Mon 27 Jan
Downtown dominatio no ViDeO proof on Adds therefake 100%real me Come see216 971 7451 Facetime - 22
(Cleveland, Downtown hotel call asap)
💋👅LAKEWOOD Domination 💅👀10in ToY AlL yoU can💄👙👠. EaT 65)80)120$Text fOr moRe pic (216)6095086 - 23
(Cleveland, Downtown hotel call. me asap)
$100hr First time 10inch HORSE HUNG 🐴🐴 Rock hard TS TOP No Rush Heavy loads 💦💦 Anaconda 🍆🍆 - - 23
(Cleveland, Hotel downtown)
Tue 21 Jan
Ts Diamond 10 inch monster meat heavy shooter here visiting - 25
(Cleveland, hotel Cleveland downtown)
*** Super HoTT*** Dream Playmate Barbie *** Ts. Krystina Foxx!!!! Visting Your City Now !!!! - 22
(Downtown Cleveland Hotel)
TIA PHOENIXX: visiting Cleveland (4 star hotel, dtwn): Nov.25 afternoon to Nov.27 morning ONLY! - 25
(Cleveland, Cleveland (4 star hotel, downtown))
Sexy,BuSTy & HunG 614/390/2181 ( Visiting SUNDAY) - 26
(Cleveland, My HOTEL DOWNTOWN/out call to hotel ONLY)
slim with big booty. extremely adorable. negotiable rates. love to bottom and kiss and top. 9.5 ff - 20
(Cleveland, downtown 4 star hotel alone)
downtown Cleveland hotel domination 💋 domination💲 domination 👙 domination 2166099591 - 23
(Cleveland, downtown Cleveland hotel 💄👙💲📞 hotel)
I Love To Kiss!!! (Y_O_U_R ) °°•★•°° (G_O_N_N_A) °°•★ •°° (L_O_V_E_) °°•★ •°°(M_E) Beauty Ts!!! - 21
(Cleveland, discreet Hotel downtown)
💋👅LAKEWOOD Domination 💅👀10in ToY AlL yoU can💄👙👠. EaT 65)80)120$Text fOr moRe pic (216)6095086 - 23
(Cleveland, Downtown hotel call. me asap)
Domination10 in Toy All you can Eat. .65$ 80 100$ u would love the food - 23
(Cleveland, downtown hotel)
I Sexy Feminine Goddess Am Now In Lovely Columbus Thanks Boardman - Youngstown I Had A Blast Rrr ... - 27
(Cleveland, Downtown Columbus Guaranteed 4Star Hotel)
( I ) -- ( WON'T ) -- ( STOP ) -- ( TILL ) -- ( U ) -- ( GET ) -- ( ENOUGH ) TRY A TRANSEXUAL.. - 24
(Cleveland, Downtown Hotel Visiting)
I am The REAL 11in DIVA ..... With Real Photo's And Real Breast And A REAL 11in With Proof Call NOW - 24
Downtown Cleveland 10 in Toy East cleveland hotel 216 650 4062 - 23
(Cleveland, Downtown hotel call asap)
DOWNTOWN HOTEL🎀domination🎀 HOTEl📱2165538891🎀🎀 10 in Toy Cleveland Heights - 22
(Cleveland, east side hotel)
216 512 3644 Downtown hotel 10in All You CaN EaT 65 80 120$ text more pis - 23
(Cleveland, Downtown hotel call asap)
*_* 11 ways to have a GREAT time Guy's choose one or ALL *_* No rush No Fuss! Guaranteed $100 - 23
(Cleveland, Downtown Upscale hotel)
150hr Sinfully Sexi PLAYMATE Everything you Want JuIcY BiG PlEaSeR FuLlY FuNcTiOnAl Hard As a RoCk - 23
(Cleveland, discreet Hotel downtown)
Sexy,BuSTy & HunG 614/390/2181 ( Visiting SUNDAY) - 26
(Cleveland, My HOTEL DOWNTOWN/out call to hotel ONLY)
slim with big booty. extremely adorable. negotiable rates. love to bottom and kiss and top. 9.5 ff - 20
(Cleveland, downtown 4 star hotel alone)
downtown Cleveland hotel domination 💋 domination💲 domination 👙 domination 2166099591 - 23
(Cleveland, downtown Cleveland hotel 💄👙💲📞 hotel)
I Love To Kiss!!! (Y_O_U_R ) °°•★•°° (G_O_N_N_A) °°•★ •°° (L_O_V_E_) °°•★ •°°(M_E) Beauty Ts!!! - 21
(Cleveland, discreet Hotel downtown)
💋👅LAKEWOOD Domination 💅👀10in ToY AlL yoU can💄👙👠. EaT 65)80)120$Text fOr moRe pic (216)6095086 - 23
(Cleveland, Downtown hotel call. me asap)
( I ) -- ( WON'T ) -- ( STOP ) -- ( TILL ) -- ( U ) -- ( GET ) -- ( ENOUGH ) TRY A TRANSEXUAL.. - 24
(Cleveland, Downtown Hotel Visiting)
Downtown Cleveland 10 in Toy East cleveland hotel 216 650 4062 - 23
(Cleveland, Downtown hotel call asap)
I am The REAL 11in DIVA ..... With Real Photo's And Real Breast And A REAL 11in With Proof Call NOW - 24
216 512 3644 Downtown hotel 10in All You CaN EaT 65 80 120$ text more pis - 23
(Cleveland, Downtown hotel call asap)
*_* 11 ways to have a GREAT time Guy's choose one or ALL *_* No rush No Fuss! Guaranteed $100 - 23
(Cleveland, Downtown Upscale hotel)
150hr Sinfully Sexi PLAYMATE Everything you Want JuIcY BiG PlEaSeR FuLlY FuNcTiOnAl Hard As a RoCk - 23
(Cleveland, discreet Hotel downtown)
Mon 13 Jan
Ts Diamond 10 inch monster meat heavy shooter here visiting - 25
(Cleveland, hotel Cleveland downtown)
xCREAMY FILLING inside!! ARE YOU TH!RSTY ? ★TS Kendra Biggs★ Heavy shter xx big_ L A R G E _ - 26
(Cleveland, Downtown Upscale Hotel/Alone)
Mon 06 Jan
💋👅LAKEWOOD Domination 💅👀10in ToY AlL yoU can💄👙👠. EaT 65)80)120$Text fOr moRe pic (216)6095086 - 23
(Cleveland, Downtown hotel call. me asap)
Domination10 in Toy All you can Eat. .65$ 80 100$ u would love the food - 23
(Cleveland, downtown hotel)
Sun 05 Jan
$100hr First time 10inch HORSE HUNG 🐴🐴 Rock hard TS TOP No Rush Heavy loads 💦💦 Anaconda 🍆🍆 - - 23
(Cleveland, Hotel downtown)
*** Super HoTT*** Dream Playmate Barbie *** Ts. Krystina Foxx!!!! Visting Your City Now !!!! - 22
(Downtown Cleveland Hotel)
TIA PHOENIXX: visiting Cleveland (4 star hotel, dtwn): Nov.25 afternoon to Nov.27 morning ONLY! - 25
(Cleveland, Cleveland (4 star hotel, downtown))
Downtown dominatio no ViDeO proof on Adds therefake 100%real me Come see216 971 7451 Facetime - 22
(Cleveland, Downtown hotel call asap)
!*!* Hey Big Spender!!! Come and ROLL the Dice with me CHLOE!! Out With The Old IN with the New*!*!* - 24
(Downtown Upscale location)
DOWNTOWN HOTEL🎀domination🎀 HOTEl📱2165538891🎀🎀 10 in Toy Cleveland Heights - 22
(Cleveland, east side hotel)
Lastnite in town Special call now Boys play with toys but real man play with Ts candy 11ins - 21
(Cleveland, Upscale downtown hotel)
Sat 04 Jan
xCREAMY FILLING inside!! ARE YOU TH!RSTY ? ★TS Kendra Biggs★ Heavy shter xx big_ L A R G E _ - 26
(Cleveland, Downtown Upscale Hotel/Alone)
Newto the city Mercedes Miss Kitty KDowntown Cleveland Hotel 216 650 4062 call asap bid 10 in toy - 23
(Cleveland, Downtown hotel call asap)
Domination10 in Toy All you can eat 65 80 100$ u would love the food - 23
(Cleveland, downtown hotel)
Domination10 in Toy All you can eat 65 80 100$ u would love the food - 23
(Cleveland, downtown hotel)
Fri 03 Jan
Dominate 10 Toy All You Can Eat Special/60$ 80$ 100$ all 100% real pic - 23
(Cleveland, Downtown Cleveland hotel)
Newto the city Mercedes Miss Kitty KDowntown Cleveland Hotel 216 650 4062 call asap bid 10 in toy - 23
(Cleveland, Downtown hotel call asap)
Thu 02 Jan
Dominate 10 Toy All You Can Eat Special/60$ 80$ 100$ all 100% real pic - 23
(Cleveland, Downtown Cleveland hotel)
Lastnite in town Special call now Boys play with toys but real man play with Ts candy 11ins - 21
(Cleveland, Upscale downtown hotel)