Tue 07 Jan
Smoking Hott SUZIE to Warm U up!Catering to Out Of Town Business Men! - 26
(Parma, Anywhere u need me/incall Brookpark)
***Destiny here, anyone down for any type of young hot sexyy fun ? (419-512-7515) *GREAT SPECIALS* - 21
(Mansfield, ashland/mansfield)
( ( ( ♥ ♥ Sexy Playmate For You ♥ ♥ ) ) ) ....JUST VISITING... - 25
°o♥°-- P_E_T_I_T_E_ -:¦:- _S_W_E_E_T_ -:¦:- _A_M_A_Z_I_N_G_ -:¦:- _T_R_E_A_T_ °o♥° - 21
(IN & OUT)
♥♥♥ Let Me Be Your Good Luck Charm On This Friday The 13th 50/80 ❤❤❤ ◄ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ - 25
(Cleveland, Your Place/ WarrensVille and More)
Let's Have Some Fun Tonight! Angel and Destiny 216-315-3878 or 216-702-4892 - 27
(Cleveland, West/East Side and surrounding suburbs)
(( » InCaLLs Up - ReaDy wHeN YoU arE « )) sPeciaLs.... Call ME!!! - 24
(Cleveland, MiDDLebUrG HeiGhTs / Incalls 16O)
GINGER ~ Sexy, Beautiful, Highly Addictive, Natural Redhead Ready to Make ur Day :-) - 24
(Cleveland, Westside Incall and outcall)
Fall Is Here I would Love to Keep You Warm so Come and Have a Extreme Sensational Time with Me!!! - 49
»-♥-» GABRIELLE »-♥-» P▒O▒P▒U▒L▒A▒R »-♥-» D▒E▒M▒A▒N▒D »-♥-» - 24
(Cleveland, Incall & Outcall All Day)
(~*♥*~) — °*°— K—N—O—C—K — °*° — O—U—T — °*°° — Slender Asian PRINCESS ~!~! (~*♥*~) - 21
(Cleveland, OUTCALL! ..wherever YOU are!)
Hey Guys !!!! looking for a great time! LIZ is back just for u !!!! - 23
💕 SO MÅNY ChOiCeS °💕° BUT NÕN€ °♥° LiK€ ME! Late Night PERFECT ✘✘✘)TrEaT💙 - 22
(Cleveland, Coventry/noble)
-Sweet, ExTrA-Sexy, & VeRy PETITE NEW NEW PIC'S - 26
(Cleveland, inCall & OutCall all night long babyyy)
STOP HERE on ur way HOME⛔️🚘⛔️ Relax⛔️🚘⛔️ 38DDD ⛔️🚘⛔️ Great Rates⛔️🚘 - $100 - 29
(Beachwood 271, Cleveland)
Mon 06 Jan
lets have some fun & relieve some tension!!....i could make ur day if u let me.... ;) - 24
** Today Only!!!! 40 rose special all nite** 100% heavenly ...ultimate out of body experiences!!!! - 36
(Cleveland, Warrensville)
**Start This Week Off Just Right, I Will Give It To You Just How You Like ** - 23
(Cleveland, in call-71&bagley;, out anywhere :))
Sexy white girl killer mouth skills 5o rose special 2day only - 24
(Cleveland, warrensville incalls only)
* SeXy PiCs * Be@uTiFuL ChYn@DoLL * BeSt @rOuNd ToWn * $70 & $90 AlLDaY - 18
(Cleveland, West 150th near Airport Incalls)
NEW GIRL in Town - Busty Beauty to Rock Your World!... - 19
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, In town, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville)
New New New.... Hot Classy Playmate Available For Classy Gentlemen Big Knockers!!!!!
(brunswick area)
LoVes To Spoil & bE SpoiLeD hOw AbouT yOu?? (( Nutural Red)) (( Incall Available)) - 28
(Cleveland, Independence incall, Surrounding Area.)
☏₵lick me ♥call me ¤♡* enjoy¤♡* me* ♥♥★AVAiLABLE NoW! $pecials-call now princess 313~740~9246 - 26
(Cleveland, 480/271 sourounding areas east)
"JaW DrOpPiN BiG bOotY frEakY PlAyMaTe "★" With aMaZiNg CuRvEs {Stupid Thick} Nasty - 19
(Cleveland, anywhere in cleveland outcalls only!!!!!)
*** I C@n Do M@GiC TriCkS WiT My ThiCk LiPs & CuRvY HiPs *** CoMe GeT Ur He@d RiGhT *** - 18
(Cleveland, Airport Area off 71)
*I'm Your #1 StreSS ReLiever *JuSt One DoSe WiLL Have YOu FeelinG GooD aLL Day anD NighT LonG* - 24
(?★?Cleveland AREA?★?)
AS NASTY AS I WANT TO BE! Exotic Adult Video Actress and Reality T.V. Star SASHA CREAM! Few hrs left - 25
♥ ((AvA!LaBlE aLL DaY)) _______ [BEAUTIFUL] ______ ((GrEaT RaTeS)) ♥ - 21
((((- - - -MENTOR- - - -))))
Amazing - 44 G Bust! - 323 207 5990 REFRAIN FROM TEXT! - 24
(Cleveland, Lorain CO. / Elyria Incall/Out)
all American snowbunny back in town !! - 18
(Cleveland, Youngstown, middleburg heights incall&outcall;)
Special...Lorain I host @ my house.i really want you 2feel great. I love 2 give. text me. - 28
(Cleveland, Lorain, elyria, amherst, north ridgevill)
WOW!!!! ~ Bombshell ready for you to relax at NO RUSH!!!! In/Outcalls - 26
(Cleveland, in/outcall's)
:¦:S E X Y :¦: * HOT §ExY ITALIAN* * :¦:S E X Y :¦: - 22
Outcalls Suburbs Only Rates Starting @ $110hh $160hr SUBURBS ONLY DEPENDING ON LOCATION - 24
(Cleveland, Westlake Lakewood Parma Olmsted)
***New*Real Name & Pics*100% Italian* DwnTwn IncaLL Specials*** - 32
(Cleveland, Down Town,,csu area)
√√√√√Come have fun with cream today√√√!!!!!all day specials - 20
(Cleveland, Coventry,shaker ,SolonandWestside)
(¯`'•.¸ 💜 ¸.•'´¯)N@UgHtY ALL AmEriCan 💕BuBBLE BoOtY ExOtiC PLaYmATE💕EaGeR2 PLeaSe(¯`'•.¸ 💜¸.•'´ - 19
(Cleveland, Airport Incall)