Mon 27 Jan
💕💕New Girl on The Block((Holiday Specials))💕💕 - 20
(Cleveland, Independence (incall) Cleve. Area (Out))
NeW eBONY DoLL *♛ *iM sOoO ^! SEXY * *FLaWLeSs* *BoDy ♛ {{{1oO% real pics }}} - 20
(Cleveland, Westside)
*-* N e W *-* SnoWbUnniE *-*Real CurvEs *-* PreTTy FacE *-* Low Rates *-* Long Haired *-* N e W *-* - 23
(Cleveland, lorain county incall & outcalls evrywhR)
(N_E_W_ ) °°•★• °°(B_A_B_Y_) •★•°° (D_O_L_L_) °°•★•°° (AVAIL NOW) °°•★•°° - 25
(Cleveland, Cleveland, OUT/IN NO AREA TO FAR)
my loving touch will relax you
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville/Cambridg)
Natural boobies ♥♡♥ J O R D A N ♥♡ ♥ KinKY #1ChocolaTe choice ♡ ♥ juicy S P E C I A L S.!! - 23
(Cleveland, Lorain county incalls)
◆ ● ◆ N A S T Y ◆ ● ◆ SeXXy ◆ ● ◆ SeDuctIvE Ch0CoLaTE ◆ ● ◆ aVaiLable N0W ◆ ● ◆ - 21
(Cleveland, 100... O U T C A L L S to you.!)
(¯`'.¸ LoRaIN CoUnTy¸.'´¯) 42DDD ArAbIc LaTiNa MiX 440 522 7318 - 21
Mature Minx Visiting Lorain County & Surrounding Until 11/22nd! - 43
(Cleveland, Lorain County & Surrounding)
Madame COOKIE is here to serve you true royalty!!!!! 150hearts full hr non rushd - 22
(Cleveland, cleveland area garfield hts areas 480)
{ " LuCiOuS ChOcOlAtE TrEaT" } && { PuT mE At ThE ^ToP^ oF yOuR LiSt } && { " EarLy RaTeS " } - 21
(*Beachwood InCaLLs *)
LoraiN CouNTys best kept secret ‼️African QueeN awaiting her KinG ‼️ 70juicy rate ‼️ - 21
(Cleveland, Lorain County surrounding areas in/out)
Lorain County's Sexiest Bustiest BBW ALWAYS SO JUICY 100% 💋NEW💋 REAL PHOTOS TEXT or CALL4402079832 - 28
(Cleveland, Lorain county incall. Lorain incall outc)
Marie is back availble 24/7. independent and hosting* 2 girl special * - 21
(Cleveland, Lorain county)
Lorain County IN or OUT.! All west Cleveland .! - 19
(Cleveland, Lorain county Cleveland west in & out 50)
✨ LORAIN COUNTY SunDay 🏈FuNday OuT~Call Specials HOTTI€ with an Amazing Body💋 Ca££ Now..........☎️I'm Waiting !! - 28
(Cleveland, Lorain County OuT~Call/WeStCleve In~Call)
LoraiN County ☆ ☆ Mrs.Sarah 🌟Exotic Ebony Babe 🌟 🌟Juicy Natural Bod 🌟 - 23
(Cleveland, Lorain County In / OuT)
LORAIN COUNTY ((42 G BUST)) Exotic Mix Waiting On Your Call! 614-547-9104 - 26
(Cleveland, Lorain Co. Elyria Incall)
✿ (( (( M A I N A T T R A C T I O N )) )) ✿ (( (( #1 ebOnY ChoiCe.! )) )) ✿ - 21
★●☆LoNg LeG GodDeSs F.L.A.W.L.E.S.S BoDY ★●☆HigHlY ЯёÇòMm€ñDëd★● ÇhëCk Mŷ RëVîËWs - 25
(Cleveland, Lorain County InCaLL.. 0uTcAlL AlL OvEr)
*** Mature, Classy, & Of Course Sexy Lady in town *** Honesty *** - 30
(Cleveland, Lorain county incall only)
**~**M E L L O W~ M O N D A Y.........want to know what i like to do on my mellow monday's?!?**~** - 30
(Cleveland, in/out calls 24~7 lorain county area)
✨ LORAIN COUNTY OuT~Call Specials HOTTI€ with an Amazing Body💋 Ca££ Now..........☎️I'm Waiting !! - 28
(Cleveland, Lorain County OuT~Call/WeStCleve In~Call)
looking to have some summer fun call me 440-865-0410 i also have a 2 girl special tonight only!!!!!! - 29
(Cleveland, Lorain county)
👅🍆💦Let Me Clear Your Mind💦🍆👅 _ 👄[[❤️HiGHlY 👀 REViEWED❤️]👄 _ 👅🍆💦 _ 👸BeAuTiFuL LoNg LeGgED BlOnDE👸 _ 💦🍆👅 - 24
(Cleveland, 👅💦🍆Lorain County INCALL Only🍆💦👅)
Let me help you come out of 2014 with a BANG! Visit Vivian "Viv" NOW! (440) 390-3226 - 24
(Cleveland, Lorain County / Elyria INcall only)
Lola (50) and Star (31) - Sensual Dom Specials for the Discerning Enthusiast and Newbie both..... - 50
(Cleveland, Brookpark - Cleveland)
LaST dAY iN tOwN SmOkInG hOt lAtIn & PeRsIaN hOtTiE TER.REViEWED - 21
(cLeVeLanD eaST-BchWood InCall)
[= [ KinKy ==Erotic Blonde Irish ] =FrEaK= [ ★ 5-STaR SeRviCe ] =]° °[= [ CaLL == NoW ] - 19
*=* *=* *=* *=* LaTe NiGHts and EaRLy MoRNinG SpEciALs *=* =*= *=* *=* ((( available now ))) - 21
(Cleveland, Elyria Lorain county InCall)
((( kiNkY ))) = ((( BeaUtiFuL GabRieL )))= (((SpeCiaLs ))) = ((( DOUbLe D'd up !)) - 21
(Cleveland, Lorain county in / OUTCALL (everywhere))
Last chance EastSide🚨🎥👀🙉💦Sexy Playmate🐰 💎🏆Slim frame 💋🐱Thick lips 🍓🍒🍉 Bubble Booty💦🍑 - 23
(70 😻100 💯INCALL💐💋 Far EastSide 💋💐, Cleveland)
Jewel outcalls only BeauTiFuL 💢。Sweet 。💓Οη℮ Οf A ΚιηD 💕 H℮R℮ ΤΟ βℓΟω γΟυr ΜιηD ❥ ✨ ADDiCTiVe ✨🎀👠 - 19
(Cleveland, cleveland ,lorain county, surrounding ar)
💱♦️✨Last Da¥ in OhIo ✨♦️✨♠️💎 A Rare TreaT You Must Meet 💱💋✨✔️♦️ Afternoon Specials✨💎✔️✨💎✔️Ca££ Now - 30
(Cleveland, Lorain County In~Call)
L•-:¦:-• WorTh •-:¦:-• ThE•-:¦:-• DrIvE•-:¦:-• DonT •-:¦:-•MiSs •-:¦:-• Me! WeEK SpCls - 27
(Cleveland, WEST LORAIN COUNTY InCall & ClEvE OuT)
((( kiNkY ))) = ((( BeaUtiFuL GabRieL )))= (((SpeCiaLs ))) = ((( DOUbLe Dd'S))) - 21
(Cleveland, LORAIN COUNTY incall)
Sun 26 Jan
Tue 21 Jan
🏆PRO SKILLS🏆Sund@y $pe¢ials⬛️⚫️⬛️💢KnoCKout Pla¥maTE💢👊�OUTCALL⬛️DoNt MiSS OuT⬛️ - 26
(Akron/Canton, Akron & surrounding areas)
💦👄 NeW SeXy YoUnG & lots of fun!👌REVIEWED, real, & ReAdY*******💧🎀~~~~~YoUr PeRsOnAl StRiPpEr💘💎 - 19
(Columbus, East Side Brice Rd.)
*~*India*~* Sexy & Sophisticated*~ NEW PIX! Come $pend Your Time With Me! 100% REAL - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland/outcalls only)
NEW TO TOWN♥★【KiLLєR BoDy★【niCє bѺѺb's】★【cUτє 💋 FαCє】★【spaNKaBℓε 💋 αSS★ (Special ) - 23
(Youngstown, Youngstown/ AustinTown)
**** FeTiSh FaVoReD ****** SeXy SaVannah ****** WaNts 2 PlAy ******* - 27
(Cleveland, LoRaIn CoUnTy / InCall&OuT;)
Definitely The Provider You Should See !!! [HOLLY] $100 SAFE & DISCREET IN-CALLS 330-564-7406 - 28
(Akron/Canton, 1608 EAST AVE AKRON OHIO 44314)
((100%Real PicS) ..☆ WARNING ☆ ೋ •* ☆ VERY ☆ ೋ ೋ•*'"*• ADDICTIVE •*'"* ☆ BOMBSHELL☆ ೋ - 20
(Cincinnati, Cincinnati/ NKY incall or outcall)
∞∞∞ ❤ ∞∞∞ B E T T E R ❥ THAN ❥ YOUR ❥ G i R L F R i E N D ∞∞∞ ❤ ∞∞∞ 웃 유 859-429-0262 - 22
(Cincinnati, IN/OUTCALL 859-429-0262 Mason)