Fri 03 Jan
NEWEST ESCORT SERVICE in cleveland! Donations for any budget. Spanish/ blk wht/ eygptian all RACES! - 21
*** Come get warm with the girl next door! 100% me or your visit is free !!! *** - 24
(Cleveland, parma incall only)
☆ ~ **Allow **Me **To **Accomodate** Your**~ ☆ ~Busty Asia aka India~ - 32
(Cleveland, Euclid *private discreat location INCALL)
MILF/Cougar on the loose....Can you tame me?-available now - 35
(Old Brooklyn and surrounding area's)
Lets play*Specials ♡♡ ★★♥ --Lets Play ★ ★Specials ♥♥lets play 2 girl special... - 25
(Cleveland, Northfield / Surrounding OutCall's Only)
.:*Lay.:* Back .:* and .:* Enjoy.:* (REGULERS and RETURNS) ~BustY AsiA~ - 31
(Cleveland, Garfield Heights/ Valley View Area)
~! !~_ TIGHT_~! !~_WET_-~! !~_ PUSSY_~! !~_~! !~CuMMMM OuT N PLaY---ITS MY BDAY!!!! - 24
(west cleveland 24hr incall/outcall)
* G©©D M©rNiNg* St@rt Y©uR D@Y Off RiGht * WitH @ SwEeT tre@t & PriCeS U C@nt Be@t :) - 18
(Cleveland, NEAR AIRPORT 24/7 Gu@r@teed 2 le@ve :))
oஐo B L U E E Y E D B E A U T Y ° S E X Y S P E C I A L S $ 6 0 & U Poஐo - 20
Thu 02 Jan
☆ SuMmeR ♥ SpeCialS ☆ ☆ I Want To Be Your Hot And SeXy PlayDate ☆ - 19
(♥ My Bed Or Yours Up Late ♥)
*** Look no further!! just give me a call. you wont be disappointed !!! *** - 24
(Cleveland, parma incall only)
* well reviewed*:) ...the smart money is on me, Ryder! place yur bet baby. - 21
(Cleveland, cleve, westside)
Firey hot readhead waiting to please " specials starting at 50 - 39
(Toledo, Toledo,Oh Jackman &Alexis;)
Winter SpeCial TodaY ** 180HR * _ Puerto-RicAn __ (C)U(R)V(Y)___ B)E)A)U)T)Y - 25