Mon 06 Jan
Its HONTAS!!!!! My place or Yours```~24/7~ IM WILLING AND READY FOR ANYTHING!!!!! - 21
(Cleveland, Middleburg Hts, Engle rd)
JAWDROPPING ... LuV 2 KISS ... 100% REAL PICS!!! BiGGest BooTy In Cleveland***** SHAkER HTS!!! - 20
for all you fine men who need some T.L.CSay no more you know who to come see jazzy - 22
(Cleveland, Garfield HTS. NO BLACK MEN NO BLACK MEN)
😘💋ClEvELanD's BeSt KePt SeCrEt!Catering to OuT Of TOWN and LoCal GeNtLeMen👔 - 29
(Cleveland, Middleburg hts./Airport)
Avail 1/3 2p-11p..CALL NOW *NeW YeArS SpEcIaLs* CoMe & SEE YoUr SeXy N@uGhTy TREAT w/ 5 StAr SeRvIcE - 29
(Cleveland, Garfield hts)
AMAZING GODDESS!! Hot&Ready;!!!! Nice&Petite;!!! 80 DOLLAR SPECIALS$$ - 19
(Cleveland, Incalls cleveland area)
***A Treat For Every Season §§§§§ Miss Cookie**** - 22
(Cleveland, cleveland area garfield hts areas 480)
:*:$70 SPECIALS...Avail NOW - 6am!!!!:*: Get w/a ReAL BAD B##CH w/5 StAr SeRvIcE...CALL NoW!!! - 29
(Cleveland, Garfield hts)
Let Me Help U Expload!!!! Ebony Playmate ***Outcalls*** Sexy Bunny Here To Come To You- Jhazmine - 25
$50qv/100hhr/150hr...I'M the ONE & ONLY KrEaM...My 5🌟 SKILLZ CaN'T Be COPIED or DuPLiCaTeD - 29
(Cleveland, GaRfiELd HTS INCALL ONLY)
Young LoveLe here 👅👄💋🎀 AVAILABLE NOW** i like what i do, so youll ... love it :p - 19
(Cleveland, Garfield Hts)
«««W€++ @nd W¡£D $p€¢¡@£s 80 Ro$€$»Am@z!ng In call only - 28
(Cleveland, Cleveland/ maple hts in call)
:-):-)The Best Gift for A Naughtee guy:-*!!! - 22
(Cleveland, cleveland area garfield hts areas 480)
~ time of your life just a call way**80 special sizzling hot** come & enjoy - 23
(Cleveland, north olmsted, air port)
****The Best Gift For Any Season*****Miss CoOkIe - 22
(Cleveland, cleveland area garfield hts areas 480)
💋💦Spoil YOURSELF with this 💦 👓Cutie !💋🔥😍💦. 💋💄👠🍒. Call me 24/7 - 28
(Cleveland, Middleburg hts/airport area)
Sonya will keep you warm for the holidays :) Eboni dream girl. Time of your life! - 25
(cleve hts, downtown cleveland)
**Specials INCALL ONLY** CuRvY & pUr3 FR3@K & PhAT BOOTy Re@dy 2 B SL@PpeD (5 StAr SeRvIcE) - 29
(Cleveland, Garfield hts)
***SeNsUaLlY sEdUcTiVe (( IrReSiStAbLy sExY))) {{{dAnGeRoUsLy aDdIcTiNg}}} Ill be your Special Treat - 25
(willoughby ur place or mine)
NiCe WeLcOmInG (A) {S} [S] !! -:¦:- OpeN-miNdEd BomBsheLL -:¦:- AvAiLabLe 24//7 __ CaLL nOw !! - 22
(MenTor AreA_ 24hr _ IncaLLs)
NEW PICS..$50 $PeCiALs...I'M the GiRL on BP that is 2ND to NONE BCUZ 5min w/ME & YouR AZZ is DONE - 29
(Cleveland, GaRFiELD Hts INCALL ONLY)
♡Ms juliana♡ I'm everyThiNg U Want & NeeD♡♡♡ SoUthErn BellE - 23
(Cleveland, westside area~ Middleburgh hts)
Lala Here Waiting On U.... Incalls Only 216-556-2625 - 23
[[[LaSt FeW hOuRs]]] ({($$$100$$$ sPeCiAl)}) ****Let me make my last day ur dream come true**** - 25
40qv......I'm the GiRL on BP that is 2nd to NoNe BCUZ 5min w/ME & YouR AZZ is DoNe...CALL NOW - 29
(Cleveland, GaRfiELD Hts (I HOST))
HOT chocolate Exotic DD Playmate available for your PLEASURE!!! Call Mz. Brooklyn - 22
(Cleveland, Middleburg Hts, ENGLE RD)
hey come and have a good time with china i have 30 40 60 80 roses specials all day and all night - 25
(Cleveland, warrensville hts incalls only)
Female Escort looking for place to rent ? Would consider renting 3 bdrm house at a discount - 45
(Cleveland South East)
EsCaPe To My FaNtAsY ☆ ::..TrY [STAR] ☆ ::.. SexX¥ *BrUnetT ☆::.. Leaving TODAY - 22
(¸.·´¯☆AIRPORT (area)¸.·´¯☆)
Wow!!!! It's Hot Outside---So Come Relax Inside!!!!!!!! 70 $PEC!@L$ - 24
(Cleveland, cle hts incall/outcall216-253-1574)
[ BUSTY ] ______ [❤ HOUR GLASS ❤] ________ [ SMOKiNG ] HOT➜ [E B O N Y] 24/7 iNCaLL - 19
(Cleveland, Outcalls)
*Call NOW 4 SpEcIaLs...OPEN 4p-10p* VoLuPtUoUs THiCk BeAuTy w/ALOT of BOOTY & A1 SKILLZZ - 29
(Cleveland, Incall Garfield Hts; Outcall Anywhere)
CALL NOW*$75 Specials 24hrs Fri & Sat ONLY* CoMe & See WHY I'M the BO$$ B**CH of BP w/5 StAr SeRvIcE - 29
(Cleveland, Garfield hts)
🎀 🎀 Up ALL Night. 👯BARBIE👯 REAL💋Pics 💏REAL Companionship💏 🚫NO DRAMA🚫 - 20
(Cleveland, Warrensville hts)
*60/100 SpEcIaLs..OPEN 24HR FRI* VoLuPtUoUs THiCk BeAuTy w/ALOT of BOOTY&A1; SKILLZ that R a MUST SEE - 29
(Cleveland, Incall Garfield Hts; Outcall Anywhere)
*60/80/150 SpEciAlS...OpEn til 6p* CoMe SEE WhY they CALL ME "1 TiMe CHARMER of BP" w/5* SKILLZZZ - 29
(Cleveland, INCALL Garfield hts)
50/80/150 *OpEn til 11p* BADDEST B**CH that WILL MaKe U CoMe QUICK w/5* SKILLS 2 PROVE IT! - 29
**60 SpEcIaLs...OPEN til 10p!!** CoMe & SEE Why I'm "THE BOSS B**CH & THE TRUTH of BP" - 29
(Cleveland, Garfield hts)
*60/80 SpEcIaLs OpEn 24hrs ToNiGhT* CoMe SEE WhY they CALL ME "1 TIME CHARMER" of BP w/5* SKILLZZZ - 29
(Cleveland, INCALL Garfield hts)
$50qv SpEciAL OPEN 24...CoMe N SEE CrE@M that WILL MaKe U ScReAM Bcuz I'm the 5min QUEEN w/5🌟SKILLZ - 28
(Cleveland, GaRFiELD Hts INCALL ONLY)
*75/100 SpEcIaLs* OPEN 24HR FRI & SAT...CoMe & SEE WHY I'M the BO$$ B**CH of BP w/ 5 StAr SeRvIcE - 29
(Cleveland, Garfield hts)
*60/100 SpEcIaLs...On 7/19 OPEN @ 10p* VoLuPtUoUs THiCk BeAuTy w/ALOT of BOOTY & A1 SKILLZZ - 29
(Cleveland, Incall Garfield Hts; Outcall Anywhere)
*60/80/150...OPEN 24hrs "BaDDesT B**CH on BP" w/5* SKILLZ 2 PROVE IT...CaLL NOW 2 FiND OUT - 29
(Cleveland, Incall IN Garfield Hts)
80 $PEC!@L! (AVAILABLE NѼW!) @$@P 80 $PEC!@L C@ll now! 347-443-2644 (KiM) - 22
(Cleveland Hts Safe Location)
*60/80/150 SpEcIaLs OpEn til 11p* CoMe SEE WhY they CALL ME "1 TIME CHARMER" of BP w/5* SKILLZZZ - 29
(Cleveland, INCALL Garfield hts)
$50qv SpeCiALs...I'M the GiRL on BP that is 2nD to NONE BCUZ 5MIN w/ME & YouR AZZ is DONE - 28
$50 $pEciALs OPEN 24hrs...I'M the GiRL on BP that is 2nD to NONE BCUZ 5MIN w/ME & YouR AZZ is DONE - 28
(Cleveland, GaRFiELD Hts INCALL ONLY)
**$75/100 SpEcIaLs**AVAIL 3P-11P...CoMe & SEE WHY I'M the BO$$ B**CH of BP w/ 5 StAr SeRvIcE - 29
(Cleveland, Garfield hts)
**STOP ~~440-240-4741 💋 SEXY Open minded DD VIXEN! Call Brooklyn NOW!!💋💋 - 23
(Cleveland, Middleburg hts, engle rd)
❗‼ Stop HERE ... ARE you having a bad day let me make it all better😙😜 - 27
(Cleveland, Near newburgh hts and downtown)
🍓🍒💕Petite sexy. 🍬🌹Tight body bite🍫 sized blonde🌺🌼 baby doll 🍡🍥🍭🍒 - 28
(Cleveland, Near newburgh hts and downtown)
♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄☆• Peaches Back Gentlemen ♥70 $PEC!@L$♥ALL NIGHT ! ♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - 25
(Cleveland, cle hts incall/outcall)
§P¢¡@£§! (33¤) 541-5874! T¡T§! NѼW @V@¡£@B£: K¡NK¥ §WT¥! §XX¥ @§§! 9¤ @§@P FR@K §P¢¡@£! - 25
(Cleveland, Surrounding Shaker Hts East Suburb Areas)
:*:If :*: She :*: Wont :*: I:*: Will:*: ~Busty AsiA~ - 30
(Cleveland, (WARRENSVILLE HTS)(Limited time))
fun fun fun all night long specials 75 rosses come enjoy an unrushed extravaganza 216 339 0222 - 21
(shaker hts)
°° ! CUT OUT THE FAKES! °° °°° # 1 TRUSTED MIXXED DOLL °°° 1OOO% REAL°°° - - 19
(Cleveland, Cleveland Heights)
💁💁Divinea Texas Girl 1000% Real. I ❤White Men incalls outcalls! - 20
(Cleveland, dwntwn, Warrensville &bedford; hts,Akron)