Thu 02 Jan
Black Nubian princess $100 INcaLL$120 OUTcall SPeciAL**BeAuTii ** - 24
(Cleveland, cleveland east/west)
[[ _8*0 $pEc!aL$_ ]] __* SM0K!N h0T M!XeD Eb0Ny H0TT!E *__ [[ *100%ReAL P!x* ]] __#1 P!CK**BOYS!!! - 24
★ ★ NiKKi ★ ★L✪✪K➜H✪T★☞((❤ NiKKi ❤)) ☞ ★★ ➜❤SuPeR SeXXY)★★ ★ NiKKi ★ - 23
(Cleveland, Cleveland~OUTCALL!)
We are ready and waiting for you! Angel and Destiny 216-315-3878 or 216-688-9082 - 27
(Cleveland, Cleveland east and west)
(*WEEKEND SPECIALS*) 1or2! up to you! blonde bombshell//brunette goddess!! SEXY. FUN. FREAKY!! - 21
(Cleveland, cleveland east and west. outcall)
*NEWHuRrY! !HUrRy*( & #9829;SpEcIals wit the BaDdest LaTinA** $100 specials incall & out norush - 21
(Cleveland, EAST/WEST;DWN TWN CLEVELAND.cleve.surro)
I Strive To Ensure That You Will Recieve A Non-Rushed Hassle Free Experience !! [HOLLY] 330-564-7406 - 28
(Akron/Canton, 1608 EAST AVE AKRON OHIO 44314)
(N_E_W_ ) •★• (S_E_X_X_Y) •★• (B_R_U_N _E_T_T_E) •★• (Avail NOW!) - 24
(Cleveland, downtown,east/west)
(N_E_W_ ) •★• (M_I_X_E_D_) •★• (B_O_M_B_) (S_H_E_L_L_) •★• (Avail NOW!!!) - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland, downtown,east/west)
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ __(L)__(O)__ (O)__(K)__ ✖ LiMiTED TiME ONLY ✖ __(L)__(O)__ (O)__(K)__ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - 22
(Cleveland, Cleveland, downtown,east/west)
LATE NIGHT SPECIAL INCALL with TRUE 40G's~**~ Voluptuous Busty Beauty - 38
(Incall & Outcalls to many areas today.)
Keep In Mind Gentemen...You Get What You Pay For...It's All About Quality!!! [HOLLY] 330-564-7406 - 29
(Akron/Canton, Cleveland, Mansfield, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, AKRON CANTON I-76 WEST TO EAST AVE 21A#)
♡☆☆Kartier Is Here To Please You☆♡♡Come Enjoy this ride ♡♡Hurry out calls only - 19
(Cleveland, outcalls East/West)
esst & westside outcall only special Sexy , SLIM , beautiful & fun!👭😘 💯%REALPICTURES!!😍 - 20
(Cleveland, east and west outcall only)
Does A Safe, Discreet And Private Environment Matter To You ? [HOLLY] $100 IN-CALLS 330-812-1708 - 30
(1608 EAST AVE AKRON OHIO 44314, Cleveland)
Every mans fantasy!! Angel and Destiny 216-315-3878 or 216-688-9082 - 27
(Cleveland, West/East Side and surrounding suburbs)
💋💋Bubbly Sexy Seductive Women* Fetish Friendly* - 26
(Cleveland, East and West Side In and Outcalls)
Caramel Pretty and Petite but Thick in the Right Places - 21
(Cleveland, east and west of cleveland)
This is not a movie this is reality everlasting fun with girls of your dreams 24/7 calling - 22
(Cleveland, East/west)
{{ *8*0 *SPEC!ALS!!!}} *~ExOt!C DoMiNiCaN M!xEd EbOnY HoTT!E~{* READY 2 PLAY... ALL DAY!!*} - 24
(~CLeVeLaNd{EaSt /WeSt}*24HR OuTCaLL~)
Slippery When ×°x°× V®Y ** F®AKy ** G-I-R-L ×°x°× - 27 - 27
(east/west today)
NEw Pi©$ ((Th bE$t)) @V@iL@bL nOw DoNt mI$$ oUt = WlL ReVieWed 5* - 24
(Cleveland, OuTcAlL 90$ SpClz)
🏀🏀Go CAVS🏀🏀 SS Special 50🌹 Outcalls only508-441-4815 - 25
(Cleveland, Cleveland West or East Outcalls only)
Cupcake Sweet White BBW Super H0T Specials $lOO $l5O $2OO Submissive Role Play & Fetish 2l6-252-5OOl - 28
(Cleveland, Cleveland West/East side studios off i9O)