Sat 22 Feb
Mon 27 Jan
ENJOY A SEXY SUMMER TREAT ~**~**~ With a Voluptuous Busty Brunette - 38
(Incall & Outcalls to many areas today.)
*SPECIALS* {YoUr SeArCh EnDs HERE!} *~* ExTRAoRDiNaRy *~* sWeET *AmAZiNg** ExOtiC FrE@K - 25
(: °♥ * Airport area°♥°)
💋❤💋❤💋SEXY_ βŶ_ ŃĂŤÚŔĔ 💋❤💋 (ŃĂÚĞĤŤŶ_ βŶ_ ČĤŐĨČĔ) 💋❤💋 (ReADY & WAiTinG! )💋❤💋 - 25
(Cleveland, EDDY RD. rite off the freeway...)
NEW PICS**SPECIALS 11/7 10a-11p** CoMe N See Why I'M the BaDDeST B**CH w/5 StAr SeRvIcE CALL NOW!! - 29
(Cleveland, Garfield htsr)
★ +++ NeW 24Hr▐ --- ★ EXTREMELY HOT!!! ★ ---▐ ExOtIc AsIaN +++ ★ - 22
(Middleburg Heights/Airport Area)
==✰ n-e-w [S] [E] [X] [Y] e - x - o - t - i - c [L] [I] [L] a - s - i - a - n ✰== - 22
(Middleburg Heights/Airport Area Incall)
*** Look no further!! just give me a call. you wont be disappointed !!! *** - 24
(Cleveland, parma incall only)
Love Month is Still On So Come and Enjoy The Lovin with Me!!!! You Will Be Pleased ... - 49
Malynn💣 finest chocolate drop around call now for a valentins day treat💗 - 21
(Cleveland, middleburg hts parma strongsville)
*** Look no further!! just give me a call. you wont be disappointed !!! *** - 25
(Cleveland, parma incall only)
Looking For A Female Companion And Looking For Some Company.... Sunday Afternoon OutCall Special - 25
(Cleveland, Cleveland East And West Outcall Only)
*** Look no further!! just give me a call. you wont be disappointed !!! *** - 25
(Cleveland, parma incall only)
{::{LAST CHANCE BOYS!!!!}:} gorgeous *CURVY* aLL-aMeRiCaN *DoLL* 1oo% REAL Pics! {{GREAT Reviews!}} - 25
((( ---WiLLouGhBy/MeNtOr---)))
Tue 21 Jan
★Click 2 c My Video♡ NEW★♡EXOTIC Hawaiian /Asian Beauty*STIMULATE your SENSUALITY - 22
Why Don't You Come And Sample Something You Never Had Before ? [HOLLY] $100 INCALL 330-564-7406 - 29
(Cleveland, GPS= 1608 EAST AVE AKRON OHIO 44314)
========== Your Journey To Sensual Bliss Begins Here With One Call ========== - 28
(Cleveland, Lake County)
X-RATED FREAK •• D**K Pleaser •• BIG BOOTY •• SkiLLed LiPs •• - 21
(Cleveland, warrensville ...incall only)
❤ - - - - - __ *[[[* WaRniNg ExOtiC PuErToRiCaN GoDdEsS *]]]* __ - - - - - ❤ - 26
(♥..... MENTOR .....♥)
$40 quick special $100 hour great prices with the best service cant be beat and highly reviewed - 28
(Columbus, 270 and 23)
WOULDN'T ×°x°× {U LuV2 SLiiDE} ×°x°× {iiNTO} ×°x°× {SOMeThING WET??} - 22
(Incall & Outcall Clev Area)
▓▓▓💋 UPSCALE 💋 ▓▓ EXOTIC ♥💋 ▓◆ BEST★ LOOKING ◆💋 ▓▓ 2girl ⓢⓟⓔⓒⓘⓐⓛ 💋▓ feTisH Friendly💕 - 22
(Cleveland, . .incall)
Upscale LATINA in town for a few days only. Have a once in a life time experience (in/out) - 23
SPECIALS...Avail 1p - 11p!!!!:*: Get w/a ReAL BAD B##CH w/5 StAr SeRvIcE...CALL NoW!!! - 29
(Cleveland, Garfield hts)
Start your week off right! Morning Incall *~~~*~~~* Voluptuous Busty Beauty - 39
(Cleveland, REAL FUN ~*~ SPECIALS)
**SeXxXY* [ WeLL ReVieWeD ] * [ SWeeT N TiGHT ] * [ EARLY bird SPECIALS ] ExXxOTiC!!!** - 21
★ ______ NEW:: ViSiTiNG:: 34DD:: PERFECTLY:: BUSTY:: CURVY:: ViXXEN_____ ★ - 22
(Cleveland, cleveland Last night in town!)
NEWEST ESCORT SERVICE in cleveland! Donations for any budget. Spanish/ blk wht/ eygptian all RACES! - 21
* NeW PiCs_ ** SUPRE FUN ** PuerTo RiCaN MaMii ** __KiNkY and WiLd _LaSt DaY HeRe - 27
(Cleveland, ()() AiRpOrT ArEa ()())
LATE NIGHT SPECIAL INCALL with TRUE 40G's~**~ Voluptuous Busty Beauty - 38
(Incall & Outcalls to many areas today.)
Thu 09 Jan
Tue 07 Jan
Mon 06 Jan
*** Tired of not getting what you see. 100% me or your visit is free !!! *** - 24
(Cleveland, parma incall only)
Malynn💣 finest chocolate drop around call now for a valentins day treat💗 - 21
(Cleveland, middleburg hts parma strongsville)
*Alll hours, til Mornin! Wheres MY mature Gentleman? Prepare for Bodyrub Heaven: SEXY, SAFE&Classy;D - 23
(Cleveland, 8min west of DnTown CLE/D.Shoreway Area!)
*** The true gurl next door !!! 100% me or your visit is free !!! *** - 24
(Cleveland, parma incall only)
█ __ PERFECT __ ★ ___ PETITE __★ __ EBONY __ ★__ PLAYMATE __ █ - 23
(Cleveland, High End Outcalls Out of Cuyahoga Extra)
*** Look no further!! just give me a call. you wont be disappointed !!! *** - 25
(Cleveland, parma incall only)
Sun 05 Jan
•• SUNDAY SPECIAL!•• TASTY TREAT •• X-RaTeD FrEaK •• SwEEt && DiScReeT •• PreTTy. YoUnG. ThiCk•• - 21
★ *CaLl Now ((24/7)) - ((BrEaTh -TaKiNg)) —— ((*GreaT ATTiTuDe !!*)) —— AvaiLaBLe NoW ★ - 26
(Cleveland, (•♥•WILLOUGHBY AREA•♥• ))
NeW👑Upscale PlayMate👑💕Exotic Ebony Bunny👅αvαiℓabℓε ➜➋➍/➆ 💙 №➊ *•• Super Sexy•• 5🌟experience💋 - 22
(airport area, Cleveland)
*** The true gurl next door !!! 100% me or your visit is free !!! *** - 24
(Cleveland, parma incall only)
♛▬*** PLAYMATE ***▬▬*** SEXY BOMBSHELL ***▬▬▬▬*** ***▬▬** AVAILABLE NOW ** ▬▬▬▬▬♛ - 22
(Cleveland, Cleveland area)
█▒█ _AMAZING_ █▒█ _ Italian _ █▒█ _ 100% REAL PICS_ █▒█ _$150 Outcall/Incall_ █▒ - 21
(Cleveland, Westside Incall & Outcall)
♥• 1OO %•REAL •° Let me take you to paradise and PLEASE YOU AS LONG AS YOU LIKE**** - 22
(Cleveland, University Hts)
******Never Had A Brazilian Well U Can Today***** incall in newport 1 night only - 20
(¯`'?.+CLICK (¯`'?.+ON+ .?'´¯) ME .?'´¯)* SEXY * ! XxX= Naughty= NyMpHO With Specials!!! - 24
(Westside Cleveland)
*** Tired of not getting what you see. 100% me or your visit is free !!! *** - 24
(Cleveland, parma incall only)
Sat 04 Jan
LOOK ► -:¦:- xXx -:¦:- NEW Busty [BEAUTIFUL] BraZilian &PueRto; Rican MoDeL -:¦:- xXx -:¦: - 22
Looking For A Female Companion And Looking For Some Company.... 60 Dollars Outcall Special - 25
(Cleveland, Cleveland East And West Outcall Only)
★ Whatever You Need★ Im What You Desire★ Yes Baby Im Real ★ 50 spc LEAVING SOON - 26
(Cleveland, West INCALL ONLY.. A+ REVIEWS)
Winter SpeCial TodaY ** 180HR * _ Puerto-RicAn __ (C)U(R)V(Y)___ B)E)A)U)T)Y - 25
█ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ ◆ SeXx¥ ◆ pLaYFuLL &◆ BRUneTte*◆ BOmbSheLL◆ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ - 24
(Cleveland, Outcalls only)
.:Lay **Back ** and ** Enjoy!! (New number, same great flavor) ~Busty Asia~ - 30
(Cleveland, Euclid (private discrete location))
:.:.:.: ~-Allow me to accomodate your cck! :.:.:.: ~-INDIA-~ :.:.:.: - 29
(Garfield Hts/ Tranportation blv exit)
*** Look no further!! just give me a call. you wont be disappointed !!! *** - 25
(Cleveland, parma incall only)
ATT; 2 hot girls DuOs aNd $peic@ls availble 24/7 - 28
(Cleveland, EUCLID / EASTLAKE -/WILLOUGHBY/Bishop rd)
Fri 03 Jan