Sat 04 Jan
ViSiTiNG ★ M O R E... C U R V E S ....THE ..B E T T E R!!!...SWEET... TREAT 2 MEET!!
_*! __O_U_T__C ___A___L___L_* ===*=== ( (_$ * * 1_0_0* * $_) ) ===*=== _*S___P___E __C___! __A__ L* - 26
(Cleveland, outcalls only!!!!!!!!! no incall 24/7)
OH SOOOOO SEXY /// SEXY // Sweeter than a CHERRY , Hotter than FIRE!!! (( Super Sexy )) ----- - 27
Fri 03 Jan
What you have been waiting for! A dream come true! Your very own dream girl! - 23
(Cleveland, cleveland and surrounding areas)
*:©:* sUpEr ____ ©:* sWeeT... *:©:* eBoNi :©:*__ | * | ____* GoddEss *:©:* - 19
Loving,Passionate,and Exôtìç ïß a moment with pink and cherry!!!! - 21
(Cleveland, upscale areas,only outgoing calls)
Looking for a beautiful, classy, & sassy Sophia? OR amazing jazz your lookin in the right direction! - 23
(Cleveland, westside cleveland)
Hi,daddy its Cream here to make your wishes come true!!! - 21
(Cleveland, upscale areas,only outgoing calls)
Got a sweet tooth? *GORGEOUS CHOCOLATE* a BALANCED diet is CHOCOlate in both HANDS ;) - 21
(Cleveland, ((AIRPORT AREA)))
*Angelique's Holiday Specials Are In Effect*Come Get Pampered By A Real Lady* - 23
(Cleveland, Eastside of Cleveland)
SEXIEST Lil' College Girl ON THE Northside! *SEXY* STAR* - 21
(Columbus, Worthington North High St/Incall only)
FiNeSt FrOm ToLeDo... CoMe SeE pIxYx BeFoRe I lEaVe ToWn~~ - 27
(Cleveland, Cleveland South ( Independence))
What you have been waiting for! A dream come true! Your very own dream girl! - 23
(Cleveland, cleveland and surrounding areas)
xxXx Porn Star Offering G*F*E*/P*S*E *** MONE DIVINE {Little Red Riding Wood!!} {1DAY VISIT}
(Downtown Cleveland)
~~~ Treat Ur Self ~~~ With Natalia:)I will have you cumming back 4 MORE... - 24
(Cleveland West Incall & Outcall)
I Fufill ALL Fantasies - I love being told what to do - 26
(Cleveland, Upscale West Near Airport Incall Only)
Sweeter than a CHERRY , Hotter than FIRE!!! (( Super Sexy )) ----- STUNNING SIGHT TO SEE ! - 27
»-(¯`v´¯)-»Ne W CuRvY BlOndE ...SiMpLy iRrEs iStAbLe...NeW HoTT PiX! » -( ¯`v´¯)-» - 21
*** Be AuTiFuL *** ((ExOtiC)) *** PLaYm aTe
(Independence (in/outcall))
Thu 02 Jan
Come see this sexy & fun blonde bombshell. (SPECIALS) AVAILABLE NOW!!! IN & OUT CALLS ONLY!!! - 22
(Columbus, east side, off Brice rd)
*~~~~Lighter the better! Sexy mixed female wit green eyes and 36 DDDs!!!! Check out my assests!!! - 26
(all over cleveland)
{JASMINE is BACK!} {sPeCiALs} {aLL} {dAY} {Now} {oFFEriNG} {OUtcAllS} {WeSt } {CLeVeLaND} - 21
Hey fellas i need u to come out and play with me tonight! - 22
(Cleveland, all of Cleveland and surrounding areas)
HOT & HORNY Little Hottie ----- (( Super Sexy )) ----- SINFUL STUNNING SIGHT TO SEE ! - 27
~HiGhLy ReVieWeD n NeW 2 Town! perfect10rear end, natural tan beauty! I AIM 2 PLEASE - 27
::*::: SexXxY *TaN* PeTiTe aLwAyS SaFe FuN & CLEAN bLoNdE :::**:::: LiMiTeD TiMe CaLL NoW! :::*:::: - 23