Mon 27 Jan
( ( 4404062336) BBW CubaN Dominican Mama Cita 50 50 ((pretty in person!)) ((4404062336)) - 19
(Cleveland, LoraiN co. in / out Cleveland 50)
50 OUTCALLs 50 Mrs Sarah on her way to warm you up DaddY ! Lorain co. West Cleveland all areas 50 *~ - 23
(Cleveland, In lorain out Cleve west side 😜👅💦 50)
Tue 21 Jan
➜ YOU WANT iT? i GOT iT! ➜ DRiPPiN LiKE WATER! ~new Special~ - 24
(ClEvElAnD ArEa {24hr in/outcalls})
~* Speci@ls, Speci@ls, Speci@ls *~ (Check out this New Beauty) up all night - 20
(independence/cleveland in/out all night)
Sexiest + Voted Most Confident + Your # 1 Companion = ME !!!! 2 locations for your pleasure!!! - 26
(I-71 Bagley or I-77)
☆¨: CAUTION :*☆¨: GreaT Pu$.$Y ALeRT! :*☆¨: EBONY NYMPHO:* - 24
(ClEvElAnD ArEa {24hr in/outcalls})
New pics~~~[[ ThE ULTIMATE PaCkAgE ]]~~~ *** BrAINS + BooTY + BeAUTY = CUTiE *** ( ALWAYS ON DUTY ) - 24
(Cleveland Surrounding areas))
Tue 07 Jan
♥ SUPER CURVES ! SEXY !!! SKiLLED !!! ♥ InSaNeGrIp!!! - 24
(ClEvElAnD ArEa{24hr in/outcalls}WESTSIDE)
Mon 06 Jan
☆¨: CAUTION :*☆¨: GreaT Pu$.$Y ALeRT! :*☆¨: EBONY NYMPHO:* - 24
(ClEvElAnD ArEa {24hr in/outcalls})
➜ YOU WANT iT? i GOT iT! ➜ DRiPPiN LiKE WATER! ~ Special~ - 24
(ClEvElAnD ArEa {24hr in/outcalls})
☆¨: CAUTION :*☆¨: GreaT Pu$.$Y ALeRT! :*☆¨: EBONY NYMPHO:* - 24
(ClEvElAnD ArEa {24hr in/outcalls})
$ 50 Rose Special Our Body Is Your Party With Mz. Sky And Dream!$ - 28
(Cleveland, Garfield /Maple Heights)
🍒💧🍒 Beautiful AfricaN QueeN with an AmazinG JuiCy BodY 🍒💧🍒 70special 247 🍒💧🍒 - 23
(Cleveland, Sheffield / lorain incall only.)
Sun 05 Jan
Sat 04 Jan
Fri 03 Jan
♠ ♥ ARe yOu aLL HaRD & STiFF?? I CaN fix THaT !! CaLL ME!!!! $Specials$ ♠ ♥ - 24
(Cleveland Surrounding areas))
➜ YOU WANT iT? i GOT iT! ➜ DRiPPiN LiKE WATER! ~ Special~ - 24
(ClEvElAnD ArEa {24hr in/outcalls})
[ HoTTeR ThAN EvEr } * ! ! * (( iiTaLiAN ! )) &© 100% ReaL =)) ((=AdDiCtIvE =)) ° - 20
(Cleveland, OuTcaLLs To ALL AreaS !)
Thu 02 Jan
~* Speci@ls, Speci@ls, Speci@ls *~ (Check out this New Beauty) up all night - 20
(independence/cleveland in/out all night)
Sexiest + Voted Most Confident + Your # 1 Companion = ME !!!! 2 locations for your pleasure!!! - 26
(I-71 Bagley or I-77)