Mon 06 Jan
Come and play with Juicy J. Josilynn and Friends. Guess what friend came to play with us TODAY?!? - 32
(Cleveland, Greater Cleveland Area.)
Try Ms. Lady or Diamonde ★★★ In-Call & Out-Call Specials ★ Ready Now - 26
(Cleveland, E 185 th @ I/90 open-Minded)
P_ _R _ F_ _C_T __ ( ( ( VoLuPtuOuS) ) ) _BoDY! _ ( ( ( rotic) ) ) __P_ l _ A_ y _ M _a _ T_e!!
(* DOWNTOWN * ~ ( 24/7 ) ~ * INCALLS *)
LEAH!! (SPECIAL)$100 QV OUT CALL!! Well Reviewed!!(216)465-0385 - 22
** @ll Day & N!ite 50 roze Speci@l ** 100% heavenly ...ultimate out of body experiences!!!! - 36
(Cleveland, Warrensville)
*LEXI* (216) 355-6829 ! Great Weather, GREAT GIRL! $75 quick visit.T.E.R. REVIEWED! - 29
(W.150th & I-71)
*LEXI* (216) 355-6829 $75 Special 2DAY! T.E.R. Reviewed!! #132764 & #117401 216-355-6829 - 29
(W.150th & I-71)
hey diamond is back with special skills to show you� i know you miss me � 40-60-80 special - 26
(Cleveland, warrensville hts ☆ ☆ ★incall-outcall)
CUM *~ N *~ ENJOY!!!THE *~SWEET *~TASTE*~ OF*~ MOCHA ~*~ MiNdBlOwInG serv.*$ 24/7 - 21
(Willoughby (surrounding areas))
[[~~**SeXXy AleXiS**~~]] Back in Independence- offering 2 girl specials all day Monday :) - 27
***🎀🎀🎀ONLY 100 This AM til 6pm ONLY💋Why Not Indulge Yourself💋 Call SIERRA (216)835-9431 - 45
(Cleveland, Cleveland West)
Sun 05 Jan
Hey Guys !!!! looking for a great time! LIZ is back just for u !!!! - 23
Come Warm Up With Tangie ,brook and Shelby1~2~and 3girls special s the Sweetest Specials - 30
SPeCials✨💋✨Sexy Mexican Princess ✨💋✨-Married Mans 💎Best Friend 💞🍒💞SHORT TimE only Call NoW .....💋✨😘💋 - 30
(Cleveland, Lorain County In~Call)
~ Petite and Mature ~ Chrissy Kisses ~ 440-836-3801(no texting) ~ - 40
(Cleveland, Cleveland Area (IN/OUT))
█ ►★ ★ Pornstar $100 Specials All night!! SuperstarX*X*X Last Night! - 32
(Cleveland Airport 810-882-7345)
~* NEW~* SEXY ~* WET~* PETITE~* MOCHA~* IS~* BACK~*~ CUM ~* N~* ENJOY!!! 24-7 - 21
(Willoughby,Independence, Fairlawn)
*{ New 2 Town }* Your Playmate. Come See Why 99.9% ComesBack - 22
(Cleveland, brookpark- in call and outcall)
*ღ*__ *ღ* LoOkS gOoD bUt FeeLs EvEn BeTTeR *ღ*__ *ღ*__ (READY & WAITING) - 23
(* :ღ WiTh YoU * :ღ)
*Lexi* Happy Hour $60 7-9p.m. Quick visit &$100 half hour! 216-355-6829 TER reviewed - 29
(W.150th&I-71; private residence!)
*LEXI* (216) 355-6829 ! $70 QUICKIE & $90 HALF HOUR SPECIALS!! T.E.R. # 132764 - 29
(W.150th & I-71)
MaKe Me {T_@_P} OuT ♥ { SoOo D@mN gOOd !!} ♥ XCDING ALL ♥ XPCTATION§ ♥ - 21
(**AirPorT AreA - InCaLL\OuTcaLL)
in Cleveland 2 more nights!.. Michelle- Your Dream Come True - 28
(Cleveland, Cleveland/ surrounding area...- Lakewood)
Help Wanted - Female Escorts all colors, shapes, sizes - Call the Big "O" (Click Here)
(North East Ohio)
hey im♥new in town to show u my special skills i cant wait to see you ;) 35/60/80 speciai - 25
(Cleveland, garfield hts incalls only ☆☆★☆)
hey 💎💎diamond💎💎is back with the best specials in town come and check me out 💎💎💎💎💎 - 25
(Cleveland, warrensville incall/outcall 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟�)
Happy School Year!!!!! The One And Only Mz. Tiffany Is Back With New Country-Fried Trivia
(Cleveland and eastern suburbs)
DaMn tHiS {K ! T T Y} gOOd & i PrOMisE YoU'LL gET HOoKeD_ $80 BuCkS aLL mOrNiNg + I'm WeLL reVieWed - 21
(-Mentor 24hr InCaLLs -)
***🎀🎀🎀Ciao Bello💋Why Not Indulge Yourself💋 Call SIERRA (216)835-9431 - 45
(Cleveland, Cleveland West)
🎀🎀🎀100 EARLY BIRD SPECIAL TIL 6~~💋~~SIERRA~ Highly Reviewed Peovider~(216)835-9431🎀🎀🎀 - 46
(Cleveland, Cleveland West)
The ORIGINAL Lexi * Ter Reviewed - #117401& #132764*, 216 355-6829 CALL Now !!!$70/$100 Special - 29
(W.150th & I-71 Private Residence)
The SWEET Taste of LUST ****SATISFY Your Sweet Tooth*** Come Have a Taste of the UPSCALE life - 21
(Cleveland, Rockside rd / Independence)
♥ { SoOo D@mN gOOd !!} ¤1OO% WoRtH uR TiMe _ SeDucTiVe sKiLLs _ iTs TrUe _ ChecK mY reVIEWs - 21
(**MenTor AreA - InCaLL\OuTcaLL)
×°× St UnNiN-g >* ExOtic HOT PLaY m aTe 100% *REAL*PICs - 21
__[ [* SM0K!N H0T Ex0t!C M!XeD Eb0nY B0MBSHeLL* ]] __ [[ * 100%ReAL dEaL*]] __ [[#1 P!CK**BOYS!!!]] - 24
(~CLeVeLaNd{EaSt/WeSt}*24hr OUTCALL!!~)
*❤* ••••► LeT ME ★BE YouR ★SeXY SeCrET ¯`'•.¸ ★▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀NO ONE -:¦:-DOES IT -:¦:- LIKE ME A1 - 24
Juicy J. Josilynn and Friends once again, come make believe and Let's Pretend - 33
(Cleveland, The Greater Cleveland Area)
H☼TT§T ChOcOlAtE TrEaT ★ PerFecT PLÂ¥MÂT ★ ( *SoOo SeDucTiVe* ) - 21
(AirPorT Area __ InCaLLs//OuTcaLLS)
hey♡♡♡ i have specials skills to die for let me show u 40/60/100 im new in town - 25
(Cleveland, garfield hts incalls only ☆☆★☆)
*%*% *%~*%~ ebony KINKY PlayMATE .... specials *%~*%~ {real & recent photos} - 21
(Cleveland, Independence (INCALL))
» - (¯`v´¯) -» [A] [L] [L] ** [N] [E] [W] ** [P] [L] [A ] [Y] [M] [A] [T] [E] »-(¯)- » * - 20
ADORABLE SEXY SULTRY *LEXI* Cav's Special$60 Quick Visit! $90 Half (216)355-6829 - 29
(W.150th & I-71 Private Residence)