Tue 21 Jan
Well Reviewed.- Weekend Specials Natural Blonde Cougar $25 off hr incall/AVAILABLE FOR OUTCALLS - 41
(Cleveland, Eastside suburb in call only)
😍§W€€T ·•º°§€X¥°º•· §£iM😏 °B·€•A°U·T•i°F·U•£° 🌈 ⛅¢HA§iT¥⛅ 🌈 R€√i€W€D - 25
(Cleveland, lorain county Incall /outcall all over)
VIP 1DAY * GORGEOUS SiCiLiaN-itALiAn * BUBBLE BOOTY * 4'9" 36d-26-46 !!GreAT ReViews 1@@(specials) - 27
(Cleveland, UpScaLe WeSt/ indepENdenCE)
WATCH OUT (( destiny/ serenity irresistably fat)) {{{ dangerously disgusting}}} - 25
(cleveland area)
💦🙌 very freaky & ready to do whatever👌 😝 No gag reflex 🍆 - 34
((Not in Cleveland) Warren,Youngstown, Cleveland)
VIP * GORGEOUS SiCiLiaN-itALiAn *BUBBLE BOOTY * 4'9" 36d-26-46 great REVIEWS 8@/12@ specials) - 28
(Cleveland, UpScaLe..WeSt INCALL strongssssvill)
Visiting MAY 2nd - 5th ~~ 440-523-9972 ~~ Chrissy Kisses ~~ 5/2-5/5 - 40
(Cleveland, Greater Cleveland)
~♥~ VERY N@UGHTY GIRLS ~♥~ 5 ☆ Providers ~♥~ UP LATE Specials ! ! ! - 21
(Cleveland, In / OutCalls ``` Your Place Or Mine)
W :: A :: R :: N :: I :: N :: G!!! :☠: EXTREMELY :☠: A * D * D * I * C * T * I * V * E - 21
(beachwood & surrounding areas)
24/7 $100HR SPECIAL {NEW PREGNANT Hottie} ..Pregnant.. Glowing and ready for some fun! 216-798-4363 - 19
(Cleveland(OUT-CALL ONLY))
((There @re So M@ny Ch!oce$ {{BUT}} NoNe LiKe M3)) - 26
(Cleveland, Cleeland ( Surrounding Areas)EAST/WEST)
Up all night waiting to spend some time with you..outcall & incall ✨💦 - 33
(Columbus, Columbus. .and surroundings)
*-:¦:-* ❤ *TOP* -:¦:- *NOTCH* -:¦:- MIXED -:¦:- *BEAUTY* ❤ *-:¦:-* - 26
(beachwood incall 24/7)
unconditional fun with me impossible to prepare experience the best - 24
(Athens, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Cleveland Heights, Huntington/Ashland, Ohio, Youngstown)
TReAT YouR SeLF {2} THe BeST ♥ VeRy SkIlLeD ♥ n@$ty, PETiTE . ExoTic & VeRy FR3Aky - 25
(☼Cleveland ArEa☼last day)
This Cougar has no holds barred specials today til 5pm! 100 100 100 100 100 100 100! - 39
💋👄💋 To Naughty To Say No 🍒🍒🍒 late night Specials 💰💰 - 23
(Cleveland, memphis near zoo , incall/outcall)
THA Best R@TES, NEW PICZ ,NOW CHECK out THIS HOT CHIC 313 5233899 $50 tonite - 19
T_O_O _____ [-S-] __[-E-] __ [-X-]__ [-Y-] ___TO ______ MISS! U get what u see!!! - 21
(Cleveland, Independence/cleveland)
*_* T H E »- (¯`´¯) -» T O T A L »- (¯`´¯) -» P A C K A G E *_*_* 100% Real - 19
(Cleveland Heights)
The Holidays are right around the Corner come on over and Get Your Treat Early with Me!!!!
★ T H E ★ ___ ★ B E A U T Y ★ ___ ★ O F ★ ___ ★ Y O U R ★ __ ★D R E A M S ★ $80 S P E C I A L - 20
♥♥♥❀♥♥♥◆ SuperModel Body!~!~! Sexxi Busty Slender~!~!~! Gorgeous Brunette~!~!~! ◆♥♥♥❀♥♥♥ - 23
Stunning, intelligent, personable, no rush, real deal, best fantasy blonde gf. - 26
(Cleveland, W Cleveland safe residence Fulton,90&71)
SLiP OFF my PANTiES ^*SLiP OFF my LACE *eXoTiC* pLaYmAt3 (aVaiLabLe nOw!) - 19
(Cleveland, W.117th AREA inCaLL...)
🎀❤❤❤❤❤❤ ♥❤❤❤❤Skillz of A P⭕rnst@r ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤& ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤New Uploads to My Website - 23
(Cleveland, 💋 Mayfield 👠💋)
[ SPECIALS ) Exotic Mixed Beauty ! Busty Italian and Puerto Rican . - 18
(Beachwood Incall&Outcall;, Cleveland)
((((((( ((((((( SeXy eXxXCLUSIVE ✔ ChIcK ))))))) )))))) **Early Bird Specials** - 19
(One Phone Call Away)
*** Sexy Italian Freak *** WICLIFFE *** No Games The Real Deal *** 216~217~2367 *** - 21
(Cleveland, WICLIFFE... EUCLID...)
SeXY SeDuCtion At IT's FiNest~*~ CaLL Now ~*~ HoTT & ReAdY......... - 27
(Cleveland, Cleveland~WeSt)
SEXY Curvy White BBW 4OD Bra Come Play NUDE $15O-$45O CANDY 2l6-252-5OO1 East & West Side Locations - 32
(Cleveland, Cleveland W117St or E3OSt get off i90)
Sexy Beautiful Beautiful Blond Visiting .... See Ya Again Soon ! xoxo - 36
(Cleveland, north olmstead)
_____________ _____________ ------ SEND ME HOME TO HIM SMELLING OF YOU ---- ___________ ___________ - 99
(Cleveland, __________ Suburban Cleveland __________)
SEDUCTIVE, IRRESISTIBLE, Unforgettable! Aubrey Adair is back in town. BUSTY AND BEAUTIFUL!!!! - 25
(Cleveland, West/ incall)
Sasha(; xoxo call for Sunday specials!! look at my previous ads at bottom for more pics(; - 23
(Cleveland, West Side of Cleveland by zoo)
RIP OFF RIP OFF ALERT 216-240-2209 *** BUSTY BONANZA *** Spicy Seduction ______ ( Italian Pri - 27
) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) REALLY PRETTY BRUNETTE + + + + + + ALL NATURAL DD'S = FUN!!!!!! - 24
(Cleveland, Independence)