Mon 27 Jan
This Sexy Ebony Hottie Wants to Give You Just What You Need!...Photos are 100% me 100% satisfaction - 24
((1oo)) ╚ ► ExOTiC BUBBLE B(o)(o)TY *EBONY!!* ╚ ► * WeLL-ReViEwEd!* ((1oo)) - 24
(CleV.AiRpOrT.. {{INCALL & OUT}})
°★© ((=SuPER BAD° =)) °o©▓ ►° ((=LOT's (o)F BooTY=)) °★©° ((= READY=)) - 24
(MeNtOr/WiLlOuGhBy In/Out)
💕💟SiNfuLLY SwEeT💕HIGHLY REVIEWED PuT ⬛️💕Me⬛️💕On💕UR 💕To Do💕🔳💕 List 💫Puerto Rican BEAUTY - 22
(Brook Park incall only Snow rd, Cleveland)
new ** H O T ♥ ]:::: ** D o M i N i C a N ** ::::[ ♥ G I R L ** ready :::[ aLL DaY ]::: - 22
(✦ Airport Area ✦)
❤::::: new *DOMINICAN* princess ::::::::: N i N a ::::::::: VISITING from MIAMI :::::❤ - 22
(✦ Airport Area ✦)
mature exotic vixen SKYY. Attending to your every need. Very openminded and fun! - 38
(Cleveland, West)
L@sT D@¥ = L@sT D@¥ h@Ve iT uR w@¥ ✰ BIG BOOTY PLaYMATE ✰ =CoMPLETE KNoCKOUT - 24
(oUtCaLL AnYwHeRe LaSt Da¥)
LOOK---- ((One)) + {"☆"} + ((BaDD)) + {"☆"} + A*Z*Z* -+- MixXeD Be@uTy! L@ST D@Y - 24
(Willoughby 70spclz 2d@y only)
LEXI#117401& #132764 on T.E.R!, (216) 355-6829$70 Quik SPECIAL $100hh Ex-dancer! - 29
(W.150th & I-71 Private Residence)
Tue 21 Jan
openminded ebony Playmate… Michelle... The ultimate sexy experience … such a FUN treat! - 29
(Cleveland, West)
'Hott Brittany' ❤ ❤ is ❤❤ALLLL ❤ the ❤ heat ❤ U ❤❤❤ NEEEED ❤❤❤ READY 4 U - 26
(Cleveland, Cleveland Everywhere)
y.o.u.r °* NEW *° n.u.m.b.e.r °* ONE *° b.a.d.d.e.s.t °* DOMINICAN *° e.v.e.r - 22
(Cleveland, *[ Airport ]* ➜ [A]:[R]:[E]:[A])
'Hott Brittany' ❤ ❤ is ❤❤ALLLL ❤ the ❤ heat ❤ U ❤❤❤ NEEEED ❤❤❤ READY 4 U - 26
(Cleveland, Cleveland Everywhere)
^ ^ ^ Visiting JULY 15-17: Fit, Young, Hot - LIMITED AVAILABILITY ^ ^ ^ - 30
(Cleveland / North Olmsted Incall)
Very Kinky well Reviewed, 80 Spcl ☆Gorgeous blonde☆ Come celebrate my BDAY week! - 25
(Cleveland, West Side)
Very Kinky, Amazing Flexibility ☆Gorgeous, well Reviewed☆ Always have specials - 25
(Cleveland, West Side by airport)
Very Kinky well Reviewed 100% Safe ☆Gorgeous blonde☆ I Love it all, incall specials! - 24
(Cleveland, West Side)
TrUsT * *I MaKe DrEaMs CoMe TrUe* *WeLL LoVeD DoMiNiCaN* *CuRVy sExXy aLL 4 U* - 24
This Sexy Ebony Hottie Wants to Give You Just What You Need!...Photos are 100% me 100% satisfaction - 24
Sizzlin Hott Diva > > > > Coming to Cleveland...SOON > > > booking appointments - 20
(Cleveland, westside)
S-m-O-k-i-N ___ ⋄ *new* ⋄ ___ D-o-M-i-N- i-C-a-N ___ ⋄ *in* ⋄ ___ T-o-W-n ! - 22
(*[ Airport ]* ➜ [A]:[R]:[E]:[A])
★°o© {SNEAK} °o© {AWAY} °o© {&} °o© {COME} °o© {PLAY} °o© ° ° {N@sTY} {fR@k} - 24
(Incall/outcall spclz flat rate)
openminded mature vixen… SKYY... The ultimate sexy experience … such a FUN treat! - 39
(Cleveland, West)
%Nice N~....%MiXxed BeaUty~ %ThiCk & SeXy! ~ % I Dont Say No! % UrTreat UnrushD - 24
(OuTcall 100$Hr! Today only)
Sat 11 Jan
Last chance to see me.. Call now or hate Yourself Later for missing a west coast diva!!! - 25
Fri 10 Jan
60 lip special guys am waiting for u call now Jamie 6149001245 anytime day or night - 33
(Columbus, southwest/grove city)
Thu 09 Jan
S-m-O-k-i-N ___ ⋄ *new* ⋄ ___ D-o-M-i-N- i-C-a-N ___ ⋄ *in* ⋄ ___ T-o-W-n ! - 22
(*[ Airport ]* ➜ [A]:[R]:[E]:[A])
Wed 08 Jan
IM -- 4'11 -- FAT -- BOOTY -- 34b TITS -- WITH -- A -- DOLL -- FACE R3@Dy 4 yOu D@@DdY.. - 24
(MeNtOr ArEa incall/outcall cleve,surr.)
Tue 07 Jan
(OuTcall 100$Hr! Today only)
Coming soon! Sept 2nd - 7th. Sharin and Karyn for the city of Cleveland! Book now! - 36
(Cleveland, Our hotel)
NEw Pi©$ ((Th bE$t)) @V@iL@bL nOw DoNt mI$$ oUt = WlL ReVieWed 5* - 24
(Cleveland, OuTcAlL 90$ SpClz)
Mon 06 Jan
% % % PRE-BOOKING FOR JULY 15-17: Smokin Fitness Model = UNIQUE EXPERIENCE % % % - 30
(Cleveland / North Olmsted Incall)
°★© ((=SuPER BAD° =)) °o©▓ ►° ((=LOT's (o)F BooTY=)) °★©° (= READY=) 70 - 24
(WiLlOuGhBy In/Out 70spclz)
Sun 05 Jan
Very Kinky well Reviewed, 80 Spcl ☆Gorgeous blonde☆ Come celebrate my BDAY week! - 25
(Cleveland, West Side)
[[ EBONY ]] ❤ [[ PARTY ]] ❤ [[ GIRL]] ❤ {AVAILABLE NOW &H0;*r.N.3*Y} - 24
Mature exotic vixen SKYY. Attending to your every need. Very openminded and fun! Specials Today! - 39
(Cleveland, West)
Hot blonde vixen... LEA.. The ultimate sexy experience ... an Openminded FUN treat! - 27
(Cleveland, West)
💕💟SiNfuLLY SwEeT💕HIGHLY REVIEWED PuT ⬛️💕Me⬛️💕On💕UR 💕To Do💕🔳💕 List 💫Puerto Rican BEAUTY - 22
(Brook Park incall only Snow rd, Cleveland)
★°o© {SNEAK} °o© {AWAY} °o© {&} °o© {COME} °o© {PLAY} °o© ° ° {N@sTY} {fR@k} - 24
(Incall/outcall spclz flat rate)
LEXI#117401& #132764 on T.E.R!, (216) 355-6829$70 Quik SPECIAL $100hh Ex-dancer! - 29
(W.150th & I-71 Private Residence)
*~ B ~ o ~ U ~ n ~ C ~ y ~ __________ B ~ u ~ B ~ b ~ L ~ y ~ _____ B ~ o ~ O ~ o ~ T ~ y ~ *~ - 24
((WiILoUgHbY) bk 4 fEw HoUrS!!!)
Sat 04 Jan
RaL DaL BaB¥ »-★-» Na§t¥ ¥uMM¥ *MiXxEd* HoN¥ »-★-» @M@zInG §PCIÅL§ dÅ¥&N;!T - 24
(East/West OuTcAlLall)
%Nice N~....%MiXxed BeaUty~ %ThiCk & SeXy! ~ % I Dont Say No! % UrTreat UnrushD - 24
(OuTcall 100$Hr! Today only)
LOOK---- ((One)) + {"☆"} + ((BaDD)) + {"☆"} + A*Z*Z* -+- MixXeD Be@uTy! L@ST D@Y - 24
(Willoughby 70spclz 2d@y only)
[[ EBONY ]] ❤ [[ PARTY ]] ❤ [[ GIRL]] ❤ [[AVAILABLE NOW ] l@st D@y - 24
RaL DaL BaB¥ »-★-» Na§t¥ ¥uMM¥ *MiXxEd* HoN¥ »-★-» @M@zInG §PCIÅL§ dÅ¥&N;!T - 24
(East/West OuTcAlLall)
❤::::: new *DOMINICAN* princess ::::::::: N i N a ::::::::: VISITING from MIAMI :::::❤ - 22
(✦ Airport Area ✦)