Sun 05 Jan
NeVeRmInD ThE WiFe (( LeT Me PaMpEr U )) CaNdY DoEs It BeTTeR!! ((cLick HeRe)) - 19
.•°•. ♥♥ .•°•. Just like heaven •• 80 hh $pecial today •• .•°•. ♥♥ .•°•. - 22
(Cleveland, airport INCALL)
(~* 829;*~) °*°KN OCK °* ° OUT ° *°CU TiE °* °(~*♥*~) PLAY TIME - 22
(westside INCALL)
hhr and hr specials ::*¨¨*:☆ ::*¨¨*:☆ SWEET as HEAVEN ♥ HOT as HELL ☆ ::*¨¨*: - 24
(Cleveland, cleveland near airport)
HAPPY ST.PATS DAY! CoMe GeT LucKy WiTh ThIs IrIsH GiRl 100%me JENNA 216~538~3398 wellreviewed - 29
(Cleveland, NEAR THE AIRPORT/Westside)
$$80$$ sPecIaL NEw in ToWn hOtT SExy 40dd BLonDe CoMe gEt Me nOW - 24
(Cleveland, cascade crossing,near airport,Brook Park)
💣💣💣💣 white chocolate bombshell 💣💣💣💣early morning💣💣💋👌 specials new in town!!!!✨🌠 - 22
(Cleveland, westside Cleveland airport area 480)
* S@tiSf@cToRy Gu@r@nTeEd * HoUrGl@sS Fr@Me * $70 & $90 SpEci@lS - 18
(Cleveland, W.150TH NEAR AIRPORT 24/7)
.•°•. ♥♥ .•°•. HOT down to earth girl next door •• SIXTY special!!!! .•°•. ♥♥ .•°•. - 22
(Cleveland, airport INCALL)
786-458-1696 **~) °*°KNOCK °* °OUT ° *° CU TiE °* 100% REAL BOOTY° (~*♥*~) - 22
786-458-1696 **~) °*°KNOCK °* °OUT ° *°CU TiE °* °(~*♥*~) PLAY TIME - 22
♥♥ 60 60 60 60 SPECIAL »»» ★exotic °A°S°I°A°N° playmate ★ fetish friendly »» GR8 REVIEWS♥
(Cleveland, airport)
**SEXY BURNETTE** WHY CALL THE REST WHEN U CAN HAVE THE BEST? *well reviewed**recent pics** - 29
(Cleveland, NEAR THE AIRPORT/Westside)
♥♥°·.·°♥♥°·.·°♥♥ PETITE BRUNETTE PLAYMATE ••• Available all day ••• ♥♥°·.·°♥♥°·.·°♥♥ - 22
(Cleveland, airport INCALL)
**new pics*Dalilah Lebanese Goddess** 100% satisfaction**warning addicting*** - 22
(Cleveland, Travel, near airport)
* G©©D @FTERN©©N * St@Rt Y©uR D@Y Off RiGht * WitH @ SwEeT tre@t & PriCeS U C@nt Be@t $70 SpEcI@ls - 18
(Cleveland, NEAR AIRPORT 24/7 Gu@r@teed 2 le@ve :))
**Dalilah**pretty as a flower**22** let me make you happy today** 100% satisfaction** real pictures - 22
(Cleveland, Near Hopkins airport)
NeW 2 THE BuSiNEsS . k i n k y :: (( )) ✿ *THiCK WHiTE LATiNA* ✿ (( )) :: f r e a k y - 25
(Cleveland, ✿ Near The Airport ✿)
(( V.I.S.I.T.I.N.G :-: Gorgeous Brunette :-: S.P.E.C.I.A.L.S :-: Open Minded :-: F.R.E.A.K )) - 20
(Cleveland, ★NEAR THE AiRPORT★)
♡°♡°♡ SIXTY SPECIAL »»» exotic °°ASIAN°° playmate »»» ★ fetish friendly ★ good reviews ★ - 22
(Cleveland, westside of Cleveland - airport)
Sexy seductive chocolate / Special deals 60 all week - 23
(Cleveland, Cleveland westside near airport)
🌹 ViViAn GaTeS*🌹 🌹🌹🌹 WeLl reViEwED🌹🌹🌹 SWeeT 🌹🌹🌹 Sexy and Ready🌹🌹🌹 - 28
(Cleveland, West near airport (IN) NE Ohio (OUT))
Sat 04 Jan
♥☆♡Super SeXy 38DDD☆ Brunette Babe!!! Awesome Reviews!!♥☆♡ - 25
(Cleveland, (Westside near Airport) or Your Place)
*SPECTACULAR SUNDAY SPECIALS*Call Jenna 216~538~3398*new pix*well reviewed* - 29
(Cleveland, NEAR THE AIRPORT/Westside)
* S@tiSf@cToRy Gu@r@nTeEd * HoUrGl@sS Fr@Me * $60 & $90 SpEci@lS - 18
(Cleveland, W.150TH NEAR AIRPORT 24/7)
♥☆♡Super SeXy 38DDD☆ Brunette Babe ready to warm you up!! Awesome Reviews!!♥☆♡ - 25
(Cleveland, (Westside near Airport) or Your Place)
Hey guys, new hottie in town that you GOTTA check out! Looking for great reviews =) - 24
♥♥°·.·°♥♥°·.·°♥♥ Cleveland's Finest: Available this week!! ♥♥°·.·°♥♥°·.·°♥♥ - 22
(Cleveland, airport INCALL)
* WeeKenD SpEci@lS * PoPuL@r DeM@nd * SeXy PiCs U C@nT ReSiSt * I @m ThE BeSt ArOuNd * - 18
(Cleveland, West 150th near Airport Incalls)
START Your WEEKEND Off RIGHT Ill B UP All NITE! 100%me CALL JENNA 216~538~3398 wellreviewed - 29
(Cleveland, NEAR THE AIRPORT/Westside)
Leaves at checkout!!! SuPeR HoT☆SuPeR B@D☆€XoTiC BoMbSh€LL♡L€T M€ B€ Ur F@VoRiT€! Sp€ci@L - 21
(Cleveland, Near airport in call only (brook park))
EARLY SPECIALS B4 4:00 ♥° ♥° ♥° sweet slender girlfriend ♥° ♥° ♥° **Available Now** - 22
(Cleveland, airport)
((=CAUTiON=)) °o©•° ((=EXTREMELY=)) °•★©•° ((=ENTICING=)) - 28
(Cleveland, West near airport (IN) NE Ohio (OUT))
°•★©•° ((=GORGEOUS=)) Native American ((=EXTREMELY=)) °• Italian •° ((=SEDUCTIVE=)) °•★© - 22
(Cleveland, Cleveland airport ~ bagley rd CALL ME:))
* G©©D EvEniNg * FiNiSh Y©uR D@Y Off RiGht * WitH @ SwEeT tre@t & PriCeS U C@nt Be@t $100 SpEcI@ls - 18
(Cleveland, NEAR AIRPORT 24/7 Gu@r@teed 2 le@ve :))
100%$$100$$ sPeCiAl HoTt NeW BLonDE 40dD ReaDY fOR aCtIoN CoME GeT mE - 24
(Cleveland, Brook Park/ 480 near airport/)
100%REAL MOCHA is short stays & early morning specials - 19
(Cleveland, west150th area near airport)
* * * * * * * naughty eighteen latina visiting cleveland ! * * * * * * ;-) last day in cleveland - 18
(Cleveland, Near Airport)
♡°♡°♡ SIXTY SPECIAL ✿ »»» ✿ exotic °°ASIAN°° playmate ✿ »»» ★ fetish friendly ★ UP LATE & EARLY★ - 22
(Cleveland, westside of Cleveland - airport)
🌹 ViViAn GaTeS 🌹*Ro$e $pEciAl*🌹 🌹🌹🌹 unforgettable🌹🌹🌹 Magical🌹🌹🌹 Sexy and Ready🌹🌹🌹 - 28
(Cleveland, West near airport (IN) NE Ohio (OUT))
°·•..•·°·•..•·° Soft as snow (But warm inside) °·•..•·°·•..•·° ♥♥♥♥♥ { 60 §P€¢¡ÅL } - 22
(Cleveland, airport INCALL)
**new pics*Dalilah Lebanese Goddess** 100% satisfaction**warning addicting*** - 22
(Cleveland, Travel, near airport)
LIALA100%REAL 100% PUERTO RICAN.will do anything you like! *PROFFESSIONAL PICS call me! 786-768-4246 - 22
(beachwood incall)
LET 💦ME💎 BE 👄YOUR👅 POUND 💞CAKE 💧👄💞Sup℮r █▬█🌎▀█▀(waterfall)💦💦💦💦╠╣ E A V Y S H O O T E R - 25
(Cleveland, AIRPORT)
Fetish and Fantasy at its FINEST. New and Exciting with LOLA and LILY.... by Cleveland Airport - 50
(Akron/Canton, Cleveland, Youngstown, Cleveland near the airport...)
Fri 03 Jan
New Pics ! !~*~Same Awesome Chick ~*~Extremely well REVIEWED!! - 28
(Cleveland, West near airport (IN) NE Ohio (OUT))
NeW 2 ThE BuSiNeSs ♥ ( S.E.X.Y ) *LaTiNa PlAyMaTe* ( L.I.M.I.T.E.D T.I.M.E ) ♥ - 25
(Cleveland, ★NEAR THE AIRPORT★)
Last Day In Cleveland *$100 Specials Mature, Discreet, Sensuality Awaits You! Christine - 47
(Cleveland, 150th near airport)
* HaD @ LoNg DaY * CoMe SeE ChYnA * @nD I'lL TaKe @lL Ur StReSs @w@y * $70 & $90 SpEci@ls - 18
(Cleveland, W.150TH NEAR AIRPORT 24/7)
Leaves at checkout!!! SuPeR HoT☆SuPeR B@D☆€XoTiC BoMbSh€LL♡L€T M€ B€ Ur F@VoRiT€! Sp€ci@L - 21
(Cleveland, Near airport in call only (brook park))
LAST NITE IN TOWN[[-XxX-]] SUPER [[-XxX-]] SWEET [[-XxX-]] NyMPHO [[-XxX-]] FREAK [[-XxX-]] 100 HH - 21
(Airport Area 24hr incall/outcall)
Just ARRIVED Your Well Reviewed EXOTIC New ATF! Asian/Black Petite Girlfriend - 21
(Cleveland, Near BrookPark Rd near Airport)
♥☆♡Super SeXy 38DDD☆ Brunette Babe ready to warm you up!! Awesome Reviews!!♥☆♡ - 25
(Cleveland, (Westside near Airport) or Your Place)