Sun 05 Jan
hey im♥new in town to show u my special skills i cant wait to see you ;) 45♡60♡and 80 speciai - 25
(Cleveland, garfield hts incalls only ☆☆★☆)
«««««Come Explore Our Fun Shop»»»»»» Cookie $ Candy Treats - 23
(Cleveland, cleveland area garfield hts areas)
come and have ♥ a good time with china i have 40 60♥80♡ roses special - 25
(Cleveland, garfield hts incalls only☆★☆★☆)
come and have ♥ a good time with china i have 40♥60♥100♡ roses special - 25
(Cleveland, garfield hts incalls only☆★☆★☆)
*75 SpEcIaLs* Open til 11p...CoMe N SEE YOUR SeXy N@UGHTY THiCk BeAuTy w/A1 SKILLS - 29
(Cleveland, Incall Garfield Hts; Outcall Anywhere)
Qv 45...KREAM is THE GiRL on BP that is 2nd to NONE BCUZ 5MIN w/ME & YouR AZZ is DoNe - 29
(Cleveland, GaRfiELD Hts)
*SpEcIaLs 60/80/150...OPEN 24hrs "BaDDeST B**CH of BP" w/5* SKILLZ 2 PROVE IT...CaLL NOW 2 FiNd Out - 29
(Cleveland, Incall ONLY IN Garfield Hts)
°• Sl!pPerY S@TurD@Y »90 $PCL$ «- !THiCk wHite &iNdiAn; FRe@kY B3@uTy** &G;!rlFri3nD& *Avail. NOW* - 22
(Cleveland, Garfield Hts, EastSide& weStsIde in&/Out)
ReAD EnTiRE AD B4 CaLLiNG ME...$40 SpECiALs til 6p...OPEN til 11p...SuPeRHe@D is in GARFIELD!! - 28
(Cleveland, GaRFiELD Hts INCALL ONLY)
ReAD EnTiRE AD B4 CaLLiNG ME...$50qv SpECiALs...OPEN 24HRS...SuPeRHe@D is in GARFIELD!! - 28
(Cleveland, GaRFiELD Hts INCALL ONLY)
OPEN 24HRS..CALL NOW *NeW YeArS SpEcIaLs* CoMe & SEE YoUr SeXy N@uGhTy TREAT w/ 5 StAr SeRvIcE - 29
(Cleveland, Garfield hts)
:-|:-| Miss CoOkiEs back in town and hot $ SwEeT :-|:-| - 23
(Cleveland, Cleveland Garfield Hts Area 480)
★ L(☻) (☻)K ♥ ===► ((1))0((0)) AMAZING SPECIALS uNsPeAkAbLE TALeNtS - 21
😍😍😍😍💋💋💋💎💎 Hot Sexy Blonde 💋💘💎💎 😍😍😍😍 - sexy blonde ready to have fun😙😗⭐⭐🌠🌠 - 24
(Cleveland, garfield hts/Cleveland 😍😍😍😍😍)
hey♡♡♡ i have specials skills to die for let me show u 40/60/100 im new in town - 25
(Cleveland, garfield hts incalls only ☆☆★☆)
hey im♥new in town to show u my special 35:60:80 special incalls only☆ - 25
(Cleveland, garfield hts incalls only ☆☆★☆)
**60 SpEcIaLs** CoMe & SEE Why I'm "THE BOSS B**CH & THE TRUTH of BP" - 29
(Cleveland, Garfield hts)
*60/80 SpEcIaLs OpEn til 8p* CoMe SEE WhY they CALL ME "1 TIME CHARMER" of BP w/5* SKILLZZZ - 29
(Cleveland, INCALL Garfield hts and OUTCALL)
$50qv $pEciALs....CoMe N SEE WHY EVeRyOne is SaYN I HaVe A MoNsTa 👄w/5* SKILLZ CALL NOW - 28
(Cleveland, GaRFiELD Hts INCALL ONLY)
$50qv...50qv...50qv...#1 CHoiCe 4 ALL the BOOTY LoVeRS...CoMe EXPeRiEnCE these 5🌟SKILLS - 29
(Cleveland, GaRFiELD Hts INCALL ONLY)
*75/100 SpEcIaLs* AVAIL 4p-11p...CoMe & SEE WHY I'M the BO$$ B**CH of BP w/ 5 StAr SeRvIcE - 29
(Cleveland, Garfield hts)
$60qv SpECiAL$...OPEN 24hrs...SuPeRHe@D is in GARFIELD... w/5🌟 SKILLZ 2 PrOvE IT - 28
(Cleveland, GaRFiELD Hts INCALL ONLY)
$50qv $pEciALs OPEN 24HRS...I'M the GiRL on BP that is 2nD 2 NONE BCUZ 5MIN w/ME & YouR AZZ is DONE - 28
(Cleveland, GaRFiELD Hts INCALL ONLY)
50/80/150...OPEN til 5p *BaDDeST CHiCk that WILL MaKe YOU C*U*M QuiCK w/5* SKILLZ 2 PROVE IT! - 29
*75 SpEcIaLs Open til 11p* I'M CeLeBrAtInG MY BDAY ALL WeeK! CoMe N SEE YOUR N@UGHTY THiCk BeAuTy - 29
(Cleveland, Incall Garfield Hts; Outcall Anywhere)
*75/100 SpEcIaLs* ThIcK CuTie w/ALOT of BOOTY that U CaN't ReSiSt w/5 StAr SeRvIcE & A1 SKILLZZ - 29
(Cleveland, Garfield hts)
*60/80/150 SpEciAlS...OpEn 24hrs* CoMe SEE WhY they CALL ME "1 TiMe CHARMER of BP" w/5* SKILLZZZ - 29
(Cleveland, INCALL Garfield hts)
*60/80 SpEcIaLs OpEn 24 ToNiTe ONLY* CoMe SEE WhY they CALL ME "1 TIME CHARMER" of BP w/5* SKILLZZZ - 29
(Cleveland, INCALL Garfield hts and OUTCALL)
*60/100 SpEcIaLs* VoLuPtUoUs THiCk BeAuTy w/ALOT of BOOTY & A1 SKILLZZ - 29
(Cleveland, Incall Garfield Hts; Outcall Anywhere)
****The Best Gift For Any Season*****Miss CoOkIe - 22
(Cleveland, cleveland area garfield hts areas 480)
$60 SpECiAlS...OpEn 24hrs FRI ONLY *SUPERH**D iS IN GaRFiELD...w/5* SKiLLZ 2 PROVE IT!! CaLL NOW!! - 29
(Cleveland, Garfield Hts INCALL ONLY)
*60/80 SpEcIaLs OpEn til 11p* CoMe SEE WhY they CALL ME "1 TIME CHARMER" of BP w/5* SKILLZZZ - 29
(Cleveland, INCALL Garfield hts and OUTCALL)
*50/80/150 OpEn til 11p* BaDDeST CHiCK that WILL MaKe U C*U*M QUICK w/5* SKILLZ 2 PROVE IT! CALL NOW - 29
NEW PICS...$50 $PeCiALs...OPEN 24/7 *THeY ALL ScRe@M 4 CrE@M w/A1 SKILLZ 2 PrOvE IT...CALL NoW* - 28
(Cleveland, GaRFiELD Hts INCALL ONLY)
$40 $pEciALs OPEN til 11p...I'M the GiRL on BP that is 2nD to NONE BCUZ 5MIN w/ME & YouR AZZ is DONE - 28
(Cleveland, GaRFiELD Hts INCALL ONLY)
NEW PICS/50qv...I'm the GiRL on BP that is 2nd to NoNe BCUZ 5min w/ME & YouR AZZ is DoNe - 29
(Cleveland, GaRfiELD Hts (I HOST))
come and have ♥ a good time with china i have 60/80♡ roses special incalls only☆ - 25
(Cleveland, garfield hts incalls only ☆☆★☆)
*60/100 SpEcIaLs...OPEN til 10p* CoMe & SEE Why I'm "THE BOSS B**CH & THE TRUTH of BP" - 29
(Cleveland, Garfield hts)
*SpEcIaLs 60/80/150...OPEN to 11p "BaDDeST B**CH of BP" w/5* SKILLZ 2 PROVE IT...CaLL NOW 2 FiNd Out - 29
(Cleveland, Incall ONLY IN Garfield Hts)
NEW PICS...$50 $PeCiALs...OPEN 24hrs *THeY ALL ScRe@M 4 CrE@M w/A1 SKILLZ 2 PrOvE IT...CALL NoW* - 28
:*:NEW PICS:*: LOoKiNg 4 a SUPERFREAK w/5 StAr SeRvIcE lOOk No FuRtHeR...CALL NOW!!!! - 29
(Cleveland, Garfield hts)
AVAIL TO 11P *$100 SpEcIaLs* CoMe & SEE WHY I'M the BO$$ B**CH of BP w/ 5 StAr SeRvIcE - 29
(Cleveland, Garfield hts)
**$75 Specials** CuRvY & pUr3 FR3@K & PhAT BOOTy Re@dy 2 B SL@PpeD (5 StAr SeRvIcE) - 29
(Cleveland, Garfield hts)
Sat 04 Jan
I"m the GiRL on BP that is 2nd to NoNe BCUZ 5min w/ME & YouR AZZ is DoNe - 29
(Cleveland, GaRfiELD Hts)
*SpEcIaLs 60/80/150...OPEN to 4p "BaDDeST B**CH of BP" w/5* SKILLZ 2 PROVE IT...CaLL NOW 2 FiNd Out - 29
(Cleveland, Incall ONLY IN Garfield Hts)
NEW Pics...$50qv SpEciaLs...CaN YOU HaNdLe this APPLE BoTTom BOOTY & w/5🌟 SKILLZ - 29
(Cleveland, GaRfiELD hts INCALL ONLY)
Hey guys come spend you friday night with the alexis and check out the specialsThe baddest. bp - 22
(Cleveland, Garfield HTS. white men olny white men o)
*+*+* Athena *+*+* IN & OUT-CALL ♥ All Night Long :)' *216-538-5833* - 21
(Garfield Hts (iNcaLL) Your placE oR MiNe)
*80/100/150...OPEN 24hrs "CoMe N SeE WhY they ALL ScReAm 4 CRE@M" w/5* SKILLZ 2 PROVE IT!! - 29
(Cleveland, Incall Garfield Hts & Outcalls)
KREAM is THE GiRL on BP that is 2nd to NONE BCUZ 5MIN w/ME & YouR AZZ is DoNe - 29
(Cleveland, GaRfiELD Hts)
45qv/100hhr/150hr...I'M the GiRL on BP that is 2ND to NONE BCUZ 5min w/ME & YouR AZZ is DONE - 29
(Cleveland, GaRFiELD Hts INCALL ONLY)
216"505"0190...KREAM is THE ONE on BP that is 2nd to NoNe bcuz 5min w/ME & YouR Azz is DoNe - 29
(Cleveland, GaRfiELD Hts (I HOST))
::-):-) Come enjoy a royal Gateway With {Cookie} :-):-):-):-):-) - 23
(Cleveland, cleveland area garfield hts areas 480)
****MISS 2012*****Bring the New Years In Right w Cookie - 22
(Cleveland, cleveland area garfield hts areas 480)
hey im♥new in town to show u my special skills i have 40/50/80 special incalls only☆ - 25
(Cleveland, garfield hts incalls only ☆☆★☆)
««« Exotic Ebony Vixon Extra Fun and experienced playmate »»»» COOKIE - 22
(Cleveland, Garfield hts cleveland=COOKIES PLAYHOUSE)
**$75/100 SpEcIaLs** AVAIL til 4p...CoMe & SEE WHY I'M the BO$$ B**CH of BP w/ 5 StAr SeRvIcE - 29
(Cleveland, Garfield hts)
$60 $PeCiAL$...OPEN 24hrs SAT ONLY *SuPeRHe@D is IN GaRFiELD w/5* SKILLZ 2 PROVE IT...CaLL NoW!! - 28
$60 $PeCiAL$...OPEN til 10p *SuPeRHe@D is IN GaRFiELD w/5* SKILLZ 2 PROVE IT...CaLL NoW 2 FiND OUT!! - 28
*75/100 SpEcIaLs Open til 11P* CoMe N SEE WhY I'M "THE BOSS B**CH of BP" w/5 StAr SKILLZZ - 29
(Cleveland, Garfield hts)
*60/80 SpEcIaLs OpEn til 5p* CoMe SEE WhY they CALL ME "1 TIME CHARMER" of BP w/5* SKILLZZZ - 29
(Cleveland, INCALL Garfield hts and OUTCALL)
*60/100 SpEcIaLs...On 7/19 OPEN @ 10p* CoMe & SEE Why I'm "THE BOSS B**CH & THE TRUTH of BP" - 29
(Cleveland, Garfield hts)
*60/80/150...OPEN to 10p "BaDDesT B**CH on BP" w/5* SKILLZ 2 PROVE IT...CaLL NOW 2 FiND OUT - 29
(Cleveland, Incall IN Garfield Hts)
NEW PICS...$50 $PeCiALs... OPEN 24hrs *THeY ALL ScRe@M 4 CrE@M w/A1 SKILLZ 2 PrOvE IT...CALL NoW* - 28
Cookies and Cream 216 219 7443....... Hurry two girl specials now now now - 20
(Cleveland, Garfield Hts/outcalls anywhere)
chocolate express .......... 75 rosses special ...... 937 689 3425 ...... ask about 2 girl - 19
(Cleveland, garfield hts /in and out)
CALL NOW**$75 Specials 2p-11p** CoMe & See WHY I'M the BO$$ B**CH of BP w/5 StAr SeRvIcE - 29
(Cleveland, Garfield hts)
:.:.:.: ~-Allow me to accomodate your cck! :.:.:.: ~-INDIA-~ :.:.:.: - 29
(Garfield Hts/ Tranportation blv exit)
► ===► SeXy Play - Date ◄ ===◄ °° uP LÂT.?.? LT'§ PLÂY!! °
(♥==>Garfield Hts(In-Call) - Cleveland & Surrounding(Out-Call)<==♥)
*SpEcIaLs 60/80/150...OPEN til 7p"BaDDeST B**CH of BP" w/5* SKILLZ 2 PROVE IT...CaLL NOW 2 FiNd Out - 29
(Cleveland, Incall Garfield Hts)
Avail 3/8 from 1p-11p *75/100 SpEcIaLs* CoMe & SEE WHY I'M the BO$$ B**CH of BP w/ 5 StAr SeRvIcE - 29
(Cleveland, Garfield hts)
Tired of bad attitudes? Tired of being rushed? You will find me quite refreshing this fine day! - 41
(Cleveland, Cleveland Area/Near Maple & Garfield Hts)
Its xmas everyday with santa's lil helper COOKIE!! 150gifts hr - 22
(Cleveland, cleveland area garfield hts areas 480)
~~~ Gauranteed To Leave U More Then Satisfied ~~~ I`ll Have U Cuming Over & Over !