Thu 02 Jan
MiD - WeeK CREEP U no WhAt tHAt MeaNs (( H*MPDaY HooKuP )) CaNt U get AwAy & PLaY (( $100 sPeCiAlS - 18
(Cleveland, ★::: OUTCALL ONLY :::★)
knock your socks off extra sweet and sweaty a complete delight - 24
(Beachwood, Chillicothe, Cleveland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Ohio, Tuscarawas County)
Let Me Treat You Like A 👑KING! 👑• ☆• ★• Simply The Best - TONED Petite Hottie • ★•→→ Available 24/7 - 24
(Cleveland, Westside In/Outcall)
M0nDay🌃 FiXx🍆💦 BiG B00T¥👌 A1 Mouf👅50qv💦4 H0RN¥ MEN w/B!G H@rd W00Ds🍆🚶⬇CLICK BLUE LINK⬇ - 23
(Akron/Canton, Cleveland, Northfield Rd ))IN)💯% Real⬆️ VIDEOS⬆️)
♥ ☆¯`'•.¸ ★¸. •'´¯ LeT mE ★BE YouR ★SeXY LiL SeCrET ¯`'•.¸ ★¸. •'´¯ - ♥ +216 262 4069 - 21
(Cleveland, West 117th Incall & Outcall)
latina 36 double dees... $60 special = 30 mins - 23
(Cleveland, incalls w.130th outcalls everywhere)
Its My Birthday!!!! ... I'm all alone in my birthday, and not having any fun! Come help me celebrate - 25
(Cleveland, Cleveland east)
L◕ ‿ ◕K ==>> 🙌BODY LIKE xx PINKY xx. ((( ••► BiG BOOTY ◄•• ))) ★ ((( ••► W@RM & GU$HY ◄•• ))) - 24
(Cleveland, ★::: OUTCALL:::★)
**** LaSt NiGhT In TOwN!!!* ATL'S #1 ExXxOTiC EbOnY PLAyMaTe aVaiLaBlE NoW !!!! ***** - 22
→→JuIcY & griPpInG←← vErY oPeN mInDeD ♥♡♥ KiNkY lAtInA rEaDy FoR aLl FeTiShEs♥♡♥ - 24
(Cleveland, Beachwood upscale incall)
█▓█✿ •✿ HOT✿• •✿ ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ █✿• •✿VIP✿• •✿█▬▬▬▬▬▬▬❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ •✿•REDHEAD• ✿•█▓█
(Cleveland, Cleveland/Akron)
I can make a better rain shower than outside💦💕Sweeter than Sweetest day itself..Call me NoW! - 19
(Cleveland, airport incall/outcall)
💋✨ HURRY UP COME GET UR HE@D RIGHT 👄👅 ✨⭐️ (Sexy) ✨⭐️ (Ready) ✨⭐️ (Fun) ✨⭐️LAST DAY SPECIALS - 20
__I__R__R__E __S__ I __S __T__ A __B__L__E__ ♥ °•..•° ♥sSuUpPeErR - 19
(Cleveland, beachwood incall/outcall)
*HOT _______________ SEXY* _______________ * BLONDE * _______________ In-Calls* _______________ - 34
(Cleveland, Middleburgh heights)
———— :¦:•§• E • X • Y• :¦:——————— * HOT §EXY REDHEAD * ———————— * :¦:•§• E • X • Y• :¦:——————— - 23
(Cleveland, Cleveland/Akron)
EXxXot!C M!XeD EBoNY V!XxXeN!* {{*G*F*E*}} *Dr!pP!nG W*e*T * ~P0RNSt*R SKiLLS~ Great Reviews!!! - 20
Extremely Attractive !!! Young! Hot! & Ready Now! Outcall Specials - 21
(Cleveland, Greater Cleveland)
CALL CALL ° Gorgeous Hot Sexy Rican ~~ 100% ~~ Worth Wild - °°°°★°° - 20
(Cleveland, 24hr INCALL BEACHWOOD)
Who wants to get my nipples pierced??? - 27
(Akron/Canton, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, OUTCALLS ONLY CLEVELAND ohio, Sandusky)
BuBbLe BuTt aMaZiNg SkiLlS eXCeLLeNt SeRViCe uNBeaTaBLe RaTeS - 21
UPSCALE__ H_O_T_T_I_E ▂▃▅▆▇█▇▆▅▃ BiG BoOty FRєαK ▂▃▅▆▇█▇▆▅▃ UpScaLe BeAuTy! - 24 - 24
(Cleveland, Cleveland/n.olmsted)
WARNING :¦: C A N ' T :¦: G E T :¦: A N Y :¦: B E T T E R : 100 Incall Special - 24
(Cleveland, parma off of i480 in and out calls)
***Upsceal*** Elegant*** Gorgeous*** BombShell*** - 24
(Ashtabula,Mentor,Painsvill,Willoughby, Cleveland)
*Tuesday's Were Made In "Heaven" * New Clients One Day Special *130 Halo's/One Hour - 40
(Cleveland, Cleveland westside suburb)
Big Announcement For Returning Friends Only--Courtesy Of Mz. Tiffany
(Cleveland and eastern suburbs)
(( ♥♥BLONDE♥ ♥)) :: :: (( ♥♥BUNNY ♥♥)) :: :: (( ♥♥AVAiLABLE ♥♥)) :: :: (( ♥♥NOW ♥ ♥)) - 25
(Cleveland, Incall or outcall)
Big BEAUTIFUL BBW! Sexy G/F Friendly in/out Calls DO NOT WANT TO MISS! 2 GIRL available - 22
(Cleveland, out/in beachwood independence)
~~~***Blue eyes, perfect bottom, n sexy Stacy***newcomer specials!!!~~~ - 28
(Cleveland, off 77 garfield)
(♥) —TOP—(♥) —OF—(♥) —THE—(♥) —LINE—(♥) —LATiNA—(♥)Put Me To The Test , I'm Better Then All The Rest - 22
(Cleveland, WEST Airport Area Incalls)
tHis cHoColAte * * Pick ONE or BOTH * * tWo fReaKy giRls _ uP aLL niGhT* - 21
(Cleveland, MenTor Area 24hr InCaLLs)
💎💓👄📞A call you WON'T regret making to a BEAUTIFUL Puerto Rican Goddess💎💓👄📞 - 26
631 633 8707YOUNG Asian GIRL 🎀💙🎀💙 ❶ⓞ REAL ASIAN 🎀💙🎀💙🎀 🎀💙🎀💙🎀💙NEW FACE in Town🎀💙🎀💙🎀💙🎀💙❤ - 22
🌻🌺🌻🌺🌻🌺 70 outcalls 🌺🌻🌺🌻🌺🌻fall🌻🌺🌻🌺 70.oo fun time 🌻🌺 🌻🌺 .B. .B. .W. 🌻🌺 - 25
(Cleveland, AIRPORT INcALL 70 😜👅💦)
***Addicted to Pleasure... Come join Me ***INCALL specials b4 10pm - 22
(Cleveland, Beachwood/ university heights)
60 incall speciaLs 80 outcaLL SpeciaLs CaLL NoW - 21
(Cleveland, incall or outcall westside airport)
$80 Thick @ Juicy >>>>>> JAZZMINE CAndyShop°°°°° 2162035514 - 26
(Cleveland, CLEVE-West Oldbrooklyn my place safe@hon)
$65-80 JAZZMINE>>>>> BeSt bRAINZ N ToWn°°°°° 2162035514 - 26
(Cleveland, CLEVE-West Oldbrooklyn my place safe@hon)
{{ *8*0 *SPEC!ALS!!!}} *~ExOt!C DoMiNiCaN M!xEd EbOnY HoTT!E~{* READY 2 PLAY... ALL DAY!!*} - 24
(~CLeVeLaNd{EaSt /WeSt}*24HR OuTCaLL~)
$$60 SPeCiALs *Try Me, TRY ME You R GoiNG to 💖 ME..BCuZ I HaVe 5* SKILLZ LiKe NO OtHeR GIRL ON BP!! - 29
(Cleveland, Garfield Hts INCALL ONLY)
5th Caller get's a ******* for free.......Don't miss out on this A1 - 19
(Cleveland, Eastlake off Highway rout 2 east)