Mon 06 Jan
(( SuPeR NeW PiiCs )) ► (( bRuNeTTe BaRbiE )) =► (( 1OO% ReaL!!! )) ◄= - 20
(...::: AiRpOrT aReA :::...)
**Yur lil Secret**Sexc Ryder** petite, freak nd Discrete..24hr 60hh till 12am call me... - 21
(Cleveland, cleve, westside fairview airport area)
°o©°* (LaSt DaYs!!!) °o©°* ((=BLUE EYED=)) °&©° ((=BARBIE=)) °o©°($80$ SPeCiAlS){UP 24HRS} - 22
(**~MeNtOR~ InCALL OnLy~**)
~ ! NeW PiCs* ~ ! PeTiTe ReDbOnE ! ~ lOvE 2 gEt NaStY ~ AVaILAbLe NoW ! NiCe - 18
(Cleveland, MenTor ArEa InCaLL OnLy)
*Lexi* Looking for That Girl Next Door ? Quick visit$70 &$100 half hour!T.E.R. ID# 132764 & 117401 - 29
(W.150th&I-71; private residence!)
Let Me Be Your Perfect Getway !!! $100 SAFE & DISCREET CHOICE..[HOLLY] 330-564-7406 - 28
(Akron/Canton, 1608 EAST AVE AKRON OHIO 44314)
★ PeTiTe & FreaKy ★ GoRgeoUs & KiNky ★ EXoTiC bLoNdE ★ NeW 2 ArEa - 20
(Cleveland, MenTor area ( InCall OnLy ))
Sun 05 Jan
:*¨¨*:: (((NeW In ToWn ))):*:: AbSaLutLy ThE BeSt SeRvIcE ArOuNd :*:: DANIELLE (216) 633- 0934 - 21
° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° It melts in your MOUTH, NOT in your hand ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° - 26
(Cleveland, euclid)
*ೋ* #1 PRINCESS {{i'm feelin kinky boys}}[[new pics]]~can u handle me? *ೋ* - 21
S(P)Eci(A)L(S) ** S(P)Eci(A)L(S) *** ** S(P)Eci(A)L(S) ** S(P)Eci(A)L(S) ****** S(P)Eci(A)L(S) - 25
Sensuality...💜 I wanna 💋.kiss 💋you all over!!! You'll 💖me!! Jada .. Well reviewed ⛅🍀🍄🇺🇸 - 38
(Cleveland, Lake Co!!!! I'm here!)
New pics!! Sensual + Seduction equals eruption! Without no interruptions. - 27
(Cleveland, Cleveland Area)
GeT It LiKe YoU WaNt It===call now NeW SpeCials W/ CreAm LaFlAiR & ReMy - 25
(Cleveland, westside incall & outcall available)
____█ TAN █____ •♥ • ♥ • [ S€DuCT!v€ ] ♥ • [ UNFoRGetAblE___█ INCREDIBLE SErVICE BLoNDE - 25
(Cleveland, Click to find out! In & outcall)
**SeXxXY* [ WeLL ReVieWeD ] * [ SWeeT N TiGHT ] * [ EARLY bird SPECIALS ] ExXxOTiC!!!** - 21
BaBy LeT Me TaKe CoNtRoL- call now hot new specials - 26
(Cleveland, cleveland area outcalls & in call avail.)
Sat 04 Jan
Sexy Slim Seductive LOLA waiting to please u **SPECIALS!** - 19
. ++ . [[ P3TiT3 ]] ★ [[ D0MiNiC@N ]] ★ [[ FR3@K ]] . ++ . ++ . [[ 24-HRS! ]] . ++ . - 22
(Cleveland, ××█ M3NT0R █××)
Come and Get Your Lovin on with a True Lady that takes care of All of Your Needs and Wants!!!!
See Me After Christmas! ~ 440-836-3801 (no texting) ~ Chrissy Kisses - 40
(Cleveland, Cleveland Area (IN/OUT))
All YoUr FantAsy's NoW At YoUr FinGeR TiPs w/ CrEaM $60 specials all NiGhT LonG - 25
(Cleveland, Cleveland dOwNtOwn incall & OuTcaLl)
[[[ ÂVÂLIÂBL NOW ]]] [[ 1oO%~ RÂL]] [[ XOtiC ]] & [[ ßÂUi FUL ]] - NW To BiZZ - 25
(Cleveland, willoubhy//mentor incall only)
Sexy Slim Seductive LOLA waiting to please u **SPECIALS!** - 19
Fri 03 Jan
{{LAST NIGHT BOYS!!}} ___ :MIAMI bOmBsHeLL: ____ **GREAT REVIEWS** {{#1 B[o][o]Ty iN tOwN! }} - 25
(((mentor area)))
★::::: E X O T I C P L E A S U R E S ★::::: ($65 INCALL SPECIAL) - 21
(Cleveland, W.117TH Madison area off of I-90)
❌⭕️ Experienced, Professional, Discreet❌⭕️ Chrissy Kisses! ~ 440-836-3801(no texting) - 40
(Cleveland, Cleveland - In/Out OVER 35 ONLY)
LAST NITE IN TOWN[[-XxX-]] SUPER [[-XxX-]] SWEET [[-XxX-]] NyMPHO [[-XxX-]] FREAK [[-XxX-]] 100 HH - 21
(Airport Area 24hr incall/outcall)
~ ! NeW PiCs* ~ ! PeTiTe ReDbOnE ! ~ lOvE 2 gEt NaStY ~ AVaILAbLe NoW ! NiCe - 18
(Cleveland, MenTor ArEa InCaLL OnLy)
Come On Over and Spend Some Quality Time with a True Lady who will take care of your every need!!!!
★ PeTiTe & FreaKy ★ GoRgeoUs & KiNky ★ EXoTiC bLoNdE ★ NeW 2 ArEa - 20
(Cleveland, MenTor area ( InCall OnLy ))
❌⭕️ Experienced, Professional, Discreet❌⭕️ Chrissy Kisses! ~ 440-836-3801(no texting) - 40
(Cleveland, Cleveland - In/Out OVER 35 ONLY)
Thu 02 Jan
* NeW PiCs_ ** SUPRE FUN ** PuerTo RiCaN MaMii ** __KiNkY and WiLd _LaSt DaY HeRe - 27
(Cleveland, ()() AiRpOrT ArEa ()())
Mis$ Ariel Wont be Here For Much LonGer*^* Dont MisS *^* FloridaZ FineSt *^* Great Reviews - 24
(Cleveland, Westlake, Ohio, Surrounding areas)
____█ TAN blonde█____ SAssY GiRL NeXt dOOr ___█ INCREDIBLE SErVICE - 24
(Cleveland, Click to find out!)
ঃঁ Open Minded Freak ঃঁ ((1OO% ReAl & ReViEwEd)) --yOur gOnna lOve me♥ - 21
(** MENTOR ** incall only*)
75 1/2hr ██ Hot Jiggle Booty Florida BombShell Ebony College Girl ██ - 18
(Incall-Airport Starting at 75 1/2hr)
Wednesday Specials ***** Jaw Droping - Hott Blonde ***** Wednesday Specials - 21
(Your place or mine)
*dOmOnIqUe* sExY iTaLiAn PrInCeSs *60/80/150 sPeCiAls ToDaY oNlY* gReAt ReViEwS * - 21
(Cleveland, independence)