Fri 03 Jan
Thu 02 Jan
Your Frustrations Are Finally Over !!! [HOLLY] SAFE & DISCREET CHOICE $100 IN-CALLS 330-564-7406 - 28
(Cleveland, 1608 EAST AVE AKRON OHIO 44314)
Would You Like Some Company This Evening? (Sweet Naomi - Mature White BBW) - 42
(Cleveland, Cleveland (Outcall))
**SUpEr*** SeXy** All NaTurAl** Barbie**..100% Real...LetS HavE SomE Fun!! 75 Early bird specials - 25
(Cleveland, westside)
👋👀ENjoy Ur ThUrSdAY tHe RiGhT WaY.....WiTh ThErE Is No SucH ThiNg As DisSaTiSfAcTiOn👍 - 20
(Cleveland, west side area)
Cameroonian Beauty Body Rub Specials By Angel 3304450370 30min I 77S - 22
(Cleveland, Akron safe incall. Outcalls to cleveland)
60hh ▀▀⛔️▀▀⛔️▀💥💥 60hh▀ ▀ 60hh▀ ▀ 60hh▀▀ 100 hr▀▀ ▀ 100hr 100hr - 19
(Cleveland, Outcalls East side of CLeveland)