Fri 03 Jan
.•*¨¨*•-:¦:-• *NEW IN TOWN E X O T I C __ P L A Y M A T E SPECIALS* •-:¦:-•*¨¨*•. - - 21 - 21Posted: - 21
★ ★ ★ _NEW GiRL_ *NEW PiX* :100% SATiSFACTi0N GUARANTEED: ★ ★ ★ - 21
(WeSt SiDe_CLeVeLaNd_LoCaL(iN & 0UtCaLL))
New! Hot! And Waiting for you!
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville/Cambridg)
Natrual Blonde Cougar!!!!!! FREAKY TREATS - 37
(Cleveland, Wickclife, Willoubyand surrounding areas)
⇨ MAIN ATTRACTION!! ⇨ √ ÅddI©+!V€ ⇨ √ F®e@K¥ ⇨ √ Super SeXy ⇨ R€ÂП TÕ ⇨ §ÂTi§F¥!! % - 19
(Cleveland, ❤*OUTCALLS*❤)
*C@m Play In My N@ughty Land With Me, I Guarantee I Can Please, & B Everything U Need* - 26
(Cleveland, in mentor tonight-In, outcalls anywhere)
(⚡️ CLiCK HERE! ⚡️) ✨ ❥Ki₦KY█ ➔➔ ✨💗 PeTiTe❥•GiRL 💖 💖 1OO% R£AL ☎️ CΘM€❥ PLA¥❥ iNSiD£ ❥M€ ❥ - 26
(Cleveland, 👉🌹🌹271 Mayfield In/Out🌹🌹👈)
☆AvAiLabLe24-7 ♥◆♡◆ DELICIOUS ◆♥NeW ♡◆ Chocolate Sweetness ♥◆ - 23
(Cleveland, cleveland incall/outcall airport west)
Bagley area, I'm Back....Late nite specials sexy skilled, natural blond cougar - 38
(Beachwood, Wst Sid Clvland, bagly road)
&&Her; Shawty!-n-Irresistible XXX1Bad BytchXXX - 21
(Zanesville/Cambridge, within 100 miles of Zanesville, Ohio)
♡♥¤ " A TIME To REMEMBER " ♡♥ ♡♥ Is Just A CALL AwaY ♡♥¤ ExotiC Barbie ♡♥ - 25
(Cleveland, Beachwood/Cleveland outcall only)
▀▄▀▄▀.:* YOUR :* ITALIAN/ JAMAICAN :* EXPERIENCE▀▄▀▄▀ .:* Seeing Regulers & Returns - 31
(Cleveland, Garfield Heights/ Valley View Area)
WOW!!!! ~ Bombshell ready for you to relax at NO RUSH!!!! In/Outcalls - 26
(Cleveland, in/outcall's)
×❤§wt A§ HAvn NaUgHY A§ HLL❤× SOFT & BOUNCY xOxOx PLEASURE ( beyond ) MEASURE! - 20
WaRm Up WiTh mE!! >>> SeXy {{ TER #147985 }} [~`*SO VERY *`~] OPeN MiNdeD!
Truly Amazing European Temptress ... Let Me Fill Your Most Intimate Desires...Great Reviews!!!
Sinfully Sexy 💕 Marley Favors 💕True Redhead Experience - 25
(Cleveland, Cleveland Beachwood Chagrin)
So SeXy (( WeLL reVieWed )) °*° InCaLLs & OutCaLLs °*° MeLt - N - uR - MoUtH cHoCoLaTe!! - 21
(Cleveland, InCaLLs & OutCaLLs)
ShUgG's HeRe! HiGhLy ReViEwEd! SeXy💦 B O O T Y L♥VeRs ChoiCe 🌺T¡Gh† n C•я•℮•α•m•y ೋ - 27
(Cleveland, ► INCALLS warrensville)
SeXy EbOnY GoDdEsS (☆) WiTh CuRvEs 2 DiE 4!!!! KaRlY BlAcK (☆) (☆) - 19
(Cleveland, Your Place!!!!!!!!♥)
вёаuтїfцl ●■◆♥★•▲ таll моdёl турё ●■◆♥★•▲ 5☆ SёяVїСё ●■◆♥★•▲ нїgнlу яэvїєшєd ●■◆♥★•▲ Оцтсäll - 24
(Cleveland, Öüтсäll Äll Övёя ELYRIA iNCAll●■◆♥★•▲)
★ UnbEliEvaBly FrEaKy ▓ 80$pEcIalS ▓ YoUr NaStY LiTtLe SeCrEt ★ On DuT¥ - 24
(Cleveland, oUtCalL = (40$ off)=80 $pclz NEW PICS)
Upscale snowbunny with a surprise new to town - 20
(Cleveland, W.130th/BrookPark Incalls And Outcalls)
TuRn On ThE ReD LiGhT W/ CrEaM LaFlAiR * 60 kisses Specials today only**call now - 25
(Cleveland, Cleveland near dOwNtOwn incall & OuTcall)
UNBELIEVEABLY sexy SEDUCTIVE & pleasurable BBW sisters****** - 30
(Cleveland, RIGHT OFF OF ROUTE 77)
ೋ _____ ೋ _* U_N_L_ I_M _I_T_E_D*_ *_ ೋ _*P_L_E_A_ S_U_R_E*_ ೋ _____ೋ - 20
💋💋💋Total package!!! INCALLS & Outcalls!!! Aubri just one call away!! 💋💋💋 - 21
(Cleveland, Downtown Cleveland Surrounding areas)
U CaNt GeT eNoUgH Of ThIs (( SkY )) cLeVeLaNdS ToP ChOiCe! DiScReEt PaRkInG In ReAr. - 19
THE Chocolate Factory - 7th Year Anniversary Crash The After-Party - 10 PM to 2 AM
(Cleveland, Downtown)
TASTY $50 Incall SPECIAL!! •• DOUBLE TONGUE RINGS. X-Rated BooTy FREAK ••👯👯100%REAL!!👯👯 - 21
★ ★ ★ Sneak Away For Sum Unforgettable Chocolate ★ Thick Sexy & Satisfying ★ ★ ★ - 19
(Cleveland, outcalls everywhere)
sexy little playdate!dont miss out special rates! Call now - 23
(Cleveland, Cleveland surrounding areas in and out)
SeXY SeDuCtion At IT's FiNest~*~ CaLL Now ~*~ HoTT & ReAdY......... - 27
(Cleveland, Cleveland~WeSt)
Sexy and Seductive - Your Ultimate NAUGHTY Girl Next Door Experience! - 19
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, In town, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville)
█▒ ╠╣OT █▒ ╠╣OT █▒ ╠╣OT ▒█ ♥ 2 for 1!! TWO GIRLS GIA AND LAYLA 2 for 1! █▒ ╠╣OT █▒ ╠╣OT █▒ ╠╣OT - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland/Akron)
PICK SPARKLE ► 42DDD # ❶ SKiLLz ▓ S ▓ E ▓ X ▓ Y ▓ - 23
•°o☆ Y♥U WILL L♥VE WHAT I DO ☆°FrEaKy•° SuPA☆ FATT*JuiCy •° JiGGleY BooTY ** Jazzy* 100*SpC - 18
(Cleveland, ★::: OUTCALL ONLY :::★)
*-:¦:-* PeTiTe ✭ BUSTY ✭ MATURE *-:¦:-* Always Specials - 30