Mon 27 Jan
ebony bubble butt princess nicest azz on b.p(take a peak) 50/100/150 - 20
(Cleveland, west 130th brookpark)
ebony bubble butt princess nicest azz on b.p (take a peak) 50/100/150 - 20
(Cleveland, west 130th brookpark)
exotic snow bunnie with a nice lil booty.... new in town 60/100/150 - 19
(Cleveland, west 130th brookpark)
ebony bubble butt princess nicest azz on b.p(take a peak) 50/100/150 - 20
(Cleveland, west 130th brookpark)
Tue 21 Jan
ebony bubble butt princess nicest azz on b.p (take a peak) 50/100/150 - 20
(Cleveland, west 130th brookpark)
exotic snow bunnie..... with a nice lil booty (new in town) 60/100/150 - 19
(Cleveland, west 130th brookpark)
ebony bubble butt princess nicest azz on b.p (take a peak) 50/100/150 - 20
(Cleveland, west 130th brookpark)
exotic snow bunnie with a nice lil booty in town 60/100/150 - 19
(Cleveland, west 130th brookpark)
ebony bubble butt princess nicest azz on b.p (take a peak) 50/100/150 - 20
(Cleveland, west 130th brookpark)
Mon 13 Jan
ebony bubble butt princess nicest azz on b.p(take a peak) 50/100/150 - 20
(Cleveland, west 130th brookpark)
Fri 10 Jan
exotic snow bunnie with a nice lil booty.... new in town 60/100/150 - 19
(Cleveland, west 130th brookpark)
Mon 06 Jan
exotic snow bunnie with a nice lil booty in town 60/100/150 - 19
(Cleveland, west 130th brookpark)
Sun 05 Jan
ebony bubble butt princess nicest azz on b.p (take a peak) 50/100/150 - 20
(Cleveland, west 130th brookpark)
exotic snow bunnie..... with a nice lil booty (new in town) 60/100/150 - 19
(Cleveland, west 130th brookpark)
Sat 04 Jan
back in town.....tricky trina ready for a great treat!!! - 19
(Cleveland, west 130th brookpark rd ncalls)
Fri 03 Jan
exotic snow bunnie...with a nice lil booty (new in town) 60/100/150 - 19
(Cleveland, west 130th brookpark incalls and outcall)
ebony bubble butt princess nicest azz on b.p (take a peak) - 21
(Cleveland, west 130th brookpark rd ncalls)
Thu 02 Jan