Sun 05 Jan
°L°_°E°_°T° ___ °M°_°E° _ °B_E °_ ° °Y°_°O °_°U °_°R ° __ °R °_ °E °_ °L °_ °A °_ X _T_I_O_N°_____ - 26
(in brice /outcall 24/7 (your place baby))
😍😍😍Inc@lls😜😜 👅👉Mz. Cherokee B@ck 😍😍📱C@ll Now @must 👀 up @ll nite !!!👠👠💄 Out calls 24/7 - 25
(Cleveland, Cleveland Incalls all day/night)
hot and very sexy im back from cali and im ready to have sone fun - 24
(Cleveland, West Side Cleveland)
💋 Have a 2 girl fantasy? Fulfill it now with these 2 busty blondes 😍💋💦 - 20
(Cleveland, West Cleveland)
▃▆▓❀❤❀▓▆▃ GORGEOUS ▃▆▓❀❤❀▓▆▃ SEXY ▃▆▓❀❤❀▓▆▃STUNNER▃▆▓❀❤❀▓▆▃ - 23
(Cleveland, Cleveland/Akron/OUTCALL)
✰ eXoTic NEW CuBan PLAYMATE ✰ v3ry op3n mind3d !! - 20
(Cleveland, ✰==( BEACHWOOD )==✰)
fun sexy and exotic... Lauren.. I want to be your all time favorite! well reviewed - 24
(Cleveland, cleveland west)
♥ EX0TiC .•*´¨✭🍒✭.•*´MiSS NATALiE ¸ .•*´¨✭🍒✭.•*¨ IN & OUT SPCLS . ¸ .•*´¨✭🍒✭¸ .•*´¨ %100 REAL!! - 22
(Cleveland, CLEVELAND & SURR AREAS!!⇦✔♥;$)
code name: NINA REDBONE sex VIXEN 216*337*9678 FATHERS DAYspecial 100 ROSES - 20
Best in the Biz.....24 hr Service Don't Cheat Yourself, treat yourself ...Sexy, Natural Blonde Cougar - 42
(Cleveland, west)
★• ArriViNG ToDaY YouR Puerto RicAN HoNeY / w... BeAuTY & B —oO—T—y:) - 19
(Cleveland, Outcalls east/west)
[AVAiLABLE RiGHT NOW 24/7*] ßYÕND UR WiLD§T DRÂM§ [ SeXy DoLL!] - 25
(Cleveland, Beachwood)
██ ◆¯`'•.¸ ★¸. •'´ALL NIGHT SPECIALS with Caramel goddess ★NEW IN TOWN ★Don't miss out ¯`'•.¸ ★¸ - 20
.( ( aLL dAy!! ) ) - ¦ - £ÕV£Y ( 1OO% M) - ¦ - XÕIC - ¦ - MiXeD ViXeN! - 26
(Rockside /Independance)
ToDay Only Specials ❤ ▄▀ ▄▀ ❤BooBs ▀▄▀▄❤ BooBs ❤▄▀ ▄▀▄▀ ❤ ALOT OF B(.)(.)BZZZZ ❤▄▀▄▀❤ - 24
(Cleveland, westside/downtown outcall/incall)
BBW Sabrina And Introducing My New Friend Christie One Or Two Girl Specials 216 240 3869!!********* - 25
(Private West Side)
—————————*S E X Y*———————*C L A S S Y*————————*B E A U T I F U L*—-——————*E X O T I C*————————— - - 30
(Cleveland, Middleburgh heights)
*¨¨*:. NeWNeW MaIN AtTrAcTiOn BlUe EyEd BlOnDiE BaRbIe DoLl 5 Star*¨¨*:. ★ .:*¨¨* Treatment - 18
{ NiCe CuRvY Fre@K } *★* { vErY oPeN-miNdEd } *★* HuGe DoubLe D's !! - 19
(~~Willoughby__ AreA~~)
80 rose's**CHANEL** °°NEW N TOWN°° 24hr 2162035514 - 22
(Cleveland, Old Brooklyn cleveWest my place or ur's)
💖💖💆💆💆💆💆 Lea Micheals & Nicole Chambers Tandem Session (225) 366-7793 - 23
(Cleveland, South East Cleveland (225) 366-7793)
LAST DAY Your Florida Blonde Beachwood -Feb 6-7 Contact me Incall/Outcall - 35
(Beachwood, Beachwood - Incall/Outcall)
📽CYBER FUN!📽 BBW Bella Live 📽 Busty Babe - 24
(Akron/Canton, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Sandusky, Toledo, Youngstown)
{{ HoT pIcS }}o*°o SeDuCtIvE PlAyMAtE xXx { TER# 147985 } xXx pReTTy °o♥o° iN { !! PinK !!} - 21
•♥• [ HIGH QUALITY ] •♥• [ SWEET ] •♥• [ UPSCALE ] •♥• [ INDEPENDENT ] •♥• [KINKY] ♥• $💟 - 19
▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ ★F ☆ i ★ V ☆ E★ ★S ☆ T ★ A ☆ R★ Stunning ! ! ! ! Columbian ! ! ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland/Akron)
((WeLL ReVieWed )) ** ( NiCE P3rKY *BO✪B! e'S) ** (( i ♥ 2pLa Y R0.u.g.h d@.dD.y)) - 22
Brand New ..........Sexii exotic stripper/model here to please and pleasure your every need - 21
(Cleveland, in & outcalls)
☆`§W § HAVN ☆ BU NÂUGHY § HLL ☆ WÂiiNG 4 U - 30
(Cleveland, Incall; Cuyahoga County; NR Cuy. Airport)
!¡! * @TTNTI0N * !¡! * $pcI@L$ * !¡! * L@$t D@¥ Hr * !¡! * NW PIX * !¡! $pcI@L$ !¡!¡!¡!¡!¡ - 27
(Cleveland, Willoughby, Cleveland)
*60/80 SpEcIaLs OpEn til 11p* CoMe SEE WhY they CALL ME "1 TIME CHARMER" of BP w/5* SKILLZZZ - 29
(Cleveland, INCALL Garfield hts and OUTCALL)
SPECIALS 💋Ready to please in all your FANTASYS 💖 90-130-160 - 20
(Cleveland, Cleveland / inpendence)
█ SEXY █ BLACK █ █ RAIN1NG █ █ Specials █ 85 █ - 19
(Cleveland, INCALL 85 and OUTCALL 100 Upscale Areas)
NeW ((( MuSt SeE ))) CoLuMbUs OhIo InCaLL ((( SkY ))) 100 SpEcIaL - 19
I am Back ;{{100% REAL and RECENT PICS!}} ExOtiC PuErTo RiCaN MaMii * - 27
(Cleveland, Airport area)
Head of a goddess ✨BOOTY 4 Sinful pleaaure💥56Inches sure to please by any measure✨💥 - 22
(Cleveland, Euclid,oh)
((GORG3OUS)) & PET¡TE ☆*: {1OO% The Real Deal} ☆ **Well Reviewed** - 21
(Cleveland, ☆Beachwood Incalls☆)
= + = + KiNkY EbOnY! Available NOW! ! ! = FETiSHES & GFE!! {{Curvy EBONY Treat}} = + = + LOW RATES! - 22
(west side cleveland)