Mon 27 Jan
_____ °*ஐ*° S_E_D_ U_C_T_I_V_E *° S_A_B_R_I_N_A °*ஐ*° _______ ALL NIGHT LONG _____ - 26
(InCall & OutCall ((off 480)))
RICAN FREAK kinky PLAY ALL DAY! Si lo que deseas es una amante y una amiga soy tu chica - 19
(Cleveland, incall ONLY eastside ORANGE/BEACHWOOD)
RIP-OFF! RIP-OFF ALERT! constantly updating...same few girls change ads daily...check here b4 u call - 23
ready to give u passion, ecstacy, and pleasure - 19
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville/Cambridg)
Roses are red ..Violets are blue.. Lemme show you what we can do ❤️💋❄️⛄️REAL Deal❤️INCALL🌆🏫 - 20
(Cleveland, Incall EAST near 271&480 ask me)
♛Pℓεαδυrε ♛ Priηcεδδ♛ U ❥ N ❥ 4 ❥ G ❥ E ❥ T ❥ A ❥ B ❥L ❥ E ➜💋βεαuty & βοοτγ➜ ➜ ㏂/㏘❗️INCALL SPECIALS - 25
(Cleveland, ☆Westside/airport incall only☆)
Rain is back come splash in my puddles 216-798-8280 - 30
(Cleveland, Cleveland west - near downtown)
RavRachael's last day in Columbus ~ Call 937-301-5269~ 100%All Natural Classy Exotic Italian - 39
(N. Columbus, Oh 161/71)
✨Popular Demand✨ Its Tarra!!! Only Here For TWO Days Book Now😜💦💦💦 - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland Ohio, Brookpark Area)
R U Ready 2 Have Some Fun!! Special $140/Incall $180/Outcall All Day And Night!! - 25
(Cleveland, Independence or Outcall/ur place)
(((NeW))) (((NeW))) ((NeW) )MaIN AtTrAcTiOn BlUe EyEd BlOnDiE BaRbIe DoLl - 18
(Bagley Rd,Cleveland,Ohio)
New PICS posted TODAY..come take a look, then see it in person!! - 26
(Cleveland, westside/cleveland)
" NeW LaTiNa____ •$80* • ____ $eXy BoDy %100 REAL• * • ____ DoLl Fac€ ___ • * • ____ AvAiLaBlE NoW - 25
(Cleveland, OUT/IN NO AREA TO FAR)
new ** H O T ♥ ]:::: ** D o M i N i C a N ** ::::[ ♥ G I R L ** ready :::[ aLL DaY ]::: - 22
(✦ Airport Area ✦)
•*¨¨*•-:¦:-•NeW GIrL SiMpLy InToXiCaTiNg! •*¨¨*•-:¦:-•* l - 25
(Cleveland, cleveland eastside incall and outcall)
**NeW** Every (*) Once (*) In (*) A (*) While (*) A (*) Girl (*) Like (*) Me (*) Comes (*) Around... - 21
NEW. Short & Cute✨ FREAKY/ Mixed black & white Beauty 💎Gorgeous green eyes❤️ ⭐ specials⭐ - 20
(BEACHWOOD/271 incall outcall, Cleveland)
🐬🐬🐚(NEW PICS ) JACUZZI🐬🐬🐚make that thang go💦💦 DRIP DROP 💦💦 - 35
(Cleveland, Newburg off 77 hwy ( in & out)
(((NEW PICS))) __W_A_Y_____ T_ O_O_____G__(0 ) __(0)__D_____T _O _____M_I_S_S _!_ !_!__ - 23
(outcalls only)
👉NEW👈❤💐 FOXY 🌷💐 H🔥T && READY 🏃 You'll Be Satisfied💯💦👅💋 🌷💐OUTCALLS ONLY🌷💐 👉Call Now👈 - 20
(Cleveland, ((☆::: OUTCALLS:::☆)))
NEW PICS*★ P L E A S U R E Z O N E ★*216 *456-5511 - 21
| NEW PICS ★ REAL DEAL (click here) ★ CaLL Me ★ SaTisFacTiOn GuaRanTee | - 19
NeW PiCs "..100% REAL w/A BIG A*SS BOOTY Like WOW!!! Watch My PHAT AZZz _BOunce ALL Over THE Place - 22
(Cleveland, ★::OUTCALL SPCLZ::::★)
New Hottie Michelle $150hh $200hr Outcalls Suburbs Only!!!! - 21
(Cleveland, eastside suburbs til 2a.m.)
NEW GIRL in Town with Killer Curves and a Soothing Touch... - 19
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville/Cambridg)
new girl >>> TREAT YOURSELF SPECIAL **** NeW YoRK **** 216 956 8100 - 19
***New FRESH 18 ;) Ask about my S$$$pecial$$$ **Ready AND Willing**Available Now** 18 - 18
NEW!!! ((bold & beautiful )) OUTCALL specials!!!! ( pleasure 4 you ) SPECIALS!!! - 23
(Akron/Canton, outcalls baby)
*Nevaeh* Ready to make your Dreams a Reality. **** Outcalls **** 100% Real Pics - 20
(Cleveland, outcalls)
NEW NEW 👸🏻In Town NEW🍑💦 ◼️▪️⬛️Experience With ‼️T$ ✖️✖️✖️T$ PORN star DEMIIDBEST 💖✖️✖️✖️T$ Model ‼️ - 25
(Cleveland, INDEPENDENCE AREA Now🚗 in&Outs; 24/7)
NEW from Houston! You think Milk does the Body Good But imagine All the Things We Could.... - 21
(Cleveland and surrounding)
{{ nEw pIcS }}o*°o SeDuCtIvE PlAyMAtE xXx { TER# 147985 } xXx pReTTy °o♥o° iN { !! PinK !!} - 21
⎷ ⎛ ★ -»¦«- »--» New Photos! Absolutely A Relaxing Time With A Tantalizing Lady!! - 46
(N. Olmsted/I-480 & Ex# 6B)
* N.E.W. * ★ === ►[ NOW AVAiLABLE.! ] ◄ === ★ MiXEd *BoMbShELL - 20
(beachwood incalls only)
.♔. :::... * NEW MiXED FANTASY * ...::: .♔. :::... * AVAiLABLE N0W * ...::: .♔. - 21
(Cleveland, ◆ B3@CHWoOD ◆)
:*¨¨*:: (((NeW In ToWn ))):*:: AbSaLutLy ThE BeSt SeRvIcE ArOuNd :*:: DANIELLE (216) 633- 0934 - 21
(cleveland (OUTCALLS))
** NEW** A dark and lovely chocolate ebony 46 DD treat for the new year - 24
(Cleveland, South east suburbs -- in call)
NEW IN TOWN...ASIAN HOTTIE 100% REAL PIX!!! Call me for a FUN time! Available 08/10/14 starting @8AM - 25
(Cleveland, Incall/Outcalls 30 mins away max.)
New in town, I'm gettin lonely and looking for a good time!* - 34
(Columbus, Columbus ~in and out calls**)
NEw iN tOWn♥ * ! __ P e T i T e ____ ( * MIXED * ) ___ E x O T i C B e a u T y * __ ! ♥ - 20
(beachwood [[incalls]])
💖💋Never leave disappointed😍let me - 21
(Cleveland, LAKEWOOD Cleveland Surrounding areas)
N3w LoCaT!oN aLL My HUNGRY & T!GhT HOL3s R Wa!T!NG 2 BE F33D aRE yOU R3ady 4 a UNFOrGetTiBL3 MoM3nt - 24
(Near Harvard Off i-77)
NEW** A dark and lovely chocolate ebony 46 DD treat for the new year - 24
(Cleveland, Solon, Bedford)
►► NEW IN TOWN :8O$pecials: Ms. Alana 774 849 4028 ◄◄ - 23
(Cleveland, westside. incall)
** NEW ** AllDay& Nite *****OUTCALLS *** SeXY ** FuN *** ADORABLE PLAYMATES ** - 21
(Outcalls .. every where)
✨⭕️❌⭕️N€w ¥€ar Specials ❌⭕️❌ CuRvY Play~mate ✨💋 ❌⭕️⭕️💢 Highly addictive Ca££ Now..........☎️I'm Waiting - 30
(Cleveland, Lorain & Cleveland WestSide In~Ca££)
🏪 NEW B-O-O-T-Y-F-U-L- ExOtiC🌴 JuiCey💦 SwEEt🌸 MiXed FrEaky MaMi⭐120 $PECIALS 💎 Open 24Hrs📞 - 2 - 23