Sat 04 Jan
Your Undeniable Desire 💋 is Back 😘 👉🏽👉🏽 Best 👄& 💦🍪 around - Here til Monday - 25
(Cleveland, Beachwood Euclid Eastlake Bedford)
SLIM & Dom & Fetish COLLEGE FRESHMAN incall and Outcall Anywhere - 19
(Cleveland, Cleveland, anywhere)
up all nightshort stay speciaI late night early am specials Come See Me TEXT Makenzie 216-804-2233 - 29
(Cleveland, cleveland east new # 216-804-2233)
~*~ True Sensual Upscale Companionship For The Upscale Gents ~*~ - 36
(Cleveland, LORAIN COUNTY In/out calls)
❤Thick👅Yellow👅Cute & Got💋Head Champ💋💦Ready to Play💋 Specials💋60💧90💧150🌟Pics are Real & Recent🌟 - 23
(Cleveland, 🌹👑Cleveland,Oh 👑🌹🏪In&🚕Out Calls)
[ * SiMpLy InToxiCatinG* ] * Come OuT & PLaY * ? = ?[ *WeLL ReViEwEd* ] ? = ? sPeCiAlS aLL DaY - 21
⭐️SeXy SLIM( Y ) & T R U L Y SKILLED 🎁🎁❤Hazel Eyes😍 & Pretty Natural Boobs(๏人๏)👀♥💕 -2163944561🎥🎥🍭💦 - 20
(Cleveland, Cleveland Out CALLS)
💘 Sexy Sweet 🍬 Young American Girl. dont miss out 614-817-4575 - 24
(Cleveland, Eastlake in and out calls)
Slippery When ×°x°× V®Y ** F®AKy ** G-I-R-L ×°x°× - 27 - 27
(east/west today)
{ SeXy PeTiTe Fre@K } *★* { vErY oPeN-miNdEd } *★* BrAnD NeW + VerY SkiLLed = SaRa! - 21
(**24hr Willoughby InCaLL**)
Slender Attractive Exotic Mix🌟 Puerto Rican and Italian incalls💫😘 ♥ FUN & SEXY! 🎉♥ 😘💕 - - 24
(Cleveland, Cleveland (West))
**~SEXY romanian PLAYMATE* 24hrs. (216)-799-9652 *all day SPECIALS ~** - 21
(Cleveland, cleveland area)
SeXy { Open-MinDeD } HoTTie --- S {3} X __ M3 __ BaBy --- 100% WorTh Ur TiMe - 21
(MenTor Area __ InCaLLs//OuTcaLLS)
♥o°* _Y_O_U_R __ #_1__ C_H_O_I_C_E __ 4__ T_O_D_A_I_I ♥o - 21
(Cleveland, In/outcalls...24/7...anywhere)
LooK!! »»WoW ToTaL PaCKaGe »» !pETiT CaRaMeL! »» A MuSt See !! »» -iNsAnE mOuTh SkiLLs w/FaT aSs - 24
(ClEvElAnD AiRpOrT ArEa {incalls only})
'''''''HOTTT Blond Waiting For Your Call''''' Experience The True GFE I Offer - 26
(in and out call)
***LOOKING * * 4 * * SOME * * ACTION *** 24/7 in/outcall specials - 20
*** Look no further!! just give me a call. you wont be disappointed !!! *** - 25
(Cleveland, parma incall only)
🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Lets make this late night one to remember🌟🌟🌟🌟 the best specials now let's play - 22
(Cleveland, downtown in&out; calls)
~#~#~ LET ~#~ ME ~#~#~ OPERATE ~#~#~ ON ~#~YOU ~#~ WITH ~#~ MY ~#~ SKILLS(Last Day Here!!) - 25
(♔@irport AREA♔)
Like Folgers~Let Me Wake You Up~~80$Early Bird Specials 80$~ Have It Your Way - 25
(♔Cleveland♔24hr In/Outcalls)
*-:¦:-° GoT ThAT SuPeR SoAKah Pu--Y PoP LiKe CoCA~CoLA PLuS iTS TiGhTeR ThAN A ChoKah*-: - 24
(✰clEvEaNd AiRpOrT ArEa ✰)
" Heaven leigh!" Now serving Independence!!! cum out and play with me;) 330-957-1615 - 33
(Independence cleveland)
"The Heaven Leigh" is back:) I'm in Independence.. cum play with me!!! ter approved - 33
HERE 2 SATISFY YOUR EVERY NEED ..the Candy Shop© iz open 100 special 216-925-7894 - 20
(Cleveland, outcall ONLY)
**HaPPy SweeTeSt Day!!if u want done the right way tonight,call soike me to do it just right* - 23
(Cleveland, in call-71&bagley;, out anywhere :))
♥ G O O D ♥ GI R L •:*:• ♥ G O N E ♥ B A D ♥ Lets Party It's My Birthday -818*271*6929 - 20
(Cleveland, (Beachwood) In Call & Out Calls Welcome)
✨❤️Come Let THESE Keep You Warm✨Breathtaking Pleasure*💋✨ Ebony Playmate ** Well REVIEWED!! - 24
(Cleveland, cleveland/east)
👯available N💋W U P S C A L E 💋 100% Real Pics! 💋 Sexy Blonde Busty🍌si espanol NeW Pic New VIdeo - 21
(Airport area 💦OuTIn🚘 Brookpark 480, Cleveland)
Attention Cookie has a new number 216 219 7443.........75 rosses specials - 20
(Cleveland, garfield hts/outcalls anywhere)
☼* aNy SquiRReLs TRyiNg T0 GeT aN EaRLy MoRnInG N ut *☼ FeW DaYs HeRE!! - 24
(✰clEvEaNd AiRpOrT ArEa ✰)
bck In the CITY** Trinity Tres* 80 hh, INCALL, 24HRS. Let me fix yur craving for chocolate!! - 21
(Cleveland, cleve, westside)
Thinking of working as an Escort in North East Ohio? Things you should know . . .
(Cleveland, Downtown)
♥LEt Me Be ♥YoUr SeXy ♥TaSTy TrEAT ♥SaTisFacTioN ♥GaRuNTeeD ♥REVIEWED ! - 24
(Columbus, Upscal incall -bexley-/or out 2 u !)
We'Re FeTish & FaNtaSy FrienDly ($60 HearTs In-Call Special)...> - 24
(Cleveland, E. 260th / OFF I-90 / In & Out)
START OF THE WORK WEEK SPECIAL: 15 minutes free; call/text for details. - 29
(Cleveland, my place west, my bed, at your pace!!!)
(N€W P¡C'S) CØM€ PU† M¥ SK¡LLS 2 TH€ †€S† T¡Gh† Gr¡P WØn'† §L¡P☆ F®€Ak!€§T ØF TH€M ALL!! CoMe SeE!!! - 27
(Cleveland, West airport area 24hr in/outcalls)