Mon 27 Jan
Native American/Black Girl looking for some fun. Call Now for Hot Rates!!!! - 23
(Cleveland Downtown, westside cleveland)
♡♥♡♥ Name your price Specials ♡♥♡♥ get it while you can ♡♥♡♥ - 25
(Cleveland, avon/lorain/elyria/ lorain county OUTCAL)
Mz. sEdUcTiOn iS ===*=== aDDicTiVe ===*=== & ===*=== EnTiCiNG ===*==== 100% {*G*F*E*} ===== - 21
(::::::MENTOR 24HRS:::::::)
~*~*~ PaSsIoNaTe ~*~*~ TeNdEr ~*~*~ SeDuCtIvE ~*~*~ =*=*= aLL 4 yOu - 20
.•*¨¨*•-:¦:-• *NEW IN TOWN E X O T I C __ P L A Y M A T E SPECIALS* •-:¦:-•*¨¨*•. - - 21 - 21Posted: - 21
🏪 NEW B-O-O-T-Y-F-U-L- ExOtiC🌴 JuiCey💦 SwEEt🌸 MiXed FrEaky MaMi⭐120 $PECIALS 💎 Open 24Hrs📞 - 2 - 23
*** New *** & *** ALL NITE ALL DAY "" incall only *** Early Bird AM specia l*** - 22
(Cleveland, airport incall)
( N_E_W_) °°★ °°(B_A_B_Y_) ★°° (D_O_L_L_) °°★°° (CALL NOW) °°★°° - 19
(Cleveland, Cleveland/surrond,/Hotel Disreet Incall/)
♡♥♡~Mz Sweet Honey~♡♥♡ Winter wonderland specials - 24
(Cleveland, Cleveland out calls/warrensville incall)
💙💚🎆 New Girl From West Virginia 🎇💛💜 Little Miss Country 💋 216-910-7897 - 25
(Cleveland, West Cleveland, Middleburg heights incal)
💕NEW💕 💎Executive professional💎 💋blonde bunny💋 all welcome - 19
(Cleveland, Warrensville-Northfielid incall)
(N_E_W_ ) •★• (B_R_U_N_ N_E_T_T_E_) (B_O_M_B _S_H_E_L_L_) •★• (Avail NOW!!) - 20
(Cleveland, Cleveland, Cleveland east/west)
NeW BoOtY LoVerS DReAm StAlLiOn..SuPEr ThIcK ApPle BotTom %BuBble% WoW! SPeCiALss 80 - 21
(Cleveland, willoughby Maplegrove)
💦Naughty Natalie Sexy Chocola Indian Mixed Million Dollar Mouth💦💦 - 27
(Cleveland, Cleveland,Lake,Portage And All Surroundi)
NaUgHtY ~ NiCe PeTiTe ~ (BLoNDE HoTTie) SwEeT ((Ooh!)) * DiScReeT InCaLL ***** GFE ***** - 20
(Dwntown/Westside Incall)
Nasty Naughty💦 Playmate®💋 ★★24/7★FREAKY💦💦★ CREAM🍼💦💦 ★★★★★ CREAM🍼💦💦 ★★★★★ CREAM🍼💦💦 ★★★★★ - 22
(Cleveland, Eastsise mlk/union ave)
(N_E_W_ ) •★• (M_I_S_S) •★• (B_I_G_) (B_O_O_T_Y_) •★• (AVAIL NOW!) •★ - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland, Cleveland, downtown)
MUST SEE! 100% ReAL * *__ ★ - EXoTiC MiX - ★ * -- FReAkY - * ReaDy 2 PlaY AmAzInG sPcLz - 24
(★Mentor/Willoughby in/out★)
NEW~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~GORGEOUS~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PLATINUM~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ BLONDE! ! ! ! ! - 23
(Cleveland, incall)
💦Naughty But Nice -u : 🔷38DDD🔷Good With That Mouth Piece 🔷Ready to Play🔷 - 29
(Beachwood, Cleveland)
(N_E_W_ ) °°•★• °°(B_A_B_Y_) •★•°° (D_O_L_L_) °°•★•°° (AVAIL NOW) °°•★•°° - 25
(Cleveland, Cleveland, OUT/IN NO AREA TO FAR)
$%$%$ My body is ur party ! ! !Chocolate "Rain" SPcs...$%$%$ OPEN 24/7 9174266223 - 20
(Cleveland, parma/middleburg/old brooklyn/lakewood)
☆ NE W(♥) *~* I T A LI A N *~* PLAY (♥) MATE - 22
(Cleveland, North Olmsted In-Call)
--( N A S T Y )-- ঃঁ Open Minded Freak (1OO% ReAl)--yOur gOnna lOve me♥ SpEcIaLs - 21
(Cleveland, ** westside incall **)
(N_E_W_ ) •★• (B_R_U_N_ N_E_T_T_E_) (B_O_M_B _S_H_E_L_L_) •★• (Avail NOW!!) - 20
(Cleveland, Cleveland east/west)
** Mz.Pink ** Amazing specials all week ** Cleveland ** 216-322-6821** - 20
(Cleveland, East Cleve superior incall 24/7)
Nasty as I wanna be... new booty on duty... Fre@kzzzz.. the Candy Shop iz open 216-209-3281 - 20
(Cleveland, Cleveland, outcall)
(N_E_W_ ) •★• (M_I_X_E_D_) •★• (B_O_M_B_) (S_H_E_L_L_) •★• (Avail NOW!) - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland, Cleveland, downtown)
Mz. sUdUcTiOn's [{[{[{ mOnDaY }]}]}] [{[{[{ SPECIALS }]}]}] >>>> sW33t &&&& aDdIcTiVe - 20
Ms.Sasha's *Bad B**ches Travels In Any Weather...Dont Call unless you Want a OuTcall!!!! - 22
(Cleveland, suburbs)
NEW☞ Click Here!! ©:* WaRnINg! ! *:©:* ExXTrEmLY !!©:* !! *:©:* & AdDicTiVe ! ! - 21
NeW ++ b e a u t i f u l - s w e e t - f u n ++ NeW ++ p e r f e c t - c h o i c e ++ NeW - 22
(Cleveland, ++ M E N T O R - i n c a l l ++)
ღ NEW & ExCiTiNG ღ | | ღ OPEN-MiNDED & 1,000% R E A L ღ | | Lets PLAY :) - 21
(Cleveland, Warrensville/ Northfeild Road)
(N_E_W_ ) °°★ °°(B_A_B_Y_) ★°° (D_O_L_L_) °°★°° (AVAIL NOW) °°★°° - 25
(Cleveland, OUT/IN NO AREA TO FAR)
Nadia is back★ Specials •★• Well reviewed •★• 100% CLASSY•★ VERY DISCREET !!! - 25
(Cleveland, West Side of airport)
Mz. sUdUcTiOn's [{[{[{ eRoTiC }]}]}] [{[{[{ SPECIALS }]}]}] >>>>aDdIcTiVe - 20
my place or yours! specials rates & up late - 24
(Cleveland, off 480 garfied hts in&out; surr areas)
!!*Ms.BERRIE BaCK "" MODEL BODY"" I ♥WHITE MEN 100% truely sexy ~ Exotic COMPANION - 22
(Cleveland, westside of cleveland)
♡♥Ms.Sasha Mac Will Travel to You This Early Morning Earlybird specials ! OutCalls Available Now! - 22
(Cleveland, westside,surburbs,downtown,beachwood)