Mon 27 Jan
*** EbONy *** PrInCeSs *** BubBle ButT *** BeSt B@@tY On DuTy *** - 26
(all areas surrounding Cleveland)
440-653-0784... !! 440-653-0784 ... In&Out...24;/7 - 25
(Cleveland, In,Out-Lorain, Cleveland and surrounding)
💋 24/7 💋 Mrs. SaRaH 💋 💋 LoRaiN Co. oUtCALL CleVeLanD (Locally KnoWN & AppReciaTeD ) 💋 💋 - 23
(Cleveland, Lorain Co. Cleveland WEST OUTCALLS only)
440-653-0784... 1Hot Latina or 2Hot Babes 440-653-078 ... In&Out...24;/7 - 25
(Cleveland, In,Out-Lorain, Cleveland and surrounding)
Are You a Mature (35 and up), Experienced Body Rub Provider Who Needs More Clients? - 35
(Cleveland, Cleveland and All Surrounding Areas)
*~ TOLEDO & Surrounding Areas! Snowed In? Melt Some Butter!~* Hostess Of The 75 Minute Hour!! - 39
(Toledo, Toledo, Findlay, BG, Defiance, & others!)
Los Angeles: Adult Film Company has castings in your area! - 30
(Akron/Canton, Akron/Canton/Cleveland and surrounding)
%SpEcIaL% Boys~ Play~ With~ Toys; Men~ Play~ With~ Me!!! %%% - 25 - 25
(Cleveland, Cleveland and all surrounding areas)
New Girl Alert❗️🍫🍫💕Chocolate Thunder 🍫🍫 💕 Turn me up Cleveland watch video - 25
(Cleveland, Cleveland/All Surrounding Areas)
MALE 4 MALE === P___E___T___E___R___S _____ M__A__S__S__A__G__E === MALE 4 MALE ____ O_U_T_C_A_L_L_ - 32
Tue 21 Jan
*~ TOLEDO & Surrounding Areas! Snowed In? Melt Some Butter!~* Hostess Of The 75 Minute Hour!! - 39
(Toledo, Toledo, Findlay, BG, Defiance, & others!)
Come and let me drain you dry stress free sessions specials all night 6148575378 - 24
(Akron/Canton, all surrounded areas)
Los Angeles: Adult Film Company has castings in your area! - 30
(Akron/Canton, Akron/Canton/Cleveland and surrounding)
·.¸¸.·´¯☆ ·.¸¸.·´¯☆ Yellow Delight Aiming To Please ! ·.¸¸.·´¯☆ ·.¸¸.·´¯☆ - 21
(Cleveland & All Surrounding Areas ..)
Natalie here to please!!No AA men Incall&Outcall; specials - 27
(Cleveland, Cleveland and All surrounding areas)
·.¸¸.·´¯☆ ·.¸¸.·´¯☆ Yellow Delight Aiming To Please ! ·.¸¸.·´¯☆ ·.¸¸.·´¯☆ - 21
(Cleveland & All Surrounding Areas ..)
➜ YOU WANT iT? i GOT iT! ➜ DRiPPiN LiKE WATER! ~new Special~ - 24
(ClEvElAnD ArEa {24hr in/outcalls})
Voluptuous Busty Beauty ~**~**~ SEXY SILKY STOCKINGS ~**~ OUTCALLS - 39
(Cleveland, REAL FUN ~*~ SPECIALS)
♥ PERFECT GIRL ♥ ♥ ( 1OO % REAL ) ♥ - ** * - 25
(Cleveland, Cleveland and all surrounding areas)
*¨¨*-:¦:-* Only FIRST CLASS Service *¨¨*-:¦:-* - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland & All Surrounding Areas)
☆¨: CAUTION :*☆¨: GreaT Pu$.$Y ALeRT! :*☆¨: EBONY NYMPHO:* - 24
(ClEvElAnD ArEa {24hr in/outcalls})
New pics~~~[[ ThE ULTIMATE PaCkAgE ]]~~~ *** BrAINS + BooTY + BeAUTY = CUTiE *** ( ALWAYS ON DUTY ) - 24
(Cleveland Surrounding areas))
Sun 12 Jan
New Girl Alert❗️🍫🍫💕Chocolate Thunder 🍫🍫 💕 Turn me up Cleveland watch video - 25
(Cleveland, Cleveland/All Surrounding Areas)
Sat 11 Jan
▓▒░*❤ViSiT mY CaNdYLaNd░▒▓* ❤* ░▒▓ ★ TASTY★ ♥ ▓▒░♥ 🍫🍬🍭 Think u Can Handle Me ;) 🍫🍬🍭 - 25
(Cincinnati, Cincy & Nky & Surrounding Areas)
440-653-0784... 100-in / 150out Tonight Only!! 440-653-0784 ... In&Out...24;/7 - 25
(Cleveland, In,Out-Lorain, Cleveland and surrounding)
Fri 10 Jan
Grown and Sexy BBW...can u handle the BBW challenge - 32
(Cleveland, cleveland and all surrounding areas)
Tue 07 Jan
iNCALL ♥ :::: :::: GorGeoUs ::::WeTT:::::: BLoNDe :::: GoDDeSS:::: ::::: ♥ iNCALL - 22
♥ SUPER CURVES ! SEXY !!! SKiLLED !!! ♥ InSaNeGrIp!!! - 24
(ClEvElAnD ArEa{24hr in/outcalls}WESTSIDE)
MALE 4 MALE === P___E___T___E___R___S _____ M__A__S__S__A__G__E === MALE 4 MALE ____ O_U_T_C_A_L_L_ - 32
Mon 06 Jan
*=====* SExXxY *~* B!TCH *=====*** SERENITY ***=====* SExXxY *~* B!TCH *=====*
((©:*( DOWNTOWN / INCALLS )*:©:))
*¨¨*-:¦: SeXi FaCe *-:¦:-* JuIcY BooTy *-:¦:-* BLoNdE*¨¨* (( $80q,125,200 )) LaSt ChAnCe - 22
☆¨: CAUTION :*☆¨: GreaT Pu$.$Y ALeRT! :*☆¨: EBONY NYMPHO:* - 24
(ClEvElAnD ArEa {24hr in/outcalls})
➜ YOU WANT iT? i GOT iT! ➜ DRiPPiN LiKE WATER! ~ Special~ - 24
(ClEvElAnD ArEa {24hr in/outcalls})
☆¨: CAUTION :*☆¨: GreaT Pu$.$Y ALeRT! :*☆¨: EBONY NYMPHO:* - 24
(ClEvElAnD ArEa {24hr in/outcalls})
%° PssSsT _ °o° LOoK °o° HeRE ° °★° ° { I HaVe A SeCReT to TELL} ☆U ★25 - 25
(Cleveland, Cleveland and all surrounding areas)
New to cleveland !! **((SEXY BLONDE LATINA )) ** - 26
(Cleveland, Cleveland / and all surrounding areas)
Natalie here to please!!No AA men Incall&Outcall; specials - 27
(Cleveland, Cleveland and All surrounding areas)
Come & See Me Today! 216*337*5345 ♥ ♥ ♥ Voluptuous Busty Beauty - 39
$ 50 Rose Special Our Body Is Your Party With Mz. Sky And Dream!$ - 28
(Cleveland, Garfield /Maple Heights)
🍒💧🍒 Beautiful AfricaN QueeN with an AmazinG JuiCy BodY 🍒💧🍒 70special 247 🍒💧🍒 - 23
(Cleveland, Sheffield / lorain incall only.)
Sun 05 Jan
♥ PERFECT GIRL ♥ ♥ ( 1OO % REAL ) ♥ - ** * - 25
(Cleveland, Cleveland and all surrounding areas)
Th3 Th!cK3r Th3 BETTER the Ju!cY $W33Tn3$$ - 25
(Cleveland, OutCall/downtown Clev/Euclid&Surroundin;)
Come and let me drain you dry stress free sessions specials all night 6148575378 - 24
(Akron/Canton, all surrounded areas)
★ Blonde Playmate (( Erotic & Seductive)) X-Rated Entertainment ★80 , 120 , 200 - 22
✋ 60.oo ‼️‼️4th of July explosioN ‼️‼️ 60.oo ✋ don't miss this aggressively sexy BBW ‼️‼️ - 25
(Cleveland, Lorain Sheffield Avon elyria oberlin 60‼)
(80/125)* ♔ * BiG G G G G G GeSt BuBBle bOOtY iTaLiaN S3X KiTTeN* ♔ *EXTRA SloPPY H3aD!! - 25