Fri 03 Jan
♡♥€v€r¥ bOYs WiSh♥♡ ¤¤€v€r¥ hUsBaNd'S s€cReCt¤¤ ♡♥€v€r¥ mAn'S lAtInA fAnTaS¥♥♡ ⇨2 GiRL SPECiALS ⇦ - 24
(Cleveland, cleveland/lorain/akron in/out)
Warm.Explosive *♥*'´¯¯`'. *♥*Stress Relief Sensual $70Massages. - 34
(Cleveland, Lorain,Avon, Sheffield Areas, Out /In)
🍒Slipper When~W💦T 🍒MeXican💋 HOTT~🔥~ & ReaDy ✔️SeDecTive N£W CuTi€ with A Bubble BOOTY ✨💯......, - 29
(Cleveland, Lorain , ElYria, Sheffield ,AvOn)
♦️💋SpeCials Al Day 💋💄 IN~ CA££s ✨⭕️UT Ca££S ✨ ViSiting✨⚪️UT ~ C@££s 💎.....CALL Now 📞💥 - 30
(Cleveland, WeStSiDe Lorain Cleveland ~ InCa££)
LEAH!! Now Doing Out Calls And In Calls!!(216)-465-0385!! - 22
(Cleveland, OUT CALL ONLY westside&suburbs;)
Hottt Exotic Brunette ..Noel.. Sample my many amazing talents! Openmined! Daytime Specials! - 23
(Cleveland, WEST)
Check this out Cleveland 70 ✋‼️ 70✋‼️ 70✋‼️ chocolate freak goddess 🍩✋‼️70 ✋‼️70✋‼️70✋‼️ - 23
(Cleveland, Lorain county IN OUT ALL CLEVELAND .!‼️)
50💧🍇💦😻💧💦( tgif )🍇😻💧😻💧💦🍇 put me on your to do list. 50 specials in Lorain /out Cleveland West 💧😻🍇💧😻🍇💧💦 - 23
(Cleveland, Lorain County In/out 💦🍇 💦50 special)
💄50👀50💋 let's play boys 💋80👀80💄 👅130👅130👅Hott 👅thick 👅🌊🌊🌊& 👅ready 👅👅👅 - 26
(Cleveland, Elyria Lorain Lorain county in/out)
$100 Special **~** Wild And Willing Krissie Is Read 4U! **~** NEW SPECIALS*~IN CALL ~*$100 Special*~ - 28
(Cleveland, Incall-Preferred/Outcall-Offered)
*~*~ $100 SPECIAL!!! *Sexy* ~ *Wild* & *So Willing*!! 100% REAL PICS!!! - 28
(Cleveland, IN calls Old Brooklyn OUT CALLS ANYWHERE)
~**~Sizzling SaMon€ ~*~Don't Miss ~*~ Me 💋~Specials~ Call NoW - 28
(Cleveland, Cleve West Lorain~Elyria in & Cleve~out)
•-:¦:-• WorTh •-:¦:-• ThE•-:¦:-• DrIvE•-:¦:-• DonT •-:¦:-•MiSs •-:¦:-• Me! WeEK SpCls - - 27
(Cleveland, Lorain CoUnTy In / CleVe OuT)
Warm.*♥*'´¯¯`'. *♥*Stress Relief Sensual $70Massages. - 34
(Cleveland, Lorain,Avon, Sheffield Areas, Out /In)
*wE cAn mAkE aLL uR DrEaMs CoMe TrUe* * 2 GoRgEoUs EbOnYs * * ReaDy To aTTaCk yOu* - 21
(WiLLoUgHbY mEnToR Area 24hr In//OuT)
Smack these Fat BUNZ ....... DN'T be shy I see u looking at these THICK THIGHS! 216 209 7223 - 26
(Cleveland, Private- location clevewest Oldbrooklyn)
Thu 02 Jan
🍒💋NeW TiGHT JUICY ReDBoNE BBW .!🍒💋! 50 SPeCiaLS CaLL NoW ! YOUnG Mixed GoDdess!! - 25
(Cleveland, 🍒💋! lorain IN county ! out everywhere)
LoraiN County ☆ ☆ Mrs.Sarah 🌟Exotic Ebony Babe 🌟 🌟Juicy Natural Bod 🌟 - 23
(Cleveland, Lorain County In / OuT)
✿ (( (( M A I N A T T R A C T I O N )) )) ✿ (( (( #1 ebOnY ChoiCe.! )) )) ✿ - 21
♦️💋SpeCials Al Day 💋💄 IN~ CA££s ✨⭕️UT Ca££S ✨ ViSiting✨⚪️UT ~ C@££s 💎.....CALL Now 📞💥 - 30
(Cleveland, WeStSiDe Lorain Cleveland ~ InCa££)
°o★o_ ★_T H €_☆_P € R F € C T_ ☆_C H O I C €_★╚» ♥ DaNg€rOuS ~ CuRv€S - 27
((LAST DAY SPECIALS)) Come get me while you can•Juicy italian cutie•Well reviewed•Ready for you!! - 22
(Cleveland, Cleveland in CLE/lorain cnty out)
Warm.*♥*'´¯¯`'. *♥*Stress Relief Sensual $70Massages. - 34
(Cleveland, Lorain,Avon, Sheffield Areas, Out /In)
~*~ True Sensual Upscale Companionship For The Upscale Gents ~*~ - 36
(Cleveland, LORAIN COUNTY In/out calls)
PLAYBOY bunny.... Who looks even better in person ;) - 23
(Cleveland, Lorain County... in and out calls!)
DOWN FOR WHATEVEr... the Candy shop is open 80hhr lunchtime special 216-925-7894 - 20
(Cleveland, Parma/Independ./shaker/bchwood/etc)
***Diamond **** 100% Real ----- Specails70---- Dont Miss Out - 21
(Cleveland, 152/Eucild/Westside/lakeshore)