Sun 05 Jan
N@ugthy KinKy $exy G!rls=EroTic Encounter$ - 28
(Cleveland, EUCLID / EASTLAKE -/WILLOUGHBY/Bishop rd)
GORGEOUS 👸🏼 THiCK (blonde) __ WeLL ReViEwEd!!! 🙌🏽 Perfect CURVES_ AvAiLaBLe NOW!!! ⌚️ - 28
(Cleveland, 💋 EAST Side in/out 💋24hrs 🌃)
BrAnD NeW BuStY FrEaK :*: ChEcK Me OuT :*: *No DiSaPPoinTmenTS :*: * - 25
(MiddLeBuRg Hts//AirPorT ArEa)
((ARABIAN MIXED )) *BARBiE* {SuPeR} S W e e T [&] = YUMMY * 36D-26-38 * ViP HIGHLY REVIEWED! - 21
(Cleveland, Beachwood Incall Citywide Outcall)
°°°°° 100% real photos °°°° Russian $quiter °°°°°°well reviewd!! °°°°°°in town for limited time only - 21
(in/out 247)
$100 SPECIALS! 216-526-2400 ~ SMOKING HOT DD Playmate 4 UR PLEASURE!! - 22
(Cleveland, Middleburg hts, engle rd)
Work with an REAL adult film company based in NY coming to your area! $1,000 a shoot! - 31
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville/Cambridg)
$240 an hour - Start working in 24 hours - Females Only
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville/Cambridg)
SUper thick sUpER fREak *come play with bubbles* unsatisfied H/Money back guaruntee$$ - 22
(Cleveland, downtown cleveland)
NEW★❤ ▄▀★▀▄❤ A ▓ B ▓ S ▓ O ▓ L ▓ U ▓ T▓ E ▓ L▓ Y★❤ ▄▀★▀▄❤ S▓ T▓ U ▓ N ▓ N ▓ I ▓ N ▓ G ▓★❤ ▄▀★▀▄❤ - 23
*NEW* CoMe GeT iT (¯FrEaKy¯) *o* ((★ AnY WaY YoU WaNt iT ★)) *o* (¯SEXY¯) NEW - 19
(Cleveland, *o* (( East Incall/outcall )) *o*)
- L!M!TED TIME - [[ BLoNDE ]] Sexy w/ Big BooBs - NeW To AreA - Come get me b4 im Gone - 19
(M E N T O R)
come and have ♥ a good time with china i have 60/80♡ roses special incalls only☆ - 25
(Cleveland, garfield hts incalls only ☆☆★☆)
❤ Vivian Gates ❤ ...yEs Im HoME ...Oh~ HoW~ IvE~ MiSsEd ~YoU - 28
(Cleveland, out anywhere you need me to be)
THURS-SUN $100H SPECIAL {PREGNANT Hottie} ..Pregnant.. Glowing and ready for some fun! 216- 385-4360 - 19
(Cleveland(OUT-CALL ONLY))
————— №➊ TOP Provider ——————✌Rounds Are Better Than One@@@@2x's The Fun@@@@Saturday Night Live 12OFH - 20
(Cleveland, ————————————Independence———————————————)
👑💎Upsale🎀Barbie💎👑 tighter than 🔒Fort Knox 💥 need for back🚪guaranteed to earn your memory💋 - 23
(Cleveland, 🏤Incalls🏤&&/Outcalls 🚙📍)
Sexy Sweet come taste this new treat never before seen guys call if u wanna have some real fun - 21
sExY !!▄▄ ❤❤ ▄ ❤ CLICK HERE !!❤ ▄▄ ❤❤ ▄▄▄ ❤ ▄▄ ❤❤ ▄▄▄ ❤ H O T BRUNETTE ❤ ▄▄▄ ❤❤ ▄▄▄ ❤ #1pArTyGirL - 23
Onε of a kind 💋🎀 Brεa†h†aK¡ηG εXo†¡c V¡xεη °★° ⓑⓐⓓⓓⓔⓢⓣ 💜 кιℓℓer Curves 🎀 - 21
(Cleveland, O U T C AL LS. ONLY💕 8434435168😘)
New Mixed Goddess 18 ;) **Ready AND Willing**Available Now** - 18
(Cleveland, Warrensville Northfield)
▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊💖💖 GRAND OPENING 💖💖▂▂▂▂▂ 💯%YOUNG▂▂📞▂▂▂▂💯%SEXY ▂▂📞646-255-9686▂▂▂▂ ALL ASIAN GIRLS ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊ - 21
(Cleveland, 💥Cleveland💥new girls come💥💥💥)
STOP ! ! ! LookIng for AttEnTioN? Call now . . .Im a KeEpEr & BeAutiFul AS ever... - 28
(Cleveland, cleveland/ 480E)
☎ ♥o°•PETiTE GOddesS™ • °o♥o°• ★SiMPLy AmAZiNG*★ 100% REAL ★HiGHLy ADDiCTiVe★ *SPECiALS ☎ - 20
(Cleveland, Cleveland Area Incall/Out)
Sat 04 Jan
How About A HOT TIME with JENNA ? ?? ~ * ~ * ~ BuBBLy Brunette ~ Ready FoR *RELAXATION ~ * ~ * - 30
(Cleveland, westside IN/OUT xoxoxoxo)
so BEAUTIFUL you won't believe your eyes....can be your dirty little secret.... SPECIAL Up Late - 31 - 31
(Cleveland, your place)
Weekday specials All day specials am pm noon & evening & latenight - 23
(Cleveland, warrensville heights, ohio)
Upscale LATINA in town for a few days only. Have a once in a life time experience (in/out) - 23
**Thurs 2 Sun...$100 Specials** A1 Freaky Female w/A1 SKILLZ...I'mMm Da BeSt & 4Get Da ReSt! - 29
(Beachwood, cleveland)
U wont Regreat it * Need some excitement lets play ***100 special - 21
(Cleveland, willoughby, mentor)
☆_T H _P R F C T_ ☆_C H O i C _ ☆ iF §H§ GOoD ☆ iM BR !!! - 27
(Cleveland, cleveland east in or out)
*~*~ ThE OTheR GiRLs WerE JuST PRaCTicE ~*~* ExCiTiNG EXoTiC FuN*~* - 21
(Cleveland Downtown, Downtown CLEVELAND)
SEXY ITALIAN__{{{{{ GIRL GONE BUSTY! }}}}____*Bust a Load on my Breast ! _______________ - 25
△ ▼PLAYFUL△ ▼ Sexy△ ▼ BooTy LoVeRs ◆ ◇ The CoMpLeTe Package!!! ◆ ◇ △ ▼ - 24
(Cleveland, In & Out Westside)
____ *Perfect _____ *Petite _____ *Chocolate Fre@k _____ { a must see } - 22
(i 480 & 77 { my place } or yours)
(NEW) J=A=W*_ *D=R=O= P=P= I=N=G *_* E=B= O =N=Y *_* E=R=O =T=I=C *_* P=L=A=Y= M= A=T=E - 18
{{{{{ NEW }}}}} {{{{{ NEW }}}} {{{{{ NEW }}}}} ///// Specials Just Ask ///// Early Bird!! - 26
{ " LuCiOuS ChOcOlAtE TrEaT" } && { PuT mE At ThE ^ToP^ oF yOuR LiSt } && { " EarLy RaTeS " } - 21
(*Beachwood InCaLLs *)
LOOK---- ((One)) + {"☆"} + ((BaDD)) + {"☆"} + A*Z*Z* -+- MixXeD Be@uTy! L@ST D@Y - 24
(Willoughby 70spclz 2d@y only)
★【KiLLєR 💋 CuRvEs】★【niCє 💋 bѺѺb's】★【cUτє 💋 FαCє】★【spaNKaBℓε 💋 αSS】★ - 19
(Cleveland, ( EastSide / InCall 24 Hrs = ))
______ ****** In town for 1 day !!!! ******______ 100% real 100% reliable available now! - 25
(inout available)
Available NOW *█ ▓ ▒ •♥• PRETTY face •♥• [Sexy * BLONDE] •♥• KILLER BODY •♥• █ ▓ ▒* NEW ** CLE - 23
(Cleveland, Cleveland airport INCALL)
🚦 🚥B : : A : : D _ ❌ _ G : : I : : R : : L: : [[CERTIFIED TO SATISFY]]🚫 Available Now🚥🚦 - 24
#1 °P° __ L __ °A° __°Y° °T° __ °I° __ °M° __ °E° WITH SABRINA - 26
(In & Out (west))
Busty, Petite🌺 ADORABLE❤️ Limitless Nuru Experience! My sexy bunny outfit is hot 🔥New photos - 24
(Akron/Canton, Cleveland, Columbus, Mansfield, Toledo, west)
⏰Avαiℓαbℓe➜ ⓝⓞⓦ🏃ѕиєαк αωαу & ρℓay👫 ıяяєṡıṡṭıɞʟє ℳÃĞĮČ💦ℳ♡ỤŤĤ👅 🍹¤Bє¥ ¥¤μя ṭh¡ṡṭ🍻⏰Avαiℓαbℓe➜ 21 - 21
(Cleveland, Come see me downtown Cleveland)