Fri 03 Jan
Sexy ♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♥ BRUNETTE ♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♥ GODDESS ♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♥ Chloe - 23
(Akron/Canton, OUTCALL! ..wherever YOU are!)
🍓🍒💕Petite sexy. 🍬🌹Tight body bite🍫 sized blonde🌺🌼 baby doll 🍡🍥🍭🍒 - 27
(Cleveland, Near newburgh hts and downtown)
Mature Plus Sized Beauty - Sweet Naomi - Spoiling is my Speciality - 42
(Cleveland, Macedonia (Rt 8 / 271))
~*~*~ DoUbLe ~*~*~ ChOcOlAtE ~*~*~ 2 gIrL~*~*~ sPeCiAlS ~*~*~ ALL NIGHT (( TeR iD 147985 )) - 20
❌⭕️ Experienced, Professional, Discreet❌⭕️ Chrissy Kisses! ~ 440-836-3801(no texting) - 40
(Cleveland, Cleveland - In/Out OVER 35 ONLY)
The LeBacle Is Over Cleveland; Our Time Will Come.......Now Enjoy This Week's Trivia
(Cleveland and eastern suburbs)
The Business Travelers Companion! ~*~**~ Voluptuous Busty Brunette - 38
(Cleveland, Incall Available * Outcalls ANYWHERE)
(BEACHWOOD) **NEW** I am that S E X Y Ass Brunette In Town ** YOU _ WONT _ REGRET _ IT ** - 23
GiRLS* _* LiKe*_ *Me*_ *oNLy * _*CoMe* _ * aRouND * _ *eVeRY*_ * oNCe* _ *iN* _* aWHiLe* - 28 - 28
💋💏 !!! HOT HOT HOT READY N WAITING TO PLZ PLZ PLZ !!!💖💋* 330-4817193 - 30
(Akron/Canton, canton and close to)
***{{{ Mz. SeDuCtIoN }}}***{{{ aMaZiNg }}}***{{{ RaTeS }}}***{{{ aLL nIghT }}} - 20
(****Willoughby Area*****)
MILF/Cougar on the loose....Can you tame me?-available now - 35
(Old Brooklyn and surrounding area's)
(~*♥*~) — L I N D S A Y w/ real photos & available now — (~*♥*~) - 23
(Cleveland, OUTCALL! ..wherever YOU are!)
HuMp DaY BaBy!! 🌹😄🐫 Ravishing Red Head with a Sexy Body & Personality to match!!!! 🍒💯💋😻OUTCALL ONLY! - 20
(Cleveland, West out call only 🚘)
I Have the Cure for FOOTBALL FEVER Today! ~**~ Available All Day & Night - 38
(Cleveland, True 40G's VoLuPtUoUs BeAuTy)
HiGH Class BRUNETTE Companion ❤1OO% ReAL NeWw PiCxX, YOU wont FoRGET ME!! - 25
(Cleveland, Twinsburg,Bath, Avon Lake Cleveland,etc)
A HANDFUL OF (Real 40G's) ~*~*~*~ Very Voluptuous Busty Beauty - 38
(Incall Available * Outcalls ANYWHERE)
EaRly mOrniNg nyMpHo !! 50 qk speCiAl**50 qk* ! sOaKinG WET nAsTy GiRl)) !!! 50 qk sPeciAl - 24
(♥WiLlOuGhBy ArEa♥)
Having A Bad Day. Need To Relief Your Stress Call Now.... OutCalls Special - 24
(Cleveland, Warrenville/Surrounding areas Outcall's)
▐░▐░▐░▐░▐░▐ _______ ♛ GORGEOUS BRUNETTE CHLOE ♛ _______ ▐░▐░▐░▐░▐░▐ - 23
(Cleveland, Cleveland/Akron - OUTCALL)
Free Lapdance for Generous Gentlemen 2Nite and Every Nite!!! - 19
(Cleveland, Newburgh Heights incall/outcalls)
Come play with Arianna your black vixen. Im the reality of your dreams. Ill keep you warm all winter - 25
(cleve hts/downtown cleve)
*$* Busty, Beautiful, Voluptuous, Brunette, Goddess waiting for you to fufill her desires!*$* - 22
(Cleveland, W. 130th and Brookpark rd.)
BODY RUBS by Kahniyah Leslie incall outcall specials (100&Up; FIRM) Non Rush - 23
(Cleveland, Cleveland, surrounding area in/out call)
All NeW *LoW* LoW* SpeCialS -BesT PrIcEs In ToWn -Call Now----------- - 25
(Cleveland, ClevelanD* incall* &*outcall* available)
216-925-8856 DOWNTOWN READY and AVAILABLE new pics - 26
(Cleveland, Downtown incall, outcall hotels)
(Cleveland, Outcalls upscale areas incall open)