Mon 27 Jan
TRAP BOYZ WELCOME.. 2162248988. Great Entertainment, so Stop Browsing. call Me. racino patron disc - 24
(Cleveland, Warrensville Hts. 480 HWY. Racino)
💕 Nicole 💕 Ridgeville - Westlake - Avon - Elyria - Lorain 💕 Easter Special 💕 Available All Night - 29
(Cleveland, Ridgeville Avon Westlake Olmsted Elyria)
*-* N e W *-* SnoWbUnniE *-*Real CurvEs *-* PreTTy FacE *-* Low Rates *-* Long Haired *-* N e W *-* - 23
(Cleveland, lorain county incall & outcalls evrywhR)
{ " LuCiOuS ChOcOlAtE TrEaT" } && { PuT mE At ThE ^ToP^ oF yOuR LiSt } && { " EarLy RaTeS " } - 21
(*Beachwood InCaLLs *)
LORAIN COUNTY ((42 G BUST)) Exotic Mix Waiting On Your Call! 614-547-9104 - 26
(Cleveland, Lorain Co. Elyria Incall)
Sun 26 Jan
Tue 21 Jan
💦👄 NeW SeXy YoUnG & lots of fun!👌REVIEWED, real, & ReAdY*******💧🎀~~~~~YoUr PeRsOnAl StRiPpEr💘💎 - 19
(Columbus, East Side Brice Rd.)
*~*India*~* Sexy & Sophisticated*~ NEW PIX! Come $pend Your Time With Me! 100% REAL - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland/outcalls only)
Definitely The Provider You Should See !!! [HOLLY] $100 SAFE & DISCREET IN-CALLS 330-564-7406 - 28
(Akron/Canton, 1608 EAST AVE AKRON OHIO 44314)
💕 Nicole 💕 Ridgeville - Westlake - Avon - Elyria - Lorain 💕 Easter Special 💕 Available All Night - 29
(Cleveland, Ridgeville Avon Westlake Olmsted Elyria)
💕 Nicole 💕 Ridgeville - Westlake - Avon - Elyria - Lorain 💕 Tuesday Special ✅ 💕 Available All Night - 29
(Cleveland, Ridgeville Avon Westlake Olmsted Elyria)
Im stressed out will.someone come have fun with me? U must come to me me in lorain. - 28
(Cleveland, Lorain, elyria, amherst, north ridgevill)
💕 Nicole 💕 Ridgeville - Westlake - Avon - Elyria - Lorain 💕 100% Real 💕 Available All Night - 29
(Cleveland, Ridgeville Avon Westlake Olmsted Elyria)
(Cleveland, *.*.* BEACHWOOD *.*.*)
Im Th€ ( €xOTiC ~ CuT!€ ) U WiSh £iV€d N€Xt DooR ★iTs PlA¥TiM€:)... [HoT & K[!]NKy!] - 19
(Cleveland, 🌸 Airport Area 24hrs=) 🌸)
💕 Nicole 💕 100% Real 💕 Ridgeville - Westlake - Avon - Elyria - Lorain 💕 Available All Night - 29
(Cleveland, Ridgeville Avon Westlake Olmsted Elyria)
💕 Nicole 💕 Available Now - I Come To You 💕 Verification Pix 💕 Available All Night - 29
(Cleveland, Ridgeville Avon Westlake Olmsted Elyria)
💋🍬 Wednesday Specials Low Rates... low rates call now don't miss out - 25
(Cleveland, Incalls Only/480 Eastsuburbs)
★ Visiting *: ★ :* Petite *: ★ :* Mulato *: ★ :* Doll ★ - 20
(♛ airport area ♛)
••• SKILLED LIPS ••• CURVY HIPS ••• TIGHT GRIP ••• ( come enjoy urself ) - 20
(Cleveland, AIRPORT INC@LL 24hr)
***Sexy SeDucTrEsS WaNts 2 PlAy *** 100% PuRe SaTisFaCtIoN *** - 27
(Cleveland, Lorain County/ Incall&Out;)
Remy-216-983-9471- Lee and Harvard area -absolutely no pics - 19
(Cleveland, Cleveland/ lee and Harvard area)
~~ N@ughty Nina **** ~~ playful & sweet ~~.....Spring Specials=> - 25
°o©°* (LaST NiGhT!!) °o©°* ((=BLUE EYED=)) °&©° ((=BARBIE=)) °o©°($100$ SPeCiAlS){UP 24HRS} - 22
★ (¯`·.·´¯) (¯`·.·´¯) `·.¸ .· ×°× ` ·.¸.·´ ×°× LeT Me YoUr MiNd SxXy LaTiNa OuTcAlL&iNcAlL; - 23
(Cleveland, Cleveland and Surrounding Areas)
Sun 12 Jan
((50)) WeSt AiRpOrT SpEciALs 42 {F} ArAbIc/ LaTiNa MiX ((Well Reviewed - ID 185338)) - 21
(Cleveland, 50 west/airport special)
Sat 11 Jan
*•* S E X Y G A B R I E L *•* _______________ Cleveland out everywhere .!! Lorain IN. - 21
(Cleveland, Lorain Elyria Avon Sheffield westlake)
Fri 10 Jan
Wed 08 Jan
Hello Gentlemen!! Super 75 Rose Special. New Pics.!!!!! ;-)Look - 46
(Cleveland, westside/cleveland)
>>+ LATE NIGHT SPECIALS +Pure Satisfaction *^* Barely Legal Italian Beauty
(IN (I-480 W)** OUT (Cleve. N Sub.))
Tue 07 Jan
(Cleveland, my place west, my bed, at your pace!!!)
STOP HERE on ur way HOME⛔️🚘⛔️ Relax⛔️🚘⛔️ 38DDD ⛔️🚘⛔️ Great Rates⛔️🚘 - $100 - 29
(Beachwood 271, Cleveland)
Mon 06 Jan
New New New.... Hot Classy Playmate Available For Classy Gentlemen Big Knockers!!!!!
(brunswick area)
😍§W€€T ·•º°§€X¥°º•· §£iM😏 °B·€•A°U·T•i°F·U•£° 🌈 ⛅¢HA§iT¥⛅ 🌈 R€√i€W€D - 25
(Cleveland, lorain county Incall /outcall all over)
sPeCiAlS !! *¨¨*:. ? .:*¨¨* ? SEDUCTiVE ? PLAYMATE ?*¨¨*:. ? .:*¨¨* ReAdY nOw !!! - 21
([*?*]MENTOR InCaLL//OutCaLL [*?*])
💕 Nicole 💕 Ridgeville - Westlake - Avon - Elyria - Lorain 💕 100% Real 💕 Available All Night - 29
(Cleveland, Ridgeville Avon Westlake Olmsted Elyria)
60-100 ASK 4 CHANEL! ! LORAIN COUNTY ✔✔44 G BUST✔✔ Limited Time! Local outcalls - 24
(Cleveland, ELYRIA INCALL)
* G©©D EvEniNg * St@Rt Y©uR D@Y Off RiGht * WitH @ SwEeT tre@t & PriCeS U C@nt Be@t SpEci@ls - 18
(Cleveland, NEAR AIRPORT 24/7 Gu@r@teed 2 le@ve :))
✨⭕️❌⭕️N€w ¥€ar Specials ❌⭕️❌ CuRvY Play~mate ✨💋 ❌⭕️⭕️💢 Highly addictive Ca££ Now..........☎️I'm Waiting - 30
(Cleveland, Lorain & Cleveland WestSide In~Ca££)
Are Ya Ready to FullFill Your Fantasies with an Energizer Bunnny ********Toys for girls & boys - 42
(Columbus, NW (willing to travel))
sexy thick broown ready to have fun guy lets go and call yo girl juicy - 23
(Cleveland, cleveland -all around)
sExY !!▄▄ ❤❤ ▄ ❤ CLICK HERE !!❤ ▄▄ ❤❤ ▄▄▄ ❤ ▄▄ ❤❤ ▄▄▄ ❤ H O T BRUNETTE ❤ ▄▄▄ ❤❤ ▄▄▄ ❤ #1pArTyGirL - 21
Sun 05 Jan
TIFF💎Tall blonde | Long legs Amazing 💋Skills ^ 24-7 Availability °NEW Location+Unrushed 2169285197 - 27
(480, Cleveland)
☆ ____ * S_ I _ M_ P_ L _ Y * ___ * The *___ B _ E _ S _ T____ ☆ - 18
(Cleveland, WESTSIDE *specials all morning*)