Mon 06 Jan
~~~~* Stop look no further! ~~* $exy Leah ~~*~~ TGIF $pecials! - 25
(Cleveland, Willoughby ,wickliffe)
**SPECIALS Avail 24hrs Sun** R u READY 4 A SeXy N@UgHtY BaD B**CH w/5 StAr SeRvIcE then CALL NOW!! - 29
(Cleveland, Garfield htsr)
SeXy EbOnY Fre@K (( WoRtH tHe DrIvE )) *LeT* mE *bE* uR *LaTe* niGHt *sNacK* 24//7 - 21
(*MENTOR AreA - 24hr IN//OUT*)
~SeXXy AleXis~ Back on Eastside Thur & Fri... Don't miss out:) TER approved ID #150409 - 27
(Eastside in/outcall)
Sexy Brunette___100% real pics____AMAZING Body___PRETTY EYES -SEXY BOOTY-24\7 JASMINE 216-930-7484 - 19
(Cleveland, Pearl Rd.*Strongsville*Westside)
» PerFecT PlaYmaTe » FuLLY ENERGIZED :::: Sit BaCk Relax :::: * LeT * mE * Be * uR * nEw * aDDicTion - 21
(*Euclid/WickliFFe Area 24hr InCaLLs*)
💋 ρυRε💎 ρℓ℮αδυRε 💜Frεαkγ💋💋SEXY💨BBW Outcalls only 50$ special - 22
RΞΛÐ¥ TØ PŁΛY ★ HiGhLy SkiLLeD *°☆ juicy BOOTY ♛★ ☆♛*MUST ♛SEE* ♛1OO% REAL★Petite Goddess♡☆🍭 - 39
NEW ♫ Mmm so GOOD ♫♪ you'll be singing my name ♫ NoVaCaiNe ♫SpEciALz - 19
(Cleveland, Cleveland Airport Area INCALL/OUTCALL)
MaHoGanY LonDon... YouR FaVoritE I CanDi ~SPECIAL Back TREATS... - 21
(Cleveland, West Side (where you want me to be))
Midwest ██ ██ Only Middle Eastern Bomb Shell ██ ██ Highly Addictive (Outcalls Only - 19
(Cleveland, Outcalls to Upscale Areas)
Jump Start Your Day ~**~ Lunchtime Treats with TRUE 40G's~**~ Voluptuous Busty Beauty - 38
(Incall & Outcalls to many areas today.)
Incall All Day ¤~¤~¤ Voluptuous Busty Sweethe♡rt ♡~♡ Hands On Unrushed EXPERIENCE - 42
(Cleveland, Clevelands Sweetheart)
EXQUISITE! EBONY! HOTTIE »-(¯`v´¯)- »T H E»-(¯`v´¯)-» TOTAL »-(¯`v´¯)-» P A C K A G E »-(¯`v´¯)-» - 22
(Cleveland In/Out)
CoME aND Check Out youR GirL ((((( 1oo % REAL PiCS ))))) - 20 - 20
(Cleveland, cleveland your place or mines)
Call black beauty Ashley. Sexy, Sophisticated with smoking hot body. 150 for the hour today only - 25
(Cleveland, west near lakewood/outcalls to hotels ok)
AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW ~**~ TRUE 40G TREATS ~**~ Voluptuous Busty Brunette - 38
(Incalls and Outcalls to mansy areas!)
☆ °&°¤ Im BaCk (NeW ED!T!oN) ViSiTiNG!!! (THE BEST) SuPeR = ExTREME =((PeTiTe BLoNDe)) - 23
(InDePeNdEnCe* Incall/ /Outcall)
Let Me Help U Expload!!!! Ebony Playmate ***Outcalls*** Sexy Bunny Here To Come To You- Jhazmine - 25
▐ ▐ ►▐ ▐ ►❤ NeW!▐ ▐ ►▐ ▐ ►❤ EYE C@NdY▐ ▐ ►▐ ▐ ►❤ JuSt▐ ▐ ►❤▐▐ ►@RRivED!▐ ▐ ► ▐ ►▐ ▐►❤ NeW HOTTIE!▐ ▐ - 37
(Columbus, Incall & Outcall)
Voluptuous Busty Brunette ~**~**~ Sexy Playful and Ready! - 38
(Incall & Outcalls to many areas today.)
WHy P!CK H R§? ೋ 70 @RLY B!RD $PC!@L » ೋ » >< YOU » ೋ » H@V H B§T. - 25
(Cleveland Heights, OH- Incalls/ Outcalls)
➜ X RATED BlOnDe !! ➜ *FLiRTy, FrEaKy && L0ADS of FuN* (100% REAL Pic'S!!) - 20
(west cleveland 24hr incall/outcall)
*SPECiAlS* LATINA,Sexy & Single Freaky *. First Class & THE BEST YEt ~GREAT IN/OUT SPCLS.*real pics - 21
$$SO sexi LINA waiting on you $$dont WASTE YOUR TIME elsewhere$140hr - 22
(Cleveland, cleveland ohio)
SoFT & SenSual W/ SoNyA FlaMe-- 1@@ specials call now - 22
(Cleveland, weStIde incall & outcaLl available)
SAME sexy satisfying MISTI #only NoW call# 216-682-8059 - 28
(Cleveland, Just off of i77 6 min south of downtown)
** S€du¢t!v3 Sp€¢!als ** 100%real ~PASSION~ L€T M€ B UR FORBIDD€N FRU!TT!!! - 30
(Cleveland, **INCALLS/OUTCALLS**)
OUTCALLS*** Ebony Hottie Ready To Please U I'm A Sexy Drama Free Girl Ready To Relax You-Jhazmin - 25
(Cleveland, Euclid, Ohio Cleveland)
☆¨: CAUTION :*☆¨: GreaT Pu$.$Y ALeRT! :*☆¨: EBONY NYMPHO:* - 24
(ClEvElAnD ArEa {24hr in/outcalls})
✨✨ 🍓BUSTY🍰🍦 • 🍭REDHEAD🍬😘• PLAYMATE😍• 💢Specials!!! 💢Available Now🍒🍒 - 28
(Toledo, Toledo and Michigan incalls)
❤ { N__o__T__ H__ ! __ N__G __ . .★. . C__ o__ M __ P __ a __ R __ e __S } - 22
(Cleveland, outcalls only)
Midwest ██ ██ Only 5 Star Middle Eastern Bomb Shell ██ ██ Highly Reviewd - 19
(Cleveland, CLE OUTCALL Location Discretion Apply)
Cali Girl 😊😘 Looking for fun,Incalls hmu .🙈👭 heaven 😘😍😘 - 19
(Cleveland, Cleveland Ohio Garfield heights)
☆¨: CAUTION :*☆¨: GreaT Pu$.$Y ALeRT! :*☆¨: EBONY NYMPHO:* - 24
(ClEvElAnD ArEa {24hr in/outcalls})
T=o=P * N =o=T=c=H * R=e=D=b=O=n=E ( ~SeXy nEw PiCs~ ) * U=n=D=e=N=i =A=b=L=e * S=k=I =l=L=s - 18
(Cleveland, MenTor // WiLLouGhBy Area 24hr IncaLLs)
*75/100 SpEcIaLs* OPEN 24HR FRI & SAT...CoMe & SEE WHY I'M the BO$$ B**CH of BP w/ 5 StAr SeRvIcE - 29
(Cleveland, Garfield hts)
ೋ 70 $PC!@L§ » ೋ » 10O GM §PC!@L§ (GR@T!F!C@T§) >< TR@ » ೋ » TR@§UR! - 25
(Cleveland Heights, OH- Incalls/ Outcalls)
SeXy EbOnY GoDdEsS (☆) WiTh CuRvEs 2 DiE 4!!!! KaRlY BlAcK (☆) (☆) - 19
(Cleveland, Your Place!!!!!!!!♥)
**NeW SeXy PiCs *$8O incall SPECiAlS Sexy Italian & Puerto Rican BianKa dRaMa fRee. 24/7 0UtCalls a - 25
(Cleveland, Cleveland, e/w .disreet H0tel inc^ll)
!new pics!sexy ashley"early bird specials"honey complextion up all night - 23
(Cleveland, east/west)