Mon 27 Jan
★ Bachelor Party Strippers & Exotic Dancers : Cleveland / Akron ★ - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland / Akron / Put in Bay , OHIO)
Become the NEXT BLACK Beauty of America FUN, SAFETY & MAJOR MULA $$$$$ Calling ALL BLACK GIRLS!!!! - 38
(Youngstown, Youngstown in/out call Travel A MUST)
😻These lips are aHEAD of them all🔥 💯TS-Nia💁🏽1st timers SPECIALS🏢Incall(Discreet men ONLY🙅🏽) - 22
(Cleveland, Westside/ Near the zoo)
Time To Let Go and Give Up Control....You Know You Want To....You Know You Need To - 35
(Akron/Canton, Cleveland)
💕 Rachel Marie 💕 Clevelands Italian Sweetheart Returns 💕 Well Reviewed 💕 - 25
(Cleveland, Cleveland and Surrounding Suburbs)
Help Wanted : Strippers & Exotic Dancers : Cleveland, Akron, Canton - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland, Ohio)
**********, Hottest Male Companion for Women ********** - 99
(Cincinnati, Cleveland, Dayton, Toledo)
you've found what ur looking 4 i'll treat u the way u should be treated with no strings attached - 23
( $€x¥ )*°~*°~*°~ ($@sS¥) *°~*°~*° [ $€duct¡v£ ] *°~*°~*° ( GiRL N€xT D0oR ) Specials ** - 20
(Cleveland, olmstead)
Sweet New Pic Inside! M@rvelous ReviEws: Qu@lity TiMe WiTh A SuPer Sweet Curvy Kissable Princess - 28
*•-: ☆ :-•*¨¨*•.♥ SWEET And DISCREET *•-: ☆ :-•*¨¨*•.♥ (440)396-1886 - 27
(Cleveland, 480 and Tiedeman 90 w117th)
☁ Get out the Rain ~N~ Warm Up With Me ☁ ღ True G.F.E ♥ Specials ღ - 21
(*_OUTCALL_* ONLY 4 2Nite >> UP LATE <<)
sunday special *CHOCOLATE * slim goodie 216 956 8100 LET ME BE YOUR VIXEN - 19
*~** StoP RiGHt ThEre I Will Do The ReST **~ call lexi now (216) 386 0139 - 24
✋ 💲specials 🏩💲👄Pink Ryder 👄 100% real provider 👍👍 great reviews 💜 specials 💜 incalls - 39
(Cincinnati, Cincinnati fairfield)
(Specials)*( I'm a S3xy RiDe GuaRaNteed To SaTiSfy, m TeSt Dr!v3 a ChEvi.)*( New #216-315-3153 ) - 24
(Near Harvard Off i-77 South)
Specials ! ~~~*~~~ █ ♥ ♥ ♥ SEXY Lil PLAYDATE ♥ ♥ ♥ █~~~*~~~ - 22
(Cleveland, **** in & outcall **** BEST RATES EVER!)
SEXY —•P E R F E C T •★• —B E A U T I F U L —• ★1000% real - 20 - 20
(Cleveland, cleveland your place or mines)
Rose are red violet are blue come have fun wit me and I promise i will bless you - 22
(Euclid, euclid/wickcliffe incalls only)
♥ °° S E X Y S W E E T & D I S C R E E T . . . G R E A T R A T E S ♥ °° - 22
**SeXxXY* [ WeLL rEvIeWeD ] * * [ LATE NIGHT 2 GirL SPecIAlS ] ExXxOTiC!!!** - 21
Rachel Marie 💎💎 ~Cleveland's FiNeST Italian Beauty ~💎💎 InCaLL - 23 - 23
(Cleveland, Cleveland and surrounding areas)
PREFECT PLAYMATE ... DONT miss out on tbe real FUN ( 80 specials till 4pm) - 22
NEW♡ ♥💕💕 ♡T H E ♡ ♥💕💕 ♡ B E S T ♡ 💕💕♥ ♡ I S ♡💕💕 ♥ ♡ H E R E ♡💕💕 ♥ ♡ C A L L ♡ ♥ ♡ N O W ♡ - 25
(Cleveland, Euclid/Cleveland : out call only)
New -- Sexxy Flawless Exotic Asian -- Visiting -- Reviewed & 100% Real PiCS - 22
(Cleveland, Akron/ Canton incall)
***NEW PIC***HEY GUYS in need of MY lovin..LET ME SHOW U how a REAL woman does it..FLEXIBLE RATES. - 25
(Cleveland, westside/cleveland)
- NeW PiC's!!!**[[ *DaNgErOuSLy HoT ReD ]]*** 24-Hrs!!! - - - ♥ ____ Call Me !! - 20
(**** MeNtOr ****)
▄▀▄ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▋▬▬▬▬▬▬ ღNEWღ ★★ ▬▬▬ (( ✰ P E R F E C T ➓ ✰ )) ▬▬▬▬▬ S✪ ╠╣OT★ ▬▬▬INCALL SPECIAL ▄▀▄ - 21
(Cleveland, ▄▀▄PRIVATE EAST INCALL▄▀▄ OUT 24/7)
new ** H O T ♥ ]:::: ** D o M i N i C a N ** ::::[ ♥ G I R L ** ready :::[ aLL DaY ]::: - 22
(✦ Airport Area ✦)
★ ☆ •••►NEW PROVIDER MY BODY ★ IS YOUR ☆ ( ( ( •••► P L A Y G R O U N D ◄•••) ) )★ ☆ - 21
(Cleveland, WEST)
NeW 《《OPEN MINDED 》》♥《《 CuTE __ ExOtiC》》♥《《 SeXY __ BoDY == 100% ReaL PHoToS - - 19
(Cleveland, W.117th Incall)
௸ ❤New௸▬❥ 💯▬௸ 💕★ Ho††¡ε R E ₳ L 💋 uℓtiℳαtε ρℓαγmαtε 💋 ➓☆ ╚» SexY E✖ΘTiC ❥ⓒⓤⓣⓘⓔ💕💫👑 - - 27
(Cleveland, Middleburg Heights- incall/Outcall)
(¯`'• New In Town •'´¯) (¯`'• BUSTY 36DD DIRTY BLONDE BAD GIRL •'´¯) (¯`'• Sexy Specials •'´¯) - 22
New exclusive professional snow bunny 🐇512 🐰589 🐇4262 all welcome - 19
(Cleveland, Ecliud incalls/Cleveland outcalls)
NEW!!! ((bold & beautiful )) OUTCALL specials!!!! ( pleasure 4 you ) SPECIALS!!! - 23
(Akron/Canton, outcalls baby)
*NeW ArriVaL* SuPeR WeT -:¦:- SuPeR TiGhT -:¦:- Im A GoDeSS On My KnEeS - 20
(WeSt CleVeLanD/ 24hr incall ❤)
NEW PICS >>> W3T N` SeXy {{ TER #147985 }} [~`*SO VERY *`~] OPeN MiNdeD! >>> ReAdY NoW!!! - 21