Mon 27 Jan
🍦LooKiNg FoR CoMpAn¥✨NeW YoUr§ TrUL¥✨§eXx¥ P€tiTe BoMBSh£LL💣💋AvAiLaBLe No₩ 1§+ CLaSS £×P€RiEnC€💋 - 21
(Cleveland, in call & outcalls)
LOOK NO MORE / A Perfect Mix of "Girl Next Door" and EXOTIC w/ Flawless Body? Here Now! NEW PICS! - 21
(Cleveland, ** 480 & 77 In/Outcalls!! **)
Malynn💣 finest chocolate drop around call now for a valentins day treat💗 - 21
(Cleveland, middleburg hts parma strongsville)
×❤× MaG¡callY DeL¡C¡OuS FuN* ComE to My MagiC ShoW & LeT Me AMAZE YOU!! ×❤× - 26
(Cleveland, (:::::AIRPORT AREA :::::)LiMitEd TiMe)
}}}}} Look @ My Specials {{{{{{{ Period Fetishes??}}}} Or 60$ Lollipop Specials This Weekend Only** - 25
(Private West Side)
Looking For A Cute Upscale Independent and Drama Free Girl? You've Found Her! Call Me Now- Jhazmine - 24
(Cleveland, Cleveland, Ohio)
** Lets PLAY!! Lebanese BOMBSHELL Sexy Fun Exotic Young Lady. COME experience - 19
(Cleveland, NE Ohio)
LET == ME -- T_A_K_E __o★o° _ Y_O_U_R_ °o★o° _B_R_E_A_T_H_ °o★o° _A_W_A_Y - 25
(Same person new number)
Let Me Treat You Like A 👑KING! 👑• ☆• ★• Simply The Best - TONED Petite Hottie • ★•→→ 80 SpECiALs - 24
(Cleveland, Westside In/Outcalls)
Let me make your fantasies come true, Let me show you what I love to do - 21
(Cleveland, In-calls & outcalls)
♥* Let Me Make Your Week Better *♥ *♥ { Comin.soon} - 21
(Cleveland, In/outcalls...24/7...anywhere)
LOOK!! »»WoW »» ~SeXXi EbOnY! »» A MuSt See »» -BuBBLe BooTY---» lImItEd TiMe - 20
(MeNtOr Incall/outcall)
Let Your Mind wonder💬🌹 and your Hands Explore 👐🔥 - 24
(Cleveland, Warrenvilles /euclid /mentor/ all areas)
♥* Let Me Make Your Week Better *♥* Incall Outcall *♥ - 21
(Cleveland, In/outcalls...24/7...anywhere)
Let me b the ★Twinkle★ in ur eye & ur Angel that fell from the sky!!! JeNnA {Rated®} - 24
(Cleveland, in & out cleveland surrounding areas)
♥* Let Me Make Your Week Better *♥* Incall Outcall *♥ - 21
(Cleveland, In/outcalls...24/7...anywhere)
♡☆☆Kartier Is Here To Please You☆♡♡Come Enjoy this ride ♡♡Hurry out calls only - 19
(Cleveland, outcalls East/West)
Lakewood Incall ((BuStY BeAuTy)) 42 {F} ArAbIc/ LaTiNa MiX ((Well Reviewed - ID 185338)) - 21
(Cleveland, Lakewood Incall)
◆ Jessica ◆ NEW REDHEADed HOTTIE ◆~ PERFECT PLaymaTE..eLiTE cOMpANIOn - 25 - 23
(Cleveland, MiddleBurg Heights..... IN/OUT)
*¨¨*— JUST 4 YOU — *¨¨(Election Week - In & Out SpeCiaLs) - 24
(Cleveland, In-call East 260th /Off-90/ & Outcalls)
______ ___________ _____ Kink ALERT: I Do What These Girls Won't Do _______ _______ _________ _____ - 20
(Cleveland, ___________Independence_____________)
Tue 21 Jan
*♛* *:.♥ ;:*¨¨*: : WiiLL LeAVe YOU SPeeCHLeSS :*¨¨*:. ♥:*¨ *♛* - 22
(Cleveland, in/outcalls)
$uper Dumb $pecials with the best of the Baddest... {NEW PICS ND NEWER PICS COMING IN NXT AD};-) - 21
(Cleveland, In/outcalls...24/7...anywhere)
💎 💎 💎 ❤SWEET SEXY HOT EXOTIC ❤ 💎 💎 💎 ▃▅▆█ GIRL █▆▅▃ ♥ 💎 ♛READY ♛ 💎 ▒ NOW - 23
(Cincinnati, ☎☎☎📞📞📞 513-266-7702)
Stop here l'm better then her Anything goes nothing is off limit's .what ever u want i never say no - 26
(Columbus, Ohio)
SUPER FREAK💋💋💋My Name Is Mz. Karmel. I'm 5 "7", With Perky Breasts And A Soft And Round Booty. - 27
(Cleveland, East And West Incalls And Outcalls)
SoftesT BooTY on Duty SeaShell is Your Best Choice for Fun$$$$$ - 23
thicker cuter and Better than all the rest equals the best - 21
(Youngstown, Youngstown and surrounding areas)
Tight grip won't slip hot and ready candy 3306313378 - 24
(Akron/Canton, akron Incall and out calls)
☆ ThE WoMaN N Me & #9734; NeEdS ThE MaN In U ☆ RiDiCuLuS $PeC!AL$ ☆... - 21
(Cleveland, In/outcalls...24/7...anywhere)
•°o♥° •☆[•♥•[CATCH THIS LIL HOTTIE •☆[•♥•] WHILE YOU CAN!!! [•♥ SEXY S*P*E*C*I*A*L*S- •♛!★☆°o♥° - 23
(Akron/Canton, Anywhere you need me🚗💸🌙☀️)
New to Backpage and loves to cater to professional gentlemen 440-654-3403 - 25
(Cleveland, West side of Cleveland)
!*() petite ray of sunshine up available all day() Well reviewed and highly recommended!()( - 25
(Toledo, in & out, toledo, surrounding areas)
📣👀 no FaRtHer👉🌞 EaRly MoRnInG ☕SpEciAls GaLoRe😄IDGT!(I Don't Get Tired)💦 SuPeRFrEaK👅 - 20
(Columbus, columbus east)
..... SEXY ° .. SOFT LIPS° .. CUTE HIPS ° ..pETITE BODY* ° . Well reviewed 172326 - 21
(Cleveland, in/outcalls)
NEW★--★--NEW★--★-- KEEP I't JUICY & I't Talk Back!!★-★Fingers & Toes Currl Here!! ☎☎ 859-382-0131 - 22
(Cincinnati, In and Outcalls (Your Place Or Mine))