Mon 27 Jan
MUSt SEE»DANiEllE +UPSCAlE* _ =*= INDEPENDENT_ (( HoTTiE )) __ #212029,#220942= GREAt Reviews - 20
Make your LUSTFUL Fantasy **** a SATISFYING Reality*** Experience the UPSCALE life - 21
(Cleveland, West Side Airport Area)
Tue 21 Jan
Young Hott Blonde!!! Come have some fun and start your New Year off Right! - 24
(Cleveland, West Side Cleveland (in and out calls))
Young Blonde Hottie * Its A Brand New Year, Come Have Some Fun!!! - 24
(Cleveland, West Side Cleveland (in and out calls))
Young Hott Blonde!!! Come have some fun and start your New Year off Right! - 24
(Cleveland, West Side Cleveland (in and out calls))
Young Blonde Hottie * Its A Brand New Year, Come Have Some Fun!!! - 24
(Cleveland, West Side Cleveland (in and out calls))
The SWEET Taste of LUST ****SATISFY Your Sweet Tooth*** Come Have a Taste of the UPSCALE life - 21
(Cleveland, Rockside rd / Independence)
★ T H E ★ ___ ★ B E A U T Y ★ ___ ★ O F ★ ___ ★ Y O U R ★ __ ★D R E A M S ★ $80 S P E C I A L - 20
SWEET Addicting Lover ****SWEETER Than _____ U Fill iN thE BLANK**** - 21
(Cleveland, Westside/ Airport Area InCalls/OutCalls)
Late Nite (Sp€cia£s) S€x¥, Natura£ B£ond€ Cougar With Amazing Ski££s $25 off hr. in/out calls - 41
(Cleveland, West Side. in/out calls)
Thu 09 Jan
Tue 07 Jan
MUSt SEE»DANiEllE +UPSCAlE* _ =*= INDEPENDENT_ (( HoTTiE )) __ #212029,#220942= GREAt Reviews - 20
{{{Sexy ,blue eyed, exotic, bombshell , !! }}}first time specials!! - 30
(Cleveland, parma west side or east garfield 480)
Mon 06 Jan
SWEET Addicting Lover ****SWEETER Than _____ U Fill iN thE BLANK**** - 21
(Cleveland, Westside/ Airport Area InCalls/OutCalls)
Strawberry Lips ($60 Hearts In-Call Special)...> - 24
(Cleveland, E. 260th / OFF I-90 / In & Out-calls)
»»»It'šM€ GÜ¥§ th@t yöùng hõt frëak r³@dy to open the doors of HÊaven,(Îm wh©t yöu n€€d!! )7o/90/14@ - 19
(Cleveland, (West side & Beachwood) in and out calls)
Beautiful Young Blonde Awaiting Your Call ;-) - 24
(Cleveland, West Side Cleveland (in and out calls))
Sun 05 Jan
Sexy ,blue eyed, bombshell !!!! first time specials}}} - 30
(Cleveland, Parma west side or Garfield east off 480)
The SWEET Taste of LUST ****SATISFY Your Sweet Tooth*** Come Have a Taste of the UPSCALE life - 21
(Cleveland, Rockside rd / Independence)
♡☆♡☆ Crystal ☆♡☆♡ 440-789-3736 ... $150 Outcall & Incall Special - 20
(Cleveland, Cleveland, Westlake, Avon, Strongsville)
Sat 04 Jan
*100% Real Pics** ExOTiC ★ ————— PReTTY FACE ————— PeRFECT BODy ————— ★ AMAZiNG CURVeS * - 19
(Cleveland, airport incall/outcall)
Fri 03 Jan
★ T H E ★ ___ ★ B E A U T Y ★ ___ ★ O F ★ ___ ★ Y O U R ★ __ ★D R E A M S ★ $80 S P E C I A L - 20
Late Nite (Sp€cia£s) S€x¥, Natura£ B£ond€ Cougar With Amazing Ski££s $25 off hr. in/out calls - 41
(Cleveland, West Side. in/out calls)
. Dont Miss Your Chance at Pure Pleasure and A Good Time w This Hot Blonde. ;) - 24
(Cleveland, West Side Cleveland (in and out calls))
Thu 02 Jan
{{{Sexy ,blue eyed, exotic, bombshell , !! }}}first time specials!! - 30
(Cleveland, parma west side or east garfield 480)
IM DOWN FOR WHATEVEr... the Candy SHOp IZ Open... hhr special 216-925-7894 - 20
(Cleveland, outcall to anywhere/limited incall)