Fri 03 Jan
Kash LAST DAY in the AreA... taking all calls 80hh sexy petite!! soft juicy lips nd a phat Monkey!! - 21
(Cleveland, Willoughby incall)
**Ill Be Your Dirty Little Secret** HOT SPECIALS **MENTOR ** 40 DDD BEAUTY 440 228 2847 - 23
(Cleveland, MENTOR)
Im On Santa's"Nau@hty List"I'll B The Bst Gift u Cn Get &I;'llGive It 2 u Better Thn uEver Imagined* - 25
(Cleveland, in/71-bagley rd ~ out/anywhere :),)
I'M BACK👋💖💞Vivacious Bangin Body Ebony Barbie Ready for Upscale Gentleman👠 - 21
(Cleveland, your place or mines)
Highly Addictive Freak ★ I Want YOU As B★d As YOU Want Me☆ CALL NOW - 24
(Cleveland, MENTOR IN=((OuTCAll)) sPclz)
🌈Hello guys🌈Im legit 100% real not on any games💋no rip offs give me a call I'll show u a good⌚💖 - 24
(Cleveland, Mentor in or out calls)
HAPPY EASTER Weekend Everyone!!! =) / InCall Taking Appointments for Saturday to Monday Morning - 19
(Wayne County)
Gorgeous petite Italian Brunette... Jenna.. Pure Pleasure and Passion at its best.. Available Today! - 23
(Cleveland, West)
—— *★*—— HEY GUYS!!!!! —— *★*——Slender BOMBSHELL —— *★*—— GORGEOUS and AVAILABLE NOW~! —— *★* —— - 21
" Heaven leigh!" ~ in independence tues, weds ,thurs, ~ cant wait!:) 330 957-1615 - 33
★::::: E X O T I C P L E A S U R E S ★::::: ($65 INCALL SPECIAL) - 21
(Cleveland, W.117TH Madison area off of I-90)
♥ _______ BaCk iN ToWn!! *[GoRgEoUs ♥ SuNsHiNe]* ExCeLLeNt ReViEwS!! ________ ♥ - 25
(Cleveland, [[ MeNtOr/WilloUgHbY Area ]])
♥ __ 100% REAL PICS!!! - - - - BLONDE - - - - AvAiLAbLe ALLLL DaY!!! __ ♥ - 24
(*Willoughby/mentor* Area incall)
**AleXiS** HOT, petite.. and waiting 4 you:) Upscale Westside location.. NEW PICS!! TER approved - 27
★ 100% Real Pics ★ NEW ★ HOT Nude Girlfriend Here ★ SMOKING HOT ★ Hourglass Figure ★ S - E - X - Y ★ - 20
(Cleveland, Euclid or a city near you)
(100) RaL DaL BaB¥ »-★-» Na§t¥ ¥uMM¥ *MiXxEd* HoN¥ »-★-» @M@zInG §PCIÅL§ dÅ¥&N;!T - 24
(Cleveland, MENTOR IN=OuTcAlL SpClz)
♠ ♥ ARe yOu aLL HaRD & STiFF?? I CaN fix THaT !! CaLL ME!!!! $Specials$ ♠ ♥ - 24
(Cleveland Surrounding areas))
#1 ChØ¡Ce- Ve®¥ CuRv¥- xP®¡ ℕc M¥ Un®U§hd JaW ClNch¡nG-*Ø Cu®L¡N' GØOdNS§ - 25
(♔AiRpOrT ArEa♔)
____________ ▃Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ▃ ▬▬Sweet ▬▬Petite ▬▬ Molly▬▬ ▃Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ▃ _________________ - 19
(Akron/Canton, Cleveland, Cleveland/Akron)
❌⭕️ Experienced, Professional, Discreet❌⭕️ Chrissy Kisses! ~ 440-836-3801(no texting) - 40
(Cleveland, Cleveland - In/Out OVER 35 ONLY)
💜💚💖💞💝🌹🌹💎🌺 let me cater to you. Open minded babe just for you 💦💦💦💦 - 27
(Cleveland, Mentor Willoughby area incall)
👑💎Amber dior 💎👑 Ready 2 be Your Naughty Girl 😈 - 21
(Cleveland, cleveland painsville mentor OUTCALL)
Mistress Lola is looking for you..... I took first pic last week of March... very recent.. very me. - 52
(Cleveland, Cleveland - West Side...)
➜ YOU WANT iT? i GOT iT! ➜ DRiPPiN LiKE WATER! ~ Special~ - 24
(ClEvElAnD ArEa {24hr in/outcalls})
×°x°× [×°x°× soOoOo sWeeT & tEnDeR ×°x°×] aVaiLabLE noWWW [×°x°× TER# 147985 ×°x°×] - 21
We have arrived! New to town and only here for a limited time!!! - 20
(Cleveland and surrounding areas)
·.¸¸.·´¯☆ ·.¸¸.·´¯☆ The CHEAPER the girl the cheaper the results! - 28
(airport incall and anywhere outcalls!!!)
♥ °° S E X Y S W E E T & D I S C R E E T . . . G R E A T R A T E S ♥ °° - 22
———— :¦:•S• E • X • Y• :¦:——————— * HOT §ExY BLONDE * ———————— * :¦:•S• E • X • Y• :¦:——————— - 23
(Cleveland, Cleveland/Akron)
~*~OPEN VIVIAN'S GATES ~*~Extremely HOT SEXY & well REVIEWED!! :-) - 28
(Cleveland, BROOKPARK (IN) NE Ohio (OUT))
🚫No Games 🚫No Rushing ☎Just Pure Full Satisfaction With A Beautiful Exotic Petite Upscale Beauty - 20
(Cleveland, Outcalls Discreetly To You! Mentor)
All Up-2-Date Pictures *** Real Deal *** Always Dressed N Naughty Play Attire *** In/Out - 25
Late Night SPECIAL- 247 availability💎 Tall blonde -💋 Got those long legs- Unrushed 2165081338 - 27
***LAST NITE*** ((( sImPlY aMaZiNg ))) [[[ AlWaYs the BeSt ]]] {{{ GuArAtEeD to make ur toes CuRl}}} - 25
(willoughby ur place or mine)
»—»( K•¡•N•k•¥ ) `~[§K¡LL§ THAT W¡LL AMAZ€ U] `~ I'm LiK3 No.OTH3R`~ ULTIMATE ExOtiC»—» - 25
(Cleveland, ══ ☆°══[WILLOUGHBY AREA ]══ ☆° ══)
LAST NITE IN TOWN[[-XxX-]] SUPER [[-XxX-]] SWEET [[-XxX-]] NyMPHO [[-XxX-]] FREAK [[-XxX-]] 100 HH - 21
(Airport Area 24hr incall/outcall)
2/22 SATURDAY! I Need YOUR company :'( Bodyrub + Gorgeous me= Amazing! *Now or LATE!* - 23
(Cleveland, 10min WEST of Dwntwn Cle*)
Last days *$50 & $150* S*P*E*C*I*A*L $50 & $150* S*P*E*C*I*A*L $50 & $150* S*P*E*C*I*A*L - 27
(Cleveland, Cleveland-AIRPORT AREA(INCALL ONLY)))
I Love pleasing ☎~☎ ✔ Im ☆ Alw@ys ☆ On ☆ Our ☆ N@ughti€$t ☆B€h@vior!! ✔ ☎~☎ 100% real 100%HOT - 21
(Cleveland, brookpark/airport incall)