Mon 06 Jan
Upscale Escorts & Private Dancers Wanted! 248-688-4422 Local | 844-SUGAR-4-U Toll Free - 35
(Toledo, Downtown Detroit)
Out Call For In Call Price..S€x¥ Matur€ Natura£ B£ond€ $25OFF hr Out Call Only - 41
(Cleveland, Out Call Only)
Girls Girls Girls***** VERY SEXY ** bombshell ***OUTCALLS AVAIL 38 DDD'S - 23
(cleveland /Downtown Outcall avail)
Need SERIOUS help, gentleman ONLY, please read all (not an escort!!) :P - 23
(Cleveland, west cleve.)
Boys Play With Toys,Real Men Play With Me :) Do U Desire That Special Treatment? - 27
(your place or mine)
[_8*0 $pEc!aL$] _*SM0K!N H0T EX0T!C M!XeD Eb0Ny H0TT!E*_ [*100% SaTiSfAcT!oN *GUaRaNTeED*] TRY ME!!! - 24
(*EaSt &WeSt; OUTCALL}*{BeAchWooD InCaLL!!)
**GIA**Phone broke tex only in calls only available all night!!!**(216)592-8321 - 25
(Cleveland, Downtown/Cleveland)
ThE bAdDeSt BiTcH oN bAcKpAgE*** KAYLA ***bEsT dEaLs Of ThEm All - 24
(Cleveland, East side cleveland garfieldheights)
**EXxXOt!C M!XeD EBoNY HoTTiE~*80/QQ *120/30MIN *180/60MIN ~{{G*F*E}}~ *M!ND*BLOW*ING *0RaL SK!LLs!~ - 23
(CLeVeLaNd {EaSt/WeSt}*24hr OuTCaLLs!!)
$25 off hr. incalls.... S€x¥ Matur€ Natura£ B£onde...In/Out Call. - 41
(Cleveland, just mins from downtown)
Sun 05 Jan
Re: RΞΛÐ¥ TØ PŁΛY ★ HiGhLy SkiLLeD *°☆ juicy BOOTY ♛★ ☆♛*MUST ♛SEE* ♛1OO% REAL★Petite Goddess♡☆🍭 - 39
__[ [* SM0K!N H0T Ex0t!C M!XeD Eb0nY B0MBSHeLL* ]] __ [[ * 100%ReAL dEaL*]] __ [[#1 P!CK**BOYS!!!]] - 24
(~CLeVeLaNd{EaSt/WeSt}*24hr OUTCALL!!~)
[*8*0 $pEc!aLs!!]°o[ *SM0K!N H0T Ex0t!C M!XeD Eb0nY V!XeN* ]°o [*Up ALL N!Te*]°o [#1 P!CK*BOYS!] - 24
(~*CLeVeLaNd { EAST/ WEST} *24HR OuTCaLL~)
Specials...... S€x¥ Matur€ Natura£ B£onde...In/Out Call. $25 off hr In Call - 41
(Cleveland, jusr mins from downtown)
Great Weekend Specials....S€x¥, C£ass¥ Natura£ B£ond€ M*I*£*F ..OUT OUT bCALLS ONLY(Out calls 4 In call price ) - 41
(Cleveland, Out Calls Only)
**GIA** Taking Early Morning Appt!!! $100 Ss Specials!!! (440)319-0326 - 25
(Cleveland, Lake County mentor)
Don't Cheat yourself Treat yourself...S€x¥ Matur€ natura£ B£ond€ $25 OFF hr in call. in/out - 41
(Cleveland, Eastside $25 off hr in calls. in/out)
all you kind gentleman looking for real woman that can handel all your needs in the right ways - 24
(Cleveland, East side cleveland garfieldheightffs)
Let me Show you what the Best feel like!!((Out call specials All Day))100 :-)100 :-) 100 - 19
(Cleveland, ((Out going calls only)))
**GIA**Come See What Everyone Is Talking About *(special skills)*(216)592-8321 - 25
(Cleveland, Downtown/Cleveland)
Sat 04 Jan
√√ Special * ((SLiM WAiST * APPLEBOTTOM)) * ((34Bs)) * CURVY * CUTiE √√ - 26
(Cleveland, ♥:: BeachWood ::♥)
Sp€cia£s...... S€x¥ Matur€ Natura£ B£onde...In/Out Call. $25 off h - 41
(Cleveland, just mins from downtown)
if you are looking for a great time look no more pic up the phone - 24
(Cleveland, East side cleveland garfieldheightffs)
Hey guys come check out what you been missin the best of them all Kayla - 23
(Cleveland, East side cleveland garfieldheights)
RΞΛÐ¥ TØ PŁΛY ★ HiGhLy SkiLLeD *°☆ juicy BOOTY ♛★ ☆♛*MUST ♛SEE* ♛1OO% REAL★Petite Goddess♡☆🍭 - 39 - 39
I aM wOmEN aNd A LaDy AnD ThAts A FaCt...CuRiOsitY KiLlEd ThE cAt SaTisFacTion bRoughT Em BaCk - 24
(Cleveland, East side cleveland garfieldheights)
**GIA** Taking Appt All Day!!! $90ss In Call Specials!!! (440)319-0326 - 25
(Cleveland, Lake County/Willoughby)
Fri 03 Jan
«««W€++ @nd W¡£D $p€¢¡@£s »»» 80 Ro$€ In call special & 80 roses OUT CALL - 28
(Cleveland, outcall Cleveland/maple incall)
iM BaCk Boys! _____ Miss.Moore 46Ddd 165 ThiCk and Sexy Curvy Vixen 100$ lunch specials - 20
FiNaLLy MaDE iT2 ClEVLaNd !!! _ NeW bUSTY CaraMeL SuPER BaD VixeN! _ {iNCALL SPECIALS @3PM tiL 8pm} - 19
(east west airport in out bagley 71)
*BaCK By Popular -DEMAND !!! ___ (SpeCiaLS) : 180 ---> Call me This EVENING xoxo - 20
(east north south west)
Medina, Ohio female wants a man 4 NO strings wild sex on the weekends. long term ONLY - 37
(Cleveland, Medina, Ohio)
W€dn€sda¥ Sp€cia£s...... S€x¥ Matur€ Natura£ B£onde...In/Out Call. $25 off h - 41
(Cleveland, just mins from downtown)
Specials $25OFF THE HOUR ONLY 4incalls. S€x¥ Matur€ Natura£ B£onde In/Out Call. - 41
(Cleveland, just mins from downtown)
🍒Slipper When~W💦T 🍒MeXican💋 HOTT~🔥~ & ReaDy ✔️SeDecTive N£W CuTi€ with A Bubble BOOTY ✨💯......, - 29
(Cleveland, Lorain , ElYria, Sheffield ,AvOn)
NEW!Final DAY! See What ALL Of This GIANT SIZE ASS & TITS Is About!2 4 One Just 90 Mins. $200
Leah!! New Pics!! Come See Me!! New Number!!(216)-465-0385 - 21
(Cleveland, Willoughby in or out anyway)