Tue 07 Jan
██▀ ATTENTION ██▄▀ LEAVEIN EARLY █ THICK BOOTY █ ★ Last Minute Specials - 20
.*¨¨*-:¦:-* WELL REVIEWED!!! ★ ITALIAN FREEK ★ REadY t0 PlAy .*¨¨*-:¦:-!! - 19
**~*SEXIEST*** IrReSiSTiBlE*** PLAYMATE ***~ 786~382~4751 - 21
(Cleveland, Middleburg heights Bagley rd)
Mon 06 Jan
Mature Tan Readhead "Leaving tomorrow/Visiting from Florida"Entertaining Gents 40yrs.old and Up ONLY - 55
(Cleveland, Middleburg Heights/I-71N /Ext.223 Bagley)
*** U C@n'T ReSiSt My SoFt LiPs & CuRvY HiPs *** C@LL NoW *** CuTiE WiT A BoOtY *** SpEci@Ls - 18
(Cleveland, W.150TH 24/7)
***~^Specials* Sexiest Petite BOMBSHELL!!! Madison*Call immediately (216) 632-3643 - 23
(Cleveland, middleburg Heights/Bagley Rd.)
**Start This Week Off Just Right, I Will Give It To You Just How You Like ** - 23
(Cleveland, in call-71&bagley;, out anywhere :))
**~*SEXIEST*** IrReSiSTiBlE*** PLAYMATE ***~ 786~382~4751 - 21
(Cleveland, Middleburg heights Bagley rd)
NEW IN TOWN ▃▆▓▓❀▓▓▆▃ ❤ (Y_O_U_R ) °•★•° (L_I_T_T_L_E) °•★•° (S_E_C_R_E_T) ❤ ▃▆▓▓❀▓▓▆▃ - - 24
(Cleveland, Incall & outcalll i71 bagley rd.)
**There's Women Galore,But I'll Make U Feel Better Than Any Woman Has Done Before** - 23
(Cleveland, in call-71&bagley;, out anywhere :))
♥L O O K ♥———————♥ NEW IN TOWN♥———————♥B E A U T I F U L♥—-—————♥E R O T I C♥————— ☎ 941-348-9171 - 24
(Cleveland, Cleveland/ Airport Area Bagley Rd)
🍭 🍬10" FUN SiZED 👯 Candy Bar 🍫🍭 In My Panties Ts Taliyah SWEET 💦 Safe & Discrete - 21
(Bagley Rd, Cleveland)
HoLa PaPi .. VeN AQui »» ★• ..I aM yOUr §UpEr §€Xy LATINA ★FaNTa§y ★ ♥ ( 1oO% R€aL) ✰ - 21
(Cleveland, Airport/Bagley rd in/out)
(VISITING) Hot₰ K¡ηkγ ▒█▒ δωεε† ₰ ©υr√γ ▒█▒ δε∂υ©†¡√ε ▒█▒ ηαυς╠╣†γ ▒█▒ ρℓαγ♏α†ε ☎ Amber 941-348-9171 - 24
(Cleveland, Airport/ Bagley Rd.)
⎷ ⎛ ★ -»¦«- »--» Absolutely A Relaxing Time With A Tantalizing Lady!! - 46
(Cleveland/I-71 & Bagley)
S E X Y ------ B L O N D E ------- & ------- P E R F E C T ------- :) M A T U R E - 38
(Cleveland, Bagley rd)
NEW IN TOWN ▃▆▓▓❀▓▓▆▃ ❤ (Y_O_U_R ) °•★•° (L_I_T_T_L_E) °•★•° (S_E_C_R_E_T) ❤ ▃▆▓▓❀▓▓▆▃ - - 24
(Cleveland, Incall & outcalll i71 bagley rd.)
**HaPPy SweeTeSt Day!!if u want done the right way tonight,call someone like me to do it just right* - 23
(Cleveland, in call-71&bagley;, out anywhere :))
Come get warm it's cold outside « )) sPeciaLs.... Call ME!!! 100 - 24
(Cleveland, MiDDLebUrG HeiGhTs / Incalls/ Bagley rd)
*Come COOL Down w/ me, Now!* REAL Men, Text me! All sexiied Up- waiting here, for you!:) - 23
(Cleveland, Airport Berea area/Bagley & Engle exit!*)
short stay specials all night TREASURE come let me give you the time of your life 💦🍑 - 21
(Cleveland, West side bagley rd)
*-:¦:-°o? -:¦:-SweEt*~N~ *ClassY:¦:- °TopNoTch ~ DELIGHT** o?-:¦:-* Mindy Monroe - 27
(bagley rd/ 71s/middleburg hgts)
NEW & TOWN LOOKING FOR SOME FUN 💋💋💋💋 ( 70 $$ special ) - 19
(Cleveland, Middleburgs heights Bagley rd)
**Has It Been All Work, And No Play, Take Some Time Out And Let's Have Some Fun Today** - 23
(Cleveland, 71 n bagley, outcalls too..150 today)
██▀ ATTENTION ██▄▀ BEST THING IN YOUR CITY █ THICK BOOTY █ ★ | 100 % me - 20
(Cleveland, BAGLEY RD | IN_OUT)
**ANYTHING Goes!!!** :) Come visit! REAL MEN ONLY, Text me! All sexy & waiting, for you!:) - 23
(Cleveland, Airport area / Bagley Rd exit)
Sun 05 Jan
R U Stressed Out? Do U Need Some Excitment In Ur Life? Ill Please U Anyway U Like;-) - 26
(Cleveland, 71/bagley in, out anywhere)
💋📞 F R E A K I E S T 📞💋 💋 O N 📞💋 B A C K P A G E 📞Party👃Girl📞🎉 - 22
(Bagley Road airport area, Cleveland)
C@me Unwrap Me For Xmas.I'll Be Ur Best Gift,Doing Everything U Wish,Making U Feel Jus How U Like! - 25
(Cleveland, 71 n bagley-in call, anywhere for out)
*💞💞BEAUTIFUL ==== BloNde (( BoMBSHELL)) === Playful, PreTTy (( DREAM GIRL))💞💞 - 25
(Cleveland, Middleburg heights/ Bagley rd)
💋~~Will be back WED!!~ EXOTIC DD Playmate just 4U!! Call RAVEN NOW~216-526-2400 - 22
(Cleveland, Middleburg Hts, Bagley RD)
NO Texting "Adult Playmate" Mature Redhead "Lets Play" Sexy's Here - 53
(Cleveland, I-71 ext.235 Bagley rd.)
:•.♥•: :•.♥•: MORE THAN ENOUGH 4 YOU :•.♥•: :•.♥•: ....New Num - 20
(Cleveland, Your place or mines...Bagley rd)
Last Day in state💖Come 🎉🍾Celebrate🍾🎉 the 🎊New Year🎊with someone TITE and Warm - 23
(Cleveland, Middleburg💖💖Engle💖Bagley)
♥♥Hott, Sweet , & Ready To Play ♥♥75$ SPECIALS TONIGHT ONLY $ - 24
(Cleveland, 71 / bagley middleburgh area / incalls)
(¯`'•.¸ ♔¸.•'´¯) ExPeCt NoThInG BuT ThE BeSt (¯`'•.¸ ♔¸.•'´¯) 216_254_4262 - 20
(Cleveland, Cleveland/off Bagley)
•♛•* *:•.♥ ;•:*¨¨*:• BEST OF BOTH WORLDS•:*¨¨*:•. CUBAN & ITALIAN $80 SPCLS!♥•:*¨ *•♛•* - 20
***~^Specials* Sexiest Petite BOMBSHELL!!! Madison*Call immediately (216) 632-3643 - 23
(Cleveland, middleburg Heights/Bagley Rd.)
R U Stressed Out? Do U Need Some Excitment In Ur Life? Ill Please U Anyway U Like;-)NEW PICS - 26
(Cleveland, 71/bagley in, out anywhere)
Last Day in state💖Come 🎉🍾Celebrate🍾🎉 the 🎊New Year🎊with someone TITE and Warm - 23
(Cleveland, Middleburg💖💖Engle💖Bagley)
💋💋💋*~•💗💗*~• T O O good to be T R U E •~*💗💗•~*💋💋💋 (LASTNITE) - 20
(Cleveland, Bagley rd in/out calls)
*** U C@n'T ReSiSt My SoFt LiPs & CuRvY HiPs *** C@LL NoW *** CuTiE WiT A BoOtY *** SpEci@Ls - 18
(Cleveland, W.150TH 24/7)
U Havent Had Any Real Fun Till U Seen Me,I Can Do It Anyway U Like,& Ill Do It Just Right (new pics - 23
(Cleveland, in-71 n bagley, out anywhere)
💫💫 Sexy 💋Mixed Exotic Busty 💦Juicy Fun Sized Jasmine 💋 $60 ss incall Specials 💫💫 - 20
(Cleveland, Westside/Bagley rd)
~~* NEW *~~ PETITE *~~ EBONY *~~ TREAT *~~ { u need to treat urself, not cheat urself } - 22
(bagley rd.)
Let me take you to Pure Ecstasy & Extreme Pleasure!! Avail Now! *716*468*0300 - 28
(Airport Bagley rd area in & outcalls, Cleveland)
**Has It Been All Work, And No Play, Take Some Time Out And Let's Have Some Fun Today**150 - 23
(Cleveland, 71 n bagley, outcalls too..150 today)
Sat 04 Jan
new pics ☆ T H E *ULTIMATE* G I R L ->> N E X T D O O R! ☆ - - 27
▓█▓█▓█▓█▓█▓█▓█▓█ ★★★★ New Girl Incall Only!! 216-242-1282! ★★★★ ▓█▓█▓█▓█▓█▓█▓█▓█ Sexy Body - 22
(Cleveland, Engle Road & Bagley Road)
**LOVE 2 KISS** Im DELICIOUS**!! CALL NOW! 786 382 4751 - 21
(Cleveland, Middleburg heights Bagley rd)
*Happy Fathers Day,I'll Make U Feel Good In Everyway,Call Me When Ur Ready 2 Play* - 23
(Cleveland, in call-71&bagley;, out anywhere :))
Forget the TITLE, just 👉CLICK HERE👈 for unmentionable FUN!! - 21
(Cleveland, West Cleveland, Bagley Exit, Incall!!!!)
Dont Leave Urself Disappointed & Unpleased, I Will B The Lady That U Cant Get Enough Of ;-)NEW PICS - 26
(Cleveland, 71/bagley in, out anywhere)
{VoluPtuous} _ {BuSty} && SeDuCTiV3 ________ = ((--> SP3ciaLS / LeaViNG ToWN SooN! - 20
(WEST bagley i71)
⎷ ⎛ ★ »--» -»¦«- There Is No Way You Will Ever Want To Miss Seeing Me! - 46
(Cleveland/I-71 & Bagley)
S U P E R ★°° S E X Y --- °°★°° B L O N D E ::: - 33
(Cleveland, bagley airport)
🍫Chocolate🍫 on the Outside 💦Juicy Inside💦 Sweet Petite California Treat🍬 - 23
(Cleveland, Bagley Rd /71fwy/ incalls only)
💫💫 Sexy 💋Mixed Exotic Busty 💦Juicy Fun Sized Jasmine 💋 $60 ss incall Specials 💫💫 - 20
(Cleveland, Westside/Bagley rd)
~~* NEW *~~ PETITE *~~ EBONY *~~ TREAT *~~ { u need to treat urself, not cheat urself } - 22
(bagley rd.)
~~*NEW to the Area~ EXOTIC DD ebony Playmate Eager to Please YOU! Call RAVEN NOW~216-526-2400 - 22
(Cleveland, Middleburg Hts, Bagley RD)
~I Can Please In All Kind Of Ways,& That Feeling Will Last Days n Days, & Keep U Amazed~ - 26
(Cleveland, 71 n bagley-In, outcalls anywhere)
°•★©•° ((=GORGEOUS=)) Native American ((=EXTREMELY=)) °• Italian •° ((=SEDUCTIVE=)) °•★© - 22
(Cleveland, Cleveland airport ~ bagley rd CALL ME:))
**Come Spend Time With A Woman That Can Do It The Right Way** - 23
(Cleveland, in call-71&bagley;, out anywhere :))
❤Sweet 😍 Blonde😍College Hottie 207*319*4006 New InTown 🔥🔥🔥blazzn Hott💨💨 Limited Time⏳ - 25
(Cleveland, 71 & Bagley)
lUNCH SPECIALS = 100! DoMiNiCaN, EboNy & iNDiaN _____ {BUSTY BOMSHELL} ----> I71 BAGLEY!!! - 20
(((((((COLLEGE CUTIE))))))) I LOVE 2 KISS!! ***Come KISS me ALL OVER*** CALL NOW! 786 382 4751 - 21
(Cleveland, Middleburg heights Bagley rd)
C@m Unwrap Me 4 Xmas.I'll Be Ur Best Gift.Doing Everything U Wish,Making U Feel Jus How U Like - 25
(Cleveland, 71 n bagley-in call, anywhere for out)
BaCk bY pOpULAr DeMaND!!! ___ {MUST CLiCk} *GeNtLeMeNs ChOIc3* BuSTY ThiCk 'n' CuRvY eBOny Jada Fox! - 20
**HaPPy SweeTeSt Day!!if u want done the right way tonight,call soike me to do it just right* - 23
(Cleveland, in call-71&bagley;, out anywhere :))
COME SEE me Baby best inn the west I WILL BE Aroused TO Please U...... ROXXI specials - 19
(Cleveland, west Bagley)
* *_________ V ___ A ___ N ___ i ___ L ___ L ___ A _________ V ___ i ___ X ___ E ___ N _________ * * - 33
(Bagley rd)
❤Sweet 😍 Blonde😍College Hottie 207*319*4006 New InTown 🔥🔥🔥blazzn Hott💨💨 Limited Time⏳ - 25
(Cleveland, 71 & Bagley)
Fri 03 Jan