Mon 27 Jan
NeW💋NEW🌟 SpEciAL ⏳(5-12am)🍒【SeXXy LATINA】⭐ [100% REAL] ⭐spankable αSS]【 SiMpℓy* the * Best - 23
(Cleveland, InCall and OutCall)
💖🚺💖🚺💖🚺(滿足) NEW NEW NEW NEW ASIAN 🚺💖🚺💖🚺💖💖 SUPER BUSTY 💖 💖🚺💖🚺 💖🚺💖🚺💖💖Cute , SWEET💖💖 💖🚺💖 BEST SERVICE - 22
(Columbus, 💖 💖🚺💖Colubus 🚺💖🚺💖🚺💖💖Grove city 💖 💖🚺💖🚺💖🚺)
{{{ ___ MixeD GoDDess SeXy AS Can Be___ }}} _____ ONLy 100.00 = 10Minute From AIRPORT - 20
0UTc@LL ℳeG@ SPeCI@LS! ❦ °•©•° ❦ ❤ B0ℳBSheLL! ❤ SWeeThe@rT! ❤ VIXeN! ❤ ❦ °•©•° ❦ n0 rIP 0FF ℘r0ℳISe! - 32
(Cleveland, SHAKER SQ. 24 HR IN/OUTCALL ☎№4409736366)
Come and Spend Some Special Quality Time with a True Lady that Satisfies Your Every NEED !!! - 50
*SPECTACULAR SUNDAY SPECIALS*Call Jenna 216~538~3398*new pix*well reviewed* - 29
(Cleveland, NEAR THE AIRPORT/Westside)
Super Sexy, Sweet and Available Now! See My Pics... - 19
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, In town, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville)
New Quarterback, Same Result.....Mz. Tiffany's Consolation Plan (And Maybe Good News For Newbies)
(Cleveland and eastern suburbs)
NeW PiCs 100% Me ☆ ► I'M GÕÕD,BUT ★ WHN I'M BÅD I GET VN WTTR In/OuT SpEcIaLs - 25
(Cleveland, CLEV -IN/OUT (UP LATE))
★ NeW GiRL 100~!~ O.M.G. ~!~ SuPeR * SeXy ~!~ SuPeR * SoFT ~!~ i GoT SuMtHiN SpECiAL JusT 4 U!! ~!~ - 23
(Cleveland, Independance * INCALL & OUT 702-371-7891)
Lets Get Together and Have and Extreme Encounter Together!!!! You will Not Be Disappointed!!!!
LEXI#117401& #132764 on T.E.R!, (216) 355-6829$70 Quik SPECIAL $100hh Ex-dancer! - 29
(W.150th & I-71 Private Residence)
*Lexi* Looking for That Girl Next Door ? Quick visit$70 &$100 half hour!T.E.R. ID# 132764 & 117401 - 29
(W.150th&I-71; private residence!)
LEXI#117401& #132764 on T.E.R!, (216) 355-6829$70 Quik SPECIAL $100hh Ex-dancer! - 29
(W.150th & I-71 Private Residence)
🔹🔹🌀🍥🌀🍥🌀🍥🌀🍥🌀🔹🔹KOREAN KOREAN💕💕💕아름다움💕💕💕 한국 학생💕💕💕1st DAY🔹🔹🌀🍥🌀🍥🌀🍥🌀🍥🌀🔹🔹 - 21
(Cleveland, 🌀🌀Brookpark rd……Cleveland🌀🌀)
Tue 21 Jan
UPdATeD PICs🔊👑👑 Relaxation & Stimulation💦😘💋100% REAL*** Call NOW *** - 24
(Cleveland, Cleveland area Out Calls)
💯 % True Beauty ✔ 【Naughty 💝 Sweetie】 ✓ 【Kinky & Addictive】 ✓ 【Petite Bombshell 】 ✓ 【 ⚠️ available - 22
(Toledo, INCALL/OUT)
**** Sexy Hot Red Head ***** Ready to play***** Full of Fun****** - 30
(Cincinnati, westside of cincinnati)
🌷🌹🌷Sexy Bombshell Extoic💋💋 Lady Sunshine 🌷🌹🌷🌹 - 27
(Toledo, toledo & surrounding areas (INCALL&OUT;)
** Your Sexy Little Secret Call Now & Lets Explore Your Wild Side - 27
(Cleveland, local in and out)
***LAST DAY IN TOWN*** [[-XxX-]] SUPER [[-XxX-]] SWEET [[-XxX-]] NyMPHO [[-XxX-]] FREAK [[-XxX-]] - 21
(Airport Area 24hr incall/outcall)
What Sets Me Apart From The Rest !!! I AM THE GIRL IN THE PICTURES..[HOLLY] $100 INCALL 330-564-7406 - 29
(Akron/Canton, Cleveland, GPS- 1608 EAST AVE AKRON OHIO 44314, Mansfield, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown)
*WHY CALL THE REST WHEN U CAN HAVE THE BEST?* CALL Jenna 216~538~3398 NEWpix*well reviewed - 29
(Cleveland, NEAR THE AIRPORT/Westside)
💯 % True Beauty ✔ 【Naughty 💝 Sweetie】 ✓ 【Kinky & Addictive】 ✓ 【Petite Bombshell 】 ✓ 【 ⚠️ available - 22
(Toledo, INCALL/OUT)
***SUPER ENERGETIC SEXY ... FUN***Satisfaction Guaranteed***OPEN MINDED - 29
(Columbus, North Columbus)
L🅰YLA]►❶Juⓢⓣ🇨🅰🇳"🇹👎STOP 🇨💋🇲ING►FOR MORE..#❶★►NEW][►1OO% 🇲🇪 ]•(🇨uTiE w/ CuRVES)•*►& A SOFT - 22
(Toledo, INCALL/OUT)
💎🍦╠╣@NDS Down👍👌💋 T╠╣e T╠╣ickest @round ••► No RUS╠╣(IM BACK ) ••► PRETTY f@Ce! - 23
(Cleveland, 💃💃271 Mayfield In/Out💃💃)
💦💕 ____ LAST DAY IN CINCINNATI !!!!! ___ LEAVING SOON ___💕💕 __ B U T T E R - P E C A N __ 💕💕__ - 22
(Cincinnati, 75 & kemper /north cincy)
STOP TAKING CHANCES With me you are guaranteed a safe good time,Highly Reviewed - 39
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, West Side private residence, Yo)
SkY---- BaCk By PoPuLaR DeMaNd------ MuSt SeE------ 1Oo SpEcIaL-EaSt CoLuMbUs! 1 DaY OnLy! - 19
(Columbus, EAST COLUMBUS. (( 100 SPECIAL )) NEW)
Ready.......... Brand spanking new Chrissy ready for everything 216 258 4151.......... Specials - 19
(Cleveland, Downtown/in and outcall)
°o© GORG3OUS N@STY ©o (SUP3RFREAK) AfrO-Cub@n Mix ((5O SP3C!@L)) °o© SUPER FR3AK SP3C!ALS °o© 1OO FH - 20
(Cleveland, ((INCALL))Willoughby((Last Appt @1OAM)))
💖✿💚✿►No ONE Treat u Better Then Me 💖✿💜Hot Girl NAUGHTY SKILLS👍 NO STRESS💖✿💛 MAKє.Y◯U. HAPPY - 23
(Bedford hts/maple hts and surroundings, Cleveland)
*Lexi* Looking for That Girl Next Door ? Thats ME Come And See . .T.E.R. ID# 132764 & 117401 - 29
(W.150th&I-71; private residence!)
Sun 12 Jan
Dont waste your time with these fake ads! Im 💎Diamond💎Come indulge in my Caramel wonderland💖 - 19
(Ashtabula, Ashtabula Harbor)
Fri 10 Jan
**LEXI** 70 &$100 half hour! 216-355-6829 TER reviewed ID#117401 - 29
(W.150th&I-71; private residence!)
Thu 09 Jan
Come and Spend Some Special Quality Time with a True Lady that Satisfies Your Every NEED !!! - 50
Wed 08 Jan
The ORIGINAL Lexi * Ter Reviewed - #117401& #132764*, 216 355-6829 CALL Now !!!$70/$100 Special - 29
(W.150th & I-71 Private Residence)
$160 Incall ~ Petite and Mature ~ 440-836-3801 (no texting) ~ Chrissy Kisses - 40
(Cleveland, Cleveland Area (IN/OUT))
Tue 07 Jan
(¯`★´¯) -*_G_E_n_T_ L_e_M_e_N_s_*_ C__h__O__i__C__ e_*- (¯`★´¯) - 22
(westside cleveland upscale location)
Mon 06 Jan
New Quarterback, Same Result.....Mz. Tiffany's Consolation Plan (And Maybe Good News For Newbies)
(Cleveland and eastern suburbs)
🌀🔹🌀🔹🌀🔹🌀🔹🌀🔹🌀FIRST DAY💄✨💄✨COLLEGE GIRL💄✨💄✨KOREAN🌀🔹🌀🔹🌀🔹🌀🔹🌀🔹🌀 - 21
(Cleveland, 🌀🌀Brookpark rd……Cleveland🌀🌀)
February is my Birthday month also the Love month come join me to celebrate! - 50
(Akron/Canton, CLEVELAND)
Come and Celebrate the Love Month and My Birthday with a True Lady that Loves to Satisfy Your Needs. - 50
(Cleveland, incall austintown/ Outcall in Cleveland)
☆ °&°¤ Im BaCk (NeW ED!T!oN) ViSiTiNG!!! (THE BEST) SuPeR = ExTREME =((PeTiTe BLoNDe)) - 23
(InDePeNdEnCe* Incall/ /Outcall)
SLIM & Dom & Fetish COLLEGE FRESHMAN incall and Outcall Anywhere - 19
(Cleveland, Cleveland, anywhere)
🎬🎭 [̲$̲(̲̲100)̲$̲̅] °📺° 🎬🎭📹SUPER BLOCKBUSTER! BIG FAT TITTIES! FAT KAT! BIG FAT @$$!🎥🎦🎫 °📺° 650-429-8552 🎥🎦 - 24
(Cleveland, 💻Near I-90 & Downtown Cleveland💻 In; Out)