Sun 05 Jan
Hott 47yr., old--Monday Special--60 Roses. 100% Real Pics --;-)- - 47
(Cleveland, cleveland/west side)
Hott 47yr., old--Friday-& Saturday Special--60 Roses. 100% Real Pics --;-)--( -; - 47
(Cleveland, cleveland/west side)
Hott 47yr., old--Thursday Special--60 Roses. 100% Real Pics --;-)--( -; - 47
(Cleveland, cleveland/west side)
Holiday Special, --50--Roses--100% Real Pics--Through the New Year - 47
(Cleveland, cleveland/west side)
✖️✖️✖️HOTT *bLoNdE!!!* [BIG ( . )( . ) !!!] __ ((SWEET aLL-NaTuRaL BoMbSheLL)) __ iM BaCk!💋 - 26
(Cleveland, 💋 WeSt SiDe iN/out💋)
❤❤❤❤❤❤ EXTREMELY SATISFYING ❤❤❤❤❤❤ ₩€T&R;€AD¥❤❤❤❤❤❤{{{{{{{ 216-666-1265 }}}}}}}} - 26
(Cleveland, West Side Cleveland)
❤❤❤❤❤❤ EXTREMELY SATISFYING ❤❤❤❤❤❤ ₩€T&R;€AD¥❤❤❤❤❤❤{{{{{{{ 216-801-5947 }}}}}}}} - 26
(Cleveland, West Side Cleveland)
EMMi!💋- [22]💫--- 💕SPECiAL D0NATi0NS 8PM-10AM💕 💯 - 22
(Cleveland, west side. pearl rd in strongsville)
Beautiful thick lightskin ready for you tonight specials specials - 25
(Cleveland, cleveland west side)
💋💋two beautiful babes😘😘pick one or both for an unforgettable night💕 - 22
(Cleveland, west side cleveland incalls only)
$80 Sp€cia£s ..S€x¥, C£ass¥ Natura£ B£ond€ M*I*£*F💄 ...,don't miss out.. - 41
(Cleveland, West Side)
Absolutely the BEST Erotic Stories via Text or Phone Sessions........ Let your Mind Wander...;-) - 52
(Cleveland, Cleveland - West Side...)
THE CANDY SHOP Iz OPEN © come see what i can do .... 216-925-7894 - 20
(Cleveland, Outcall only bchwood parma west side)
50hh 100 fh ★★44 G BUST★★ ◤ WEST / AIRPORT◥ Limited Time! ∴∵PLEASE ASK for Chanel∴∵ - 24
(Cleveland, ツ RT 71 WEST SIDE ㏂─㏘ ツ 50hh-100fh)
THE CANDY SHOP Iz OPEN © come see what we can do ... 216-925-7894 - 20
(Cleveland, Outcall only bchwood parma west side)
♥♥ 60 60 60 60 SPECIAL »»» ★exotic °A°S°I°A°N° playmate ★ fetish friendly »» GR8 REVIEWS♥
(Cleveland, airport)
$80-200 Everything Included Special* White Attractive Big B00BS & Behind. Submissive Like to Please. - 31
(Cleveland, Cleveland West & East Side by i90&71)
Start your w€€k off rit€.. (Sp€cia£s) S€x¥, Natura£ B£ond€ Cougar With Amazing Ski££s $25 off hr - 41
(Cleveland, West Side)
She's Back ~~LadyJewel ~outcall only~ Cleveland- West Side by airport - 39
(Cleveland, Cleveland - West side)
♥♥°·.·°♥♥°·.·°♥♥ PETITE BRUNETTE PLAYMATE ••• Available all day ••• ♥♥°·.·°♥♥°·.·°♥♥ - 22
(Cleveland, airport INCALL)
**NEW**~Summer Treat•Sexy & Sweet~** 100% real!! Young, beautiful & eager to please! - 23
(Cleveland, Incall and outcall (east/west side))
Neww !!! Laddyyy ***WestSide*** GiRl ..... SPECIAL !!! Get It While You Can !! - 20
(Cleveland, West Side- Cleveland)
NEW PICS!!! Play with my big natural 36EE tits, special price $75 1/2 hour - 26
(west side Cleveland)
= + = + KiNkY EbOnY! Available NOW! ! ! = FETiSHES & GFE!! {{Curvy EBONY Treat}} = + = + LOW RATES! - 22
(west side cleveland)
FuNMaTuRe SeXy BrUnEtTe DraMa FrEe as long as u r ;-) GreatReviews INCALL NewArea JENNA 216~538~3398 - 30
(Cleveland, Cleveland's west side ;-))
Ginger ~ sexy , beautiful, natural redhead ready to make ur day :-) - 24
(Cleveland, west side incall)
Early Bird Specials Let my reviews be the reason... mature natural blonde - 38
(Cleveland, West Side)
♡☆♡☆ Crystal ☆♡☆♡ 440-789-3736 ... $150 Outcall & Incall Special - 20
(Cleveland, Cleveland, Westlake, Avon, Strongsville)
** Come have the best time of your life with a REAL WOMEN! ***INCALLS ONLY*** - 23
(Cleveland, West Side of Cleveland)
° BrunneT *BomB° ° ShelL _ *BesT *~ JusT*~ GoT *~BetteR!!!! - 18
(Cleveland, cleveland west side suburbs)
*♛ *Amazing flexability & gifted skills! * ♛ *70 special today only! * ♛ - 23
(Cleveland, West side by airport!)
.*¨¨*- :¦:-* A:L:L N:A:T:U:R:A:L *-: ¦ :-*¨¨*. SWEET*-: ¦ :-*¨¨* & SEXY !! - 18
(Cleveland, Cleveland west side suburbs)
AdiDAs GirLS All nIGhT SpEciAls= Bring ThE New YeAr In WiT A - 24
(Cleveland, wesT SiDe/ incall & OuTcAll)
█▒█ _AMAZING_ █▒█ _ Italian _ █▒█ _ 100% REAL PICS_ █▒█ _$150 Outcall/Incall_ █▒ - 21
(Cleveland, Westside Incall & Outcall)
*** My Tyte *Little* *Body* *Is* *Built* *For* *Pleasure...Come Get It *** - 23
(Cleveland, 71 & Airport/ West side)
🍬💋Autumn 🍭🍫💎 💥hump day specials💢💦🍆 quick stop specials💰 - 19
(Cleveland, Airport, Brook park,West Side Cleveland)
💦💦💦60...Hey baby call kelly avalible now.. 💦💦💦 💎60 incall special💎 - - 30
(Cleveland, Cleveland west side)
~~~~~~~~~ ❤❤VERONICA 💋💋SEXY N THICK💋💋 {{{{{{{{{{ 216-630-6885 }}}}}}}}}}} ❤❤~~~~~~~~~~~ - 29
(Cleveland, West Side Cleveland)
♡°♡°♡ SIXTY SPECIAL »»» exotic °°ASIAN°° playmate »»» ★ fetish friendly ★ good reviews ★ - 22
(Cleveland, westside of Cleveland - airport)
💋💋 SEXIEST BLONDE 💋💋ON BACKPAGE!!!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 📞ALLY 216-858-0862📞 - 27
(Cleveland, West Side Incall ONLY)
**NEW**~Summer Treat•Sexy & Sweet~** 100% real!! Young, beautiful & eager to please! - 23
(Cleveland, Incall and outcall (east/west side))