Mon 27 Jan
YOUR BEAUTIFUL SEXY COLLEGE GIRL! Sensual Hot Stunning Brunette Beauty Available NOW! ALL REAL PICS! - 22
Asian NEW Girl ####### Outcall Only 216-242-1223 *~*~*~* Hot Gorgeous Body Vivian *~*~*~* - 21
(Cleveland, Outcall Only)
Asian NEW Girl ####### Outcall Only 216-242-1223 *~*~*~* Hot Gorgeous Body Vivian *~*~*~* - 21
(Cleveland, Outcall Only)
♡♥ 80 OUTCALLS!!* 42DD, Fat BOOTY, Gorgeous Face, WHITE Latina!! 80 OUTCALLS!! - 2 - 26
(Columbus, Outcalls)
Yes Sir Th@ts me!!! ) *Ph@t C@t + This @zzz M@n I'm @mazing @186308 - 19
(Cleveland, 480 West of Cleveland)
Y Fantasize ? * C*U*M EXXXperieNcE Havanna 💦 *OUTcall Specials ✨ Ebony Playmate ** Well REVIEWED!! - 24
(Cleveland, cleveland/east)
KISHA ***** VERY SEXY **Ebony bombshell ***OUTCALLS AVAIL 38 DDD'S - 23
(cleveland /Downtown Outcall avail)
♥¤¤two beautiful playmates¤¤♥ 2 is better than one♥¤¤NO TEXTING¤¤♥→→↑↑↑↓↓↓←← - 20
(Cleveland, Cleveland airport area)
two is better then one so call now lets have some fun! - 23
(Cleveland, Cleveland surrounding areas in and out)
The ORIGINAL Lexi * Ter Reviewed - #132764* 216 355-6829 CALL Now !!! - 29
(W.150th & I-71 Private Residence)
TOP - NotcH - EXCLUSIVE ( ( ☎ ) ) DONT miss OUT ( ( ☎ ) ) PETITE - MULATO - SWEETHEART - 20
(Cleveland, + BEACHWOOD +)
THE CANDY SHOP Iz OPEN © addicktive services .. come get hooked on us! 216-925-7894 - 21
(Cleveland, Outcall only bchwood parma west side)
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ** { Tight } ** { } ** { Sexy } ** ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ** {{ MOCHA}} - 22
(I 480 & 77 { my private place })
THURSDAY INCALL SPECIAL!! look no further gentelmen this gorgous blonde will fulfill all your needs! - 27
(Cleveland, Cleveland.)
•°♥°♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ NEW TO THE CITY° ♥ ° ♥ CHOCOLATE PINKKY ! Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ •Stacey ♥440 915 8868 - 19
(Cleveland, 90 east,eastlake,306,271,rt2, INCALL)
New to BP. 44DD, long tanned legs and movie star looks. LOOK AT MY PIXS. - 25
(Cleveland, SW cleveland suburb)
°"★"°o©" {SNEAK} °o©" {AWAY} °o©" {WITH} °o©" {ME} "©o°"★"° CaLL LeXi Now 230pm - 22
(Cleveland, beachwood/Surrounding areas/incall/out)
💖🚺💖🚺💖🚺(滿足) NEW NEW NEW NEW ASIAN 🚺💖🚺💖🚺💖💖 SUPER BUSTY 💖 💖🚺💖🚺 💖🚺💖🚺💖💖Cute , SWEET💖💖 💖🚺💖 BEST SERVICE - 22
(Columbus, 💖 💖🚺💖Colubus 🚺💖🚺💖🚺💖💖Grove city 💖 💖🚺💖🚺💖🚺)
LEXI#117401& #132764 on T.E.R!, (216) 355-6829 CALL Now !!!$80/$100 Special All Wkend!! - 29
(W.150th & I-71 Private Residence)
*Lexi* Looking for That Girl Next Door ? Quick visit$70 &$100 half hour! 216-355-6829 TER reviewed - 29
(W.150th&I-71; private residence!)
Its Time To Share the Love and Fun Lovin Time for the Holidays!!! Come by and spend sometime with ME - 49
*ITS COLD LET ME GET U ALL HOT* New pix 2day 100%me! CALL JENNA 216~538~3398 wellreviewed - 29
(Cleveland, NEAR THE AIRPORT/Westside)
✨❤️EXXXotic Dreams💦 🔥✨Breathtaking Pleasure*💋✨ Ebony Playmate ** Well REVIEWED!! - 24
(Cleveland, cleveland/east)
*~Exotic SeXXy brunnette :) curvy/soft & subtle & most fun you can have~* ;) - 24
(Cleveland/parma/seven hills)
SAT-SUN $100HR SPECIAL {PREGNANT Hottie} ..Pregnant.. Glowing and ready for some fun! 216- 385-4360 - 19
(Cleveland(OUT-CALL ONLY))
Forget this dreary weather...Ive got something that is so so much better!! Classy, sexy, sassy36D.s! - 33
(Cleveland, safe and discreet)
ExTreMeLy HoT [★] !-{ HiGhLy aDDiCTiVe } Totally SEdUcTiVe -:¦:- - 19
(Cleveland, Beachwood 271&Chagrin;)
EXoTiC DyMe EaRLY Bird SpeCials B4 9pm 36DDs GrEeN EyEz and BiG BoOtY - 26
(all cleveland area out calls only)
CaLiFoRnIa'S fInEsT♥ pRiVaTe DiScReET In CaLL ♥ aVaiLaBlE aLL nIgHt - 23
C_A_T_C_H = ( ( ME ) ) =_♥_= W_H_I_L_E = ( ( YOU ) ) = C_A_N =_♥_= 100 SPECIALS - 25
(♔AiRpOrT AREA♔)
Best in Cleveland... Aubri!!! 💋💋💋👌👌👑👑💰💰 OUTCALLS - 21
(Cleveland, Westside Cleveland Outcalls ONLY!!!)
5. :*¨¨*:. STAR. :*¨¨*:. Blonde Barbie .:*¨¨*:. 5 .:*¨¨*: .STAR.:*¨¨*:. - 19
(west cleveland incall only)
70 70 an more discreet comfy fun come treat yourself like the king u Are/ specials an more - 22
(Cleveland, Shaker square area your place or mine)
💋 24/7 💋 Mrs. SaRaH 💋 💋 LoRaiN Co. oUtCALL CleVeLanD (Locally KnoWN & AppReciaTeD ) 💋 💋 - 23
(Cleveland, Lorain Co. Cleveland WEST OUTCALLS only)
. 36DD, long tanned legs with porn star body and movie star looks. LOOK AT MY PIXS. - 26
(Cleveland, SW cleveland suburb)
$100 sp RECESSION FRIENDLY im just saying call me!! Sexy and seductive specials ALSO! - 22
(Cleveland, 216 incall only EASTSIDE)
$100 Lunch TimeSpecials...Don't Cheat Yourself, treat yourself ...Sexy, Natural Blonde Cougar - 42
(Cleveland, Out Call Only)
$100 Late Nite Specials Specials...Don't Cheat Yourself, treat yourself ...Sexy, Natural Blonde Cougar - 42
(Cleveland, Out Call Only)
❗️ IRRESiStIBLe TreaT * UPSCALE MISTRESS 🍒👄 EXXXperience HaVanna 😈✨ Ebony Playmate ** Well REVIEWED! - 25
(Cleveland, cleveland/east)
LEAH!! (SPECIAL)$100 QV OUT CALL!! Well Reviewed!!(216)465-0385 - 22
The Most Sought After Ladies in the World! Perfect 10 Ladies Need Only Apply. $12,000+ a week
(Akron/Canton, Cleveland, Columbus, Work Locally , Internationally or Travel)
Perfect 10 Ladies Need Only Apply. Top Agency Seeks Top Girls Guaranteed $12,000-$15,000 A Week
(Cincinnati, Cleveland, Work Locally , Internationally or Travel)
East Coast's Top Upscale Agency ~~~~~ NOW HIRING ~~~~ Classy * Elegant * Safe ~~~ TOP PAY/SPLITS
(Akron/Canton, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Dayton, Toledo, NEW YORK & NEW JERSEY)