Mon 13 Jan
46 & Smokin' Hot !!! Take a Peek-100% New Pics!!- 60 rose special today - 46
(Cleveland, cleveland/westside)
Sun 12 Jan
Wednesday Special--65 Roses. 100% Real Pics --;-) !!!!--(-:---- - 47
(Cleveland, cleveland/west side)
$$50$50$50 JUST ARRIVED >>SEXY EXOTIC Extremely Skilled PlayMates! We Love 2 Please - 20
(Cleveland, DOWNTOWN Your Place or Mines 24/7)
(44Ѽ) 201-9754»» @$@P 80 $PEC!@L > 3XO†!C §P3C!@L$ ( R€@DY) BEAUTY» ¯♛´¯) - 25
(Cleveland Hts., OH- Incalls!/ Outcalls!)
1st time ever my 1st day ready too lose my virginty,ready for that hard rock Toy!!! - 19
(Cleveland, OUTCALLS ONLY)
2 gurl spec🌞👑 The ChOcoLaTe🎀 pRinCeSs $un§hine🌞w/ Bonë warming🎆 toe curling 🎉skills👅💦💦👑🌞 - 21
(Cleveland, where eva u need me, incalls eastside)
2 scoopz of Hot Chocolate double the pleasure & double the fun!!! $30 $50 HOT 2486882384 - 22
(Cleveland, Cleveland, wickliffe,euclid,willloughby)
**$100 Specials** A1 Freaky Female w/A1 SKILLZ...UmMm Da BeSt & 4Get Da ReSt! - 29
(Beachwood, cleveland)
Pretty miracle up scale love what I do best 216-379-1018 - 21
(Cleveland, In call harved Cleveland surroundoutcall)
Read Full Ad💋💋Green-Eyed Curvy Dutchess 💋💋Incall Only Today - 22
(brecksville rd, cuyahoga hts incall, Cleveland)
OUTCALL Available nowl!!! Biggest Thickest Boobs in Cleveland! Busty H Cups- Fetish friendly - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland/ East Suburbs)
Sat 11 Jan
Tuesday Special--55 Roses !!!. 100% Real Pics --;-) !!!!----(( - 47
(Cleveland, cleveland/west side)
WANNA GET AWAY ? Why Gamble When I'm A Sure Win...[HOLLY] $100 IN-CALL 330-564-7406 - 28
(Akron/Canton, 1608 EAST AVE AKRON OHIO 44314)
★ 50-80 ★ WaRrEnSvILLe SpEcIaLs 42DDD ArAbIc LaTiNa MiX 440 420 6932 - 21
,.-~*'¨¯¨ '*·~-.¸-(_ ☆ I ☆ ⓛⓞⓥⓔ ☆ WHAT☆ I ☆ ÐO☆ & ☆ ú ☆ wⓘĻĻ ☆ ➁ ☆ _)-,.-~*'¨ ¯¨'*·~-.¸ - 27
(Cleveland, *•.❤ ▒ WILLOUGHBY AREA▓*❤*•)
Mature Provider Who Understands Your Expections & Knows The True Meaning Of Pleasure..[HOLLY] - 28
Tired Of Girls With Fake And Old Pics??? Thats Why U Need Me ♥ 1000% Real Pics Welcome 2 My World - - 21
(Cleveland, Downtown★ツ INCALLS★ツ)
5 🌟 Provider! (()) Sexy slim Ebony with an Amazing T!gHT & Ju!CY💦🅰Ss. I come to you! - 23
(Cleveland, ((EAST))*∆OUTCALLS ONLY!!!∆*)
°° °° S W E E T B U S T Y B R U N E T T E . . $ 6 0 S P E C I A L S °° °° - 22
★Satisfy your Mocha Cravings★ =75$ specials look now!!!!!!!! - 20
(Cleveland, Independence incalls and outcalls)
Fri 10 Jan
Unexpected delay=Extended stay!! Come see what all the fuss is about. Italian goddess 4 ur pleasure - 22
(Cleveland, Cleveland east incalls)
💘💎➔➔InCall SpeciAL! ➔ 60// 80// 150 !!!💘💎 ➔ ╠╣0T! ╠╣0T💘💎 -➔➔ InCall SpeciAL - 20
(Cleveland, East side of Cleveland)
✨❤️ I'm BaCk for ALL you Gentlemen Who EnJoys Finer THINGS in LiFe❤️✨ CALL NOW!! - 24
(Lima/Findlay, Lima/Findlay, Defiance incall & outcall)
lips hips and finger tips and tight grips call for my super bow Sunday's specials - 25
(Cleveland, ohio)
50$ short stay special super sweet sexi Chloe text 216*804-8964 - 29
(Cleveland, Cleveland east text 216-804-8964)
open minded . . . . sexy & sweet . . . . yummy treat
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville/Cambridg)
Thu 09 Jan
°•°• INCALL 60 Special °•°• BLONDE & BUSTY °•°• Guareented PLEASURE °•°• - 22
(Cleveland, MY Place ? Or Yours ?)
I'm BaCk boys TaKe A LOOK SeXy Greatest BEST Freaky PuertoRican GrEaT ReViEwS LInDA limited time - 19
(Cleveland, bagley road airport llama papi)
Tight & 💦💦💦💎 💕 💯% ReaL 💕💎😘💎💋 BeauTiIFuL FaCe 💕 CLaSSY 💕 💚🎀💚 Nice Ass💋 sexy brunette - 24
(Cleveland, twinsburgh & surrounding areas)
{{LAST NIGHT BOYS!!}} ___ :MIAMI bOmBsHeLL: ____ **GREAT REVIEWS** {{#1 B[o][o]Ty iN tOwN! }} - 25
(((mentor area)))
🎬🎭 [̲$̲(̲5_ο̲̅)̲$̲̅] °📺° 🎬🎭📹TiTTiE TUESDAY! FAT KAT! BIG FAT @$$!🎥🎦🎫 °📺° 650-429-8552 🎥🎦 - 24
(Cleveland, 💻Near I-90 & Downtown Cleveland💻Incall)
* ◆ ——*REAL—— *H0TT-WILD- SEXY ◆ UPSCALE LATINA* —-$80SPECIALS —— ◆ ——————* - 21
(Cleveland, DOWNTOWN)
**»-♥-» *___ S __ W __ E __ E __ T ___♥* __ H__E __A __R __T __ *»-♥-»* * - 25
(Cleveland, Cleveland & Surrounding Areas)
Wed 08 Jan
Im BACK! ⇨OUTCALL OnLyツ ⇨♥⇨INCALL onLy bY ApT. -100% really me•dont miss out★ツ - 21
(Cleveland, cleveland/anywhere+nice areas!)
Curvey Caramel Beauty Made For Your Every Need! *216*882*0735 100 $pecials - 21
(Cleveland, outcalls)
! *¨¨*-:¦: -*¨¨* Slick Thick Ebony*¨¨*-:¦: -*¨¨* 2 Girl SPECIALS!! - 28
(Cleveland, OUTCALL (Incall Independence))
Tue 07 Jan
im BACK** sexiest RICAN mami ** ms LINA 65* 85 * and 140 SPECIALS!!! INCALLS only - 22