Fri 03 Jan
»-(¯`v´¯)-»Ne W CuRvY BlOndE ...SiMpLy iRrEs iStAbLe...NeW HoTT PiX! » -( ¯`v´¯)-» - 21
Sexy Mixed Exotic dancer and parttime swimsuit model... pics 100% real! In calls only - 25
(Cleveland, 77 rockside rd./independence)
CaNdY GuRL!!! CuM GeT SOmE! $wEET $pecIALS ALL FoR YoU!!! 50$ massage special - 21
(Independence/ Rockside)
Thu 02 Jan
Sexy Mixed Exotic dancer and parttime swimsuit pics 100% real! - 25
(Cleveland, independence rockside 77)
NEW PiCs Inpendence BoYs 24hr❤ ►SeXy PuErto RiCaN BlOnDe DOUBLE ur PLEASURE! Specials ▓ ❤LlAma PaPi - 20
(Cleveland, INDEPENDENCE RoCkside incall)
**%~ FETiSHEs **%~(REAL pics) BEAUTIFuL GiRL WiTH BoDY TO MaTCH.!! **~** - 21
(Cleveland, INDEPENDENCE (INcall) off rockside rd.)
♥♡♥DOminican & BLACK BArbie 100% satISFaCTIOn! ♥♡♥in-out NEW PICS$100 specials for outcall only! - 22
Ebony the baddest body in town....take a peak !! (Back in town) - 21
(Cleveland, Rockside/independence incall n outcall)
CaNdY GuRL!!! GeT SOmE! $wEET $pecIALS ALL FoR YoU!!! 50$ massage special - 21
(Independence/ Rockside)