Mon 27 Jan
Erotic BBW!The Real H Cups!Specials In&Outcalls; - 28
(Cleveland, Cleveland&Surrounding; Counties Outcalls)
Malynn💣 finest chocolate drop around 💯% real babe🎬 - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland Willoughby out everywhere)
Malynn💣 finest chocolate drop around 💯% real babe🎬 - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland Willoughby out everywhere)
❤ LooK!! »» ToTaL PaCKaGe »» SeXxXy.... SwEeT ... FuN »» ❤ - 21
(west side of cleveland incall/outcall)
Tue 21 Jan
Malynn💣 finest chocolate drop around 💯% real babe🎬 - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland Willoughby out everywhere)
........................ Absolutely ............... Gorgeous ... Last night - 24
(Cleveland, Hopkins Airport/ downtown)
2 girls 2 realities!!!! EXACTLY WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR. 100% REAL NEW PICS! 661-436-3961 - 21
(Akron/Canton, where ever you are)
Malynn💣 finest chocolate drop around 💯% real babe🎬 - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland Willoughby out everywhere)
Malynn💣 finest chocolate drop around 💯% real babe🎬 - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland Willoughby out everywhere)
LAST NITE IN TOWN** Y o u r__ *ღ* __ D_r_e_a_m __ *ღ* __ G_i_r_l ** *ღ* 60qq!!! - 24
(west cleveland/ mentor 24HR)
Well Reviewed... Specials.. In/OutCall Avail. $25off HOUR ONLY S€x¥ Matur€ Natura£ B£onde - 41
(Cleveland, eastside)
OPEN 24hr Fri & Sat ONLY *75/100 SpEcIaLs* CoMe & SEE WHY I'M the BO$$ B**CH of BP w/ 5 StAr SeRvIcE - 29
(Cleveland, Garfield hts)
New In Town and ready to play Jayla Is My Name Bringing Pleasure is my game - 22
(Cleveland, outcalls Cleveland)
Sun 12 Jan
*4th. of July Spec@!lz...W!T Ch3rokeE!!! B@Ng!N BoDy GooD3$$...@MuST SeE!!! Cl!cK h3rE>>> - 24
(Cleveland, Cleveland OUTCALLS only)
Tue 07 Jan
(SuPr Sx¥) ♥ BONY DoLL ~ SLIM ~CuT¡ ♥ (1oO% RAL) ♥ (#1 CHoIcE) SPeCIaLS NoW - 26
(Cleveland, :¦:-*BEACHWOOD AREA;* :¦:-)
»»»»»come get what u deserve for the new year cougar««««« - 37
(Cleveland, CLEVELAND, Wickliffe)
Mon 06 Jan
Malynn💣 Incall spacials call now 💯% real babe💡🎥🎬 - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland Willoughby in/ out everywhere)
Sun 05 Jan
Don't Cheat yourself Treat yourself...S€x¥ Matur€ natura£ B£ond€ $25 OFF hr in call. in/out - 41
(Cleveland, Eastside $25 off hr in calls. in/out)
»--(¯`v´¯)-» *C E R T i F i E D* *2* *S A T i S F Y* »--(¯`v´¯)-» - 21
Sat 04 Jan
NEW PICS**SPECIALS Avail 10a-5p** CoMe N See Why I'M the BaDDeST B**CH w/5 StAr SeRvIcE CALL NOW!! - 29
(Cleveland, Garfield htsr)
Malynn💣 finest chocolate drop around 💯% real babe🎬 - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland Willoughby out everywhere)
Fri 03 Jan
♥This Catholic School, Girl Next Door wants to make ur dreams come true´¨ morning spcls call quick!! - 27
(Cleveland, Cleveland Incalls/outcalls)
Malynn💣 finest chocolate drop around 💯% real babe🎬 - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland Willoughby out everywhere)
★EvErY BoY's WiSh! EvErY HuSbAnD's SeCeReT ❤ EvErY MaN's FaNtAsY! So ☎ ME 100% - 20
(just a phone call away)
~! !~_ TIGHT_~! !~_WET_-~! !~_ PUSSY_~! !~_~! !~CuMMMM OuT N PLaY---ITS MY BDAY!!!! - 24
(west cleveland 24hr incall/outcall)
Thu 02 Jan
Malynn💣 finest chocolate drop around 💯% real babe🎬 - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland Willoughby out everywhere)
(¯`'.¸ WeSt SiDe¸.'´¯) AfTeR 6p.m. SPECIALS 42DDD ArAbIc LaTiNa MiX 440 522 7318re - 21