jaw dropin Thursday!! incall/outcall ***Happy Hour 8p.m -10:30pm*** - 24
(Cleveland, Cleveland,Maple,Bedford,orange plce)
♥ I CaN MaKe YoUr Toes CuRl.... ♥ ♥ ♥ 65 Ki$$ $pecIaLs !!!! ♥ - 21
(Cleveland, In/outcalls...24/7...anywhere)
*Happy Fathers Day,I'll Make U Feel Good In Everyway,Call Me When Ur Ready 2 Play* - 23
(Cleveland, in call-71&bagley;, out anywhere :))
Dont Leave Urself Disappointed & Unpleased, I Will B The Lady That U Cant Get Enough Of ;-)NEW PICS - 26
(Cleveland, 71/bagley in, out anywhere)
*** Come n Enjoy !! ~**~ Let me be Your Chocolate Treat ~**~ 24/7 - 22
(I-480 & 77 ( my place or yours))
***Available thru today ONLY*** Let me be your "dream girlfriend" in/out 234-205-8310*** - 30
(Cleveland, incalls in lakewood outcalls anywhere!!!)
A*S*A*P specials ...starting @ 65... in/outcalls ... 24/7 - 21
(Cleveland, in/outcalls...24/7..anywhere:))
Sexiest Brunette In Independence 2day 100% Real Pics!!! - 25
(Cleveland, Independence In/Outcalls Anywhere U R)
♥* Let Me Make Your Week Better *♥ *♥ in/outcalls avali. - 21
(Cleveland, In/outcalls...24/7...anywhere)
The 1 And Only Melissa Best On Backpage!!! In 160/hr Out 200/ hr!! - 25
(Cleveland, Independence In/Outcalls Anywhere U R)
~I Can Please In All Kind Of Ways,& That Feeling Will Last Days n Days, & Keep U Amazed~ - 26
(Cleveland, 71 n bagley-In, outcalls anywhere)
Do U Need 2 Have Some Fun!!! $160/In or $200/Out!!! Taking Appts. All Night!! - 25
(Cleveland, Independence In/Outcalls Anywhere U R)
Do U Need 2 Have Some Fun!!! $140/In or $180/Out!!! Taking Appts. All Day& Night!! - 25
(Cleveland, Independence In/Outcalls Anywhere U R)
**Come Spend Time With A Woman That Can Do It The Right Way** - 23
(Cleveland, in call-71&bagley;, out anywhere :))
Boys play with toys, Men play with SABRINA! 42DD-26-38 blk. female VISITING 3/9-3/12 - 26
A*S*A*P specials ...starting @ 65... in/outcalls ... 24/7 - 21
(Cleveland, In/outcalls...24/7...anywhere)
$$$ PHONESEX OPERATOR Jobs F/T & P/T -- Become a Phonesex Operator $$$
(Cleveland, Dayton, Anywhere in Canada or USA from your home)
C@m Unwrap Me 4 Xmas.I'll Be Ur Best Gift.Doing Everything U Wish,Making U Feel Jus How U Like - 25
(Cleveland, 71 n bagley-in call, anywhere for out)
~* B A B Y * I'M * T H E *B O M B * LIKE T I C K ...TICK*~ {early .morning .specials} - 21
(Cleveland, In/outcalls...24/7...anywhere)
$uper Dumb $pecials with the best of the Baddest... - 20
(Cleveland, in/outcalls...24/7..anywhere:))